
Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm.

Title: A wealthy abandoned wife at the start? Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm. Song Ling, reborn as an abandoned wife of a wealthy family, decided to take her daughter and divorce him. She took the original owner's revenge in the process. She returned to her hometown and built a big beautiful farm by the sea. With her powerful planting and healing abilities, she grew fruits that could make people strong and healthy, and excellent medicinal herbs that could cure diseases, and quickly became mega rich. She also lived a happy life in her dream of facing the sea, spring flowers, farming and raising her children, lying flat and collecting money.

Witchy8181 · Urban
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75 Chs

Unexpected Surprise

The core area of ​​ten acres is the area Song Ling cares about most.

She built a 3-story villa in the area.

When she went out to hunt beasts during the apocalypse era, she often ate and stayed here.

Next to the villa, there is a 5-story warehouse with a single floor of 2,000 square meters.

The warehouse stores all the wealth she has accumulated during the post-apocalypse.

In other places, precious medicinal materials such as ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and Dendrobium candidate are planted in the medicinal garden.

All kinds of fruits she likes to eat, are grown in the fruit garden.

These medicinal materials and fruits are all mutated seeds of the post-apocalyptic period, and with the blessing of the spiritual space, the medicinal effects of the medicinal materials are many times better than those before the post-apocalypse, and the fruits are also super delicious.

The fruits that Song Ling took out for her parents to eat were the super fruits grown in the Spiritual Space.

These fruits, which grew and matured under her control, will be a bit larger than ordinary fruits, but they won't look too outrageous.

If the fruit trees after the post-apocalyptic mutation was really allowed to grow naturally, the size of those fruits, would definitely be bigger than you can imagine, super big.

She also sold medicinal herbs and fruits in the post-apocalyptic period, earning her a lot of crystal nuclei and gold and silver treasures.

When Song Ling had advanced to become a Legendary-level Exalt, she had considered at the time that in case she was undefeated in a fight with a zombie king or a mutant beast one day, and if her Exotic Nucleus ran out of energy, would her spirituality space crumble to dust along with her?

Based on this consideration, she had specially used her wood's ability to add the highest level of protection to the core area, the core area of this Spiritual Space, so that it could be preserved.

Song Ling really felt grateful now, fortunately she had the foresight to take precautionary measures in the first place.

After sighing, Song Ling sat down cross-legged in the hall of the villa, and began to practice supernatural powers.

She constantly uses the energy of the supernatural core to sort out and strengthen the muscles of her body and enrich her soul.

Absorbing energy and feeding it back...

Re-absorbing and re-feeding...


A few hours later, her spiritual space expanded outward by a few acres.

It is a pity that all the fruit trees originally planted in these places have disappeared, only a large piece of dead branches and leaves left by the drained vitality.

With a thought of Song Ling, those dead branches and leaves instantly turned into powder, nourishing the land.

In her self-generated Spiritual space, Song Ling was the queen who controlled everything!

A thought of life and a thought of death are all in her mind.

Song Ling also thought about the weeds on the other side of the farm. It would be too much work to remove them only by manpower and machines.

She might as well use her abilities to drain the vitality of those weeds and trees, turning them into rotten wood dust and nourishing the land directly.

And she can also recover faster by absorbing the vitality of these plants.

Song Ling is a person of action, and when she thinks of something, she does it immediately.

She dashed out of space and quietly made her way out the door, activating her psychic powers, and swept towards the farm.

In the blink of an eye, she was at the farm.

It was 4 o'clock in the morning, the surroundings were dark, and the trees were swaying eerily, which looked a little scary.

However, in Song Ling's eyes, it was as if it was daytime, with her vision completely unhindered.

As a supernatural being, with a high level of skill, she wasn't afraid of any demons or ghosts.

Song Ling stood in the middle of the farm, and the power poured out, forming a green vortex, constantly absorbing the surrounding vital.

Where the ability passed, the surrounding trees and weeds instantly decayed, turned into powder, and fell to the ground.

If anyone sees this scene, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

It took Song Ling half an hour to exhaust the vitality of the plants on the 500-acre farm.

After planting, she will also use her abilities to feed it back these vitality into the plants.

As long as she is there, the vitality and vigor of this land will surely be more vigorous and exuberant.

In the future, she will live on her farm, eat from it, and get better from it.

Those employees who worked for her also earned money based on this.

After Song Ling finished her business, she quickly flew back home again.

When she entered the space again, she found that after absorbing the vitality of the 500 acres of plants, the space expanded by hundreds of acres!

What a surprise!

If there is a chance, she will go to the vast and boundless primeval forest of Luofu Mountain to practice for a period of time, and it is estimated that the space can recover faster.

But she still has to develop the farm and take care of her baby, so she has no time to go there for now.

However, now the space has been restored to more than one hundred acres, which is enough for her.

Even if the space is bigger, it's just icing on the cake, and it's okay to recover slowly.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Song Ling left the space.

After she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she went to the backyard.

Those vegetables and fruits planted in the backyard, with her yesterday's supernatural energy moisturizing them, they were all green and vibrant today, hanging with fruits and vegetables.

Song Ling picked a bit of Chinese cabbage, a few tomatoes, a few cucumbers, and a few eggplants, and went to the kitchen on the first floor to make breakfast.

In the apocalypse, Song Ling has cultivated a good cooking skill, making breakfast is no problem.

She found some ribs in the refrigerator, and planned to make ribs and vegetable porridge, then scrambled eggs with tomatoes, patted cucumbers, garlic eggplant, and some homemade pickles to go with the porridge.

At 7:30, Song's father and Song's mother were about to go downstairs when they smelled a strong fragrance.

When they went down to the kitchen on the first floor, they saw Song Ling busy in the kitchen.

Dad Song asked in surprise, "Lingling, why don't you sleep a little longer? I'll just make breakfast."

Song Ling smiled and said to them, "Dad, mom, I used a little bit of energy for the vegetables and fruits in the backyard with my supernatural ability yesterday, I just went to the backyard to see that the vegetables were all ripe, I picked a little bit and came back to make a few dishes, try it out, aren't today's dishes especially delicious?"

"Okay, let's try." Father Song and Mother Song sat down.

Song mother asked again, "Where's Little Xi? Not up yet?"

Song Ling nodded, "Yeah, she's still sleeping, let's eat first, and I left some porridge in the pot for her to eat when she wakes up."

As soon as Song's father and Song mother drank the pork ribs and green vegetable porridge, they felt that today's porridge was very sweet and delicious.

The tomato scrambled eggs are also very delicious, and the cucumbers are refreshing and crispy, The more they eat, the more they want to it.

Even the garlic eggplant, they are full of praise. 

Father Song said excitedly, "Lingling, if our restaurant sells these dishes, the business must be very good."

Song Ling also thought it was okay, and she reminded Dad Song, "Dad, if you really want to sell the vegetables I grow, the price can't be cheap. A plate of green vegetables will cost at least 68 yuan. If you sell them to outsiders, the vegetables must be sold at least 50 yuan a catty."

The harvest of vegetables and fruits is fast, and the return of funds is also fast. Song Ling naturally needs to allocate part of the field to grow vegetables and fruits.

When Song Ling lived in Pengcheng, she saw those supermarkets have a lot of pure ecological pollution-free green vegetables and fruits, as well as to 30-40 kilograms, the taste is not very good.

The vegetables and fruits she grows are not only delicious, but also have higher nutritional value. If they only sell for 50 yuan a catty, many people will definitely buy them.