
Bully The Strong

Byron darted his eyes around in distress, as did his entire gang.

"That idiot Micheal told me that there were only 7 people in this group!" Byron thought to himself frantically, "How does a crew that I've never heard of have these kinds of numbers!?"

"What's the matter?" Mayr asked while glaring at Byron, "You don't look as confident as you did a few seconds ago. Does it bother you that you weren't able to bully a weak crew like you expected?"

Byron and Jay put angry looks on their faces and looked at Mayr, but Mayr could tell that they were nervous. "I'll make you another deal." Said Mayr. As soon as Mayr said this, the expressions on Byron and Jay's faces lightened up a bit.

"We don't have to get everyone involved," said Mayr, "that'll only cause problems. How about this, me and you, one on one. Your men bragged a lot about your fighting ability. Let's see if you're as tough as you are conceited."

As soon as the members of The Rampers heard this, their distress faded a bit. They were relieved that they wouldn't have to fight when they were outnumbered, but more than this, they were relieved that the outcome of their battle depended on a one-on-one with their boss, who they believed to be the strongest.

"I don't want my men to get their hands dirty unnecessarily when me and you can settle our differences ourselves." Mayr added in an effort to convince Byron.

Byron stood for a moment, looking at Mayr with a stunned gaze. His expression soon changed and he began laughing. "You're stupider than I thought." Byron said as he cackled, "Alright, I'll take you up on that, but don't blame me when you're laying on your face, regretting giving up your only advantage."

Mayr simply responded with a cold stare. "Alright, then." Byron said as he put on a more serious expression and went into his fighting stance. He put his hands up and started moving around on the balls of his feet, a traditional boxing stance. Mayr simply stood with his hands in his pockets and gave Byron an expressionless stare, as if he was bored.

The members of each crew surrounded the two bosses like it was an underground fighting ring. Byron bounced around a bit, keeping his distance from Mayr. He was waiting to see how Mayr planned on winning this fight, but Mayr simply stood still, staring at him unimpressed with his hands in his pocket.

"No, stance?" Byron thought to himself, "Is he that confident or is he just bluffing?"

"Come on, boss!" members of The Rampers shouted, "Finish this small fry off! Show him why you're the strongest!"

The cheers added to Byron's confidence. With a confident smirk on his face, Byron slowly started moving towards Mayr. Mayr stood in the exact same place he stood since the start and glared at Byron.

2 arm lengths. Mayr had this distance memorized. He knew exactly when something or someone was 2 arm lengths from him.

Byron slowly inched his way towards Mayr while bouncing around to make his movement unpredictable. He kept moving forward inch by inch, but the fight wouldn't last long.

As soon as Byron entered Mayr's range of 2 arm lengths, Mayr threw a lightning-fast spinning sidekick right towards Byron's stomach. Byron did not have time to react, heck, he didn't even realize that Mayr threw a kick towards him.

As soon as the kick connected, Byron slouched over and puked. Tears and snot started rolling down his face and he was having a hard time breathing for a few seconds. Every member of The Rampers turned pale when they saw their unbeatable boss get taken down without a single sweat. Their wide eyes stared at the scene, dumbfounded by what they had seen.

As Byron was bent over on his knees with his head on the floor gripping his midsection, Mayr put his foot on his head and pushed down. "It doesn't matter how good you are with your hands if you can't get within punching distance." Mayr said while looking down at Byron.

Once Byron regained his ability to breathe and was able to assess the situation, he realized that there was nothing he could do. In desperation, he moved his eyes towards his crew as his head was stuck under Mayr's foot and yelled "What are you guys doing! Get him!". His crew simply responded with blank stares.

Jay charged towards Mayr in an attempt to save his boss, but he was intercepted by Kashi, who punched him in the jaw and knocked him out.

Mayr looked at the members of The Rampers and then looked back at Byron. "You know that they can't win," Mayr began to speak, "but you would sacrifice their well-being solely for your sake? What a lame excuse for a boss". As Mayr said this, a look of admiration appeared on the faces of the members of The Rampers.

"Alright, Alright!" Byron said frantically from under Mayr's foot, "you can sell in our territory for 10% of the earnings. How does that sound?"

Mayr lifted his foot from Byron's hand and instructed him to sit up. Byron sat on his knees and Mayr squatted down to his eye level and glared at him. "I told you that it was a one-time offer," Mayr said coldly, "Now you have no territory. All of it belongs to me. I tried to offer you something as a gesture of good faith, but being the egotistical imbecile that you are, mistook my kindness for weakness. Now if you ever mess with my people or business again, you're gonna be moving around in a wheelchair."

Fear filled Byron's eyes. Mayr got up and started walking away. Mayr's men followed him while Byron's men simply stared at their backs. Byron slowly also got up and walked towards his men. "Let's get out of here." he said expecting his men to follow, but his men walked right past him. This took him by surprise, he was speechless.

"Excuse me, sir!" the members of The Rampers yelled towards Mayr. "Please take us under your supervision," they said while bowing, "we'll make sure we bring great value to you. Please accept us!"

Mayr thought about it for a second. He looked back, gave them the soccer field address and told them all to meet him there at 6pm next Friday. Joy filled every single face of every single member of the Rampers. "Yes, sir!" They exclaimed and Mayr took his leave.

"Alright, boys," Mayr announced to his crew, "normal operations restart Monday, but over the weekend, we celebrate! We've won the war against The Rampers!". The crew hollered behind him with their fists in the air and voices filled with pride.

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