
Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm.

Title: A wealthy abandoned wife at the start? Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm. Song Ling, reborn as an abandoned wife of a wealthy family, decided to take her daughter and divorce him. She took the original owner's revenge in the process. She returned to her hometown and built a big beautiful farm by the sea. With her powerful planting and healing abilities, she grew fruits that could make people strong and healthy, and excellent medicinal herbs that could cure diseases, and quickly became mega rich. She also lived a happy life in her dream of facing the sea, spring flowers, farming and raising her children, lying flat and collecting money.

Witchy8181 · Urban
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75 Chs

The whereabouts of the nanny

"Now there are many customers queuing up to buy these fruits. When eating, the vegetables and fruits you gave us are also must-order dishes for the guests."

"Ms. Song, to tell you the truth, our hotel's business has increased by 30% because of your fruits and vegetables, and the restaurant is full every day."

"I would like to take the liberty to ask again, is there any way you can send more fruits and vegetables?"

Song Ling smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, you should know that even if I have the goods, it is impossible to sell them all. If they are sold out all at once, what will I sell next?"

Yang Lei instantly understood what she meant, "You mean, we want to engage in hunger sales?"

Song Ling nodded, "All of our fruits and vegetables are limited, I don't care if a wave of them are pushed to the market, but I'm afraid that your hotel's sales will affect your business if there's no follow-up."

Yang Lei was convinced, "Then let's still follow the current quantity, 5,000 catties of fruits and 5,000 catties of vegetables and fruits per day, is that okay?"

Song Ling nodded, "Okay."

She also knows that with this number of deliveries now, Yang Lei's party will have to share it 50/50 with the Sea Pearl Hotel on the Pengcheng side.

When the two hotels are successful in testing the market, it is estimated that the Pearl of the Sea hotels in other cities will also ask Fei Yinzhou to hurry to share the goods over.

In addition to delivering goods to the Sea Pearl Hotel, Song Ling also delivered goods to customers of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

All the feedback from this first wave of their guests was that the fruit was delicious and they're going to buy it again.

In the WeChat group of Lingling Farm, there are 99+ complimentary messages every day.

Song Ling also brought into the group the couple Xiao Dong and Lin Zishan who had repurchased, and the second-generation rich couple Zhang Tao, Luo Jinbo and Zhao Na.

Now in this WeChat group, people often share the effects of eating fruits, and send shopping requests to Song Ling.

After Luo Jinbo bought several hundred catties of fruits in one go that day, he and Zhao Na shared half of it each.

After the two of them kept their own portions, another share was given to their aunts, uncles and cousins as well.

As a result, after those relatives ate these fruits, they all sent messages asking them where they bought these fruits. They wanted to buy them too!

The next day, Luo Jinbo found Song Ling and ordered another thousand catties of fruits from her.

On the farm side, since she bought the farm machine, she has been able to cultivate about fifty acres a day.

Shen Han and the others worked very seriously and even volunteered to work overtime to develop all the land on the farm as soon as possible.

Song Ling hadn't been idle these past two nights, vigorously cultivating seedlings of various fruits and vegetables in the space every night.

After the cultivation was completed, she took out several model houses from the space and installed them overnight to serve as temporary warehouses for the farm.

She then placed these seedlings, seeds, and compost in these model houses.

Song Ling also gave the temporary boarding house warehouse installed air conditioning, now the wires have not been pulled, can only first use the generator to generate electricity, the warehouse interior is adjusted to a constant temperature of eighteen degrees, lest these seedlings be heat death.

Song Ling also told Shen Han that she would be away for two days and let him have full authority to handle the farm affairs.

If there is anything that cannot be handled, call her immediately and she will find a solution for him.

Shen Han also agreed.

After finishing the matters at hand, Song Ling said to Song's father and mother: "Dad, Mom, I have to go to other provinces for something. I want to find the nanny from before and ask about Xiao Lele. I will fly there tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow."

Song's mother asked her with a worried look, "It's been so long, why are you still looking for that person?"

Song Ling said to Song's mother seriously: "Mom, Xiao Lele's death is unknown. I have to ask her to find out. I couldn't find her before, but now I finally have someone find her whereabouts. I have to ask her in person what's going on?"

Song mother said with a bitter face, "Lingling, this province is so far away, you're going alone, how can mom feel comfortable in this unfamiliar place? Why don't we let your father accompany you?"

Father Song also said, "Yes, Dad will go with you."

Song Ling quickly shook her head. "No, no, dad, you still have to open a store. You have forgotten. Your daughter has super powers. Look!"

After Song Ling finished speaking, she swung out a long vine and smashed a modern vase in the distance to pieces.


Father Song and Mother Song were so frightened by her sudden attack and the explosion of the vase that they took a breath.

Song's mother glared at her helplessly. "You kid, you want to show off without saying anything, you almost scared me to death!" 

Song Ling smiled flatteringly and said: "Mom, I just want to tell you in this way that I am very powerful. There are few people who are my opponents. You really don't have to worry."

Song's mother said angrily: "Okay, okay, we're not worried about you. If you want to go, just go!"

Song Ling hugged Song's mother and said gratefully: "Mom, thank you and dad for always loving me so much."

Song's mother patted her gently and said, "Why are you talking so disgustingly? We only have two children, you and A Fei. If I don't love you, who else can I love?"

After saying that, Song's mother asked her again, "What about Xiao Xixi? Stay at home?"

Song Ling nodded, "Xixi will stay at home. Please mom and dad take care of her for me, I'll be back as soon as I can, and if Xixi wants to find me, you can video with me on your cell phone."

Song's mother replied: "Okay, this is the only way."

That night, after Song Ling coaxed Xiao Xixi to sleep, she went into space to do some work.

She didn't tell Xiao Xixi that she was leaving for two days.

She was afraid that if she said this, Xiao Xixi would be afraid of being abandoned, cry again, and refuse to sleep.

Early the next morning, Song Ling had breakfast and drove to the airport.

Her ticket was for 9:30 am and she arrived at Star City at 11 am.

After arriving in Xingcheng, she had to change trains and ride for several hours before arriving at the home of Du Zhaonan's sister, Du Zhaodi.

When they arrived at the airport, Song Ling went through the check-in procedures first.

While waiting in the waiting hall, a man in his thirties sitting next to her suddenly sat down in the empty seat next to her and smiled and struck up a conversation.

"Beautiful girl, where are you going?"

Song Ling turned to look at him. His face was greasy and his eyes were cloudy. He was not a good person at first glance.

She didn't bother to answer him, got up and walked to another empty seat to sit down.

Unexpectedly, the man followed her shamelessly, "Pretty girl, we can make friends! I'm the general manager of Yuanpeng Electronics Company. When you're out and about, it's not bad to have a friend, it's only good."

Song Ling saw that this man had no eyesight at all and was still stalking her. She couldn't help but darken her pretty face and sneered back at him, "You have such a moral character and you want to be friends with me? Get out!"