
Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm.

Title: A wealthy abandoned wife at the start? Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm. Song Ling, reborn as an abandoned wife of a wealthy family, decided to take her daughter and divorce him. She took the original owner's revenge in the process. She returned to her hometown and built a big beautiful farm by the sea. With her powerful planting and healing abilities, she grew fruits that could make people strong and healthy, and excellent medicinal herbs that could cure diseases, and quickly became mega rich. She also lived a happy life in her dream of facing the sea, spring flowers, farming and raising her children, lying flat and collecting money.

Witchy8181 · Urban
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75 Chs

Escorted back to the country

In the room, He Qihang was stripped naked by the extremely powerful Zhuo Xi, and his hands were tied to the bed frame.

The slender whip fell on He Qihang's body again and again, leaving bright red blood marks one after another on his cold white skin.

He Qihang was filled with despair, thinking that he would be safe after leaving the den of thieves.

The results of it?

But he fell into an even more painful abyss.

He, who was not physically strong, finally couldn't bear Zhuo Xi's destruction and torture and fainted. 

Zhuo Xi felt very unhappy when he saw He Qihang passed out and fainted. He said softly to He Qihang, "Throw yourself into the street. A weakling is a weakling. He can't even withstand thirty lashes. What a waste!"

He shook off his whip and walked out the door.

He Qihang was injured and had been unconscious for unknown lengths of time.

He woke up again and immediately found his cell phone. With trembling hands, he dialed He's mother's number.

"Mom, it's me..."

As soon as He's mother heard his voice, she burst into tears, "Ah Hang, how are you doing outside? Are you okay? Ah Hang, our family is going to be over, it's going to be over, woo woo woo..."

He Qihang, who originally wanted to seek comfort and help from his mother, did not expect that something happened at home.

He felt cold in his heart and asked hurriedly: "Mom, what happened? Why is our family in ruins?"

He's mother choked and said: "Jin Cancan died. The Jin family was furious. They teamed up with others to set a trap for your father and took away all the company's money. Our company's capital chain was broken, and all the banks and suppliers were involved." They came here to collect the debt. We sold our savings and houses several times, but it was not enough to pay off the debt..."

He Qihang was greatly shocked, "How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Family has always been his strongest support.

No matter how many things he committed, his parents would take care of him.

But now, even this family is crumbling, and he has lost his only supporter?

So what hope does he have for living?

After a while, He's mother choked and said again: "Ah Hang, the boss of the Jin family said that as long as you come back and plead guilty, they will let us go."

He Qihang suddenly felt cold all over, and the wounds on his body were throbbing with pain.

He suddenly laughed like a psychotic. "Hehehe". 

Mother He heard him laughing like a lunatic on the phone, and asked with some horror: "Ah Hang, are you okay? Mom is not telling you this to force you to come back. You can stay well abroad. With that money, as long as you don't come back, you should be able to live a stable life."

He Qihang laughed while shedding tears and said, "Mom, I regret it, I shouldn't have gotten divorced, originally I caught a good card, but I beat it to death, I regret it, but I can't go back, I can't go back ah..."

He's mother was so distressed when she heard her son crying heartbrokenly on the other end of the phone, "Ah Hang, don't say that, we still have a chance, we must still have a chance, don't cry, don't cry... ..."

He Qihang said with pain in his eyes: "Mom, there is no chance. I was kidnapped here and gave the boss of the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce 100 million to save my life. But I didn't expect that I would be out of the den of thieves. I entered the wolf's den again, Mom, I really regret it now..."

After hearing He Qihang's words, He's mother no longer knew what to say.

What happened to their family recently? Bad luck comes one after another.

Her son's regretful tone reminded Mother He of Song Ling again.

If his son had not divorced Song Ling, he would not have killed Jin Cancan by mistake, and none of this would have happened now.

Mother He suddenly thought of something.

A few years ago, when her son was making trouble to marry Song Ling, she specially took Song Ling's horoscope and went to Hongfa Temple to ask the eminent monk about her horoscope to see if her son could marry her.  What did the eminent monk say at that time?

The eminent monk said: This girl has boundless blessings and great wealth. As long as you treat her well, you will have endless blessings in this life.

But how did their family do it?

In just a few years, they completely forgot the words of the eminent monk.

Could it be that Song Ling was really responsible for their family's current fate?

If she now goes to get Song Ling back and remarry her son, will things at home turn around?

He's mother told He Qihang what she had thought about.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, He Qihang immediately said to He's mother: "Mom, you go find Song Ling immediately, go quickly, go quickly..."

Mother He quickly responded: "Okay, okay, don't worry, I will go find her tomorrow."

During this time, He's mother also had nightmares every night.

However, she did not commit any evil with her own hands, and the punishment she received was far less severe than He Qihang's.

But she couldn't sleep well every day, had nightmares, and big things happened at home, which made her face, which had always been well maintained, look like she had aged ten years.

He's mother comforted He Qihang again and then hung up the phone.

Little did she know that the Public Security Bureau, which had been monitoring her communications, had quickly located He Qihang's location through this phone call between their mother and son.

The Public Security Bureau immediately contacted the Interpol Department in San Francisco, hoping that they could help capture He Qihang, the murder suspect, and extradite him back to the country for trial.

Before He Qihang could wait for the good news about He's mother, he was arrested by the Interpol who suddenly came and put him on the plane very quickly and escorted him back to his country.

He Qihang felt numb inside.

Now he doesn't know whether he should be grateful that he escaped Zhuoxi's clutches? Or should you cry over his misfortune?

If he was caught this time, even if it was a manslaughter, he would probably have to sit in jail.

He wonders if he can come out in this lifetime?

He's mother never told him before that Song Ling had good horoscopes. Otherwise, he would definitely not treat Song Ling like this.

But now, is there any room for redemption between him and her?

Zhuo Xi immediately told Mr. Zhuang the news that He Qihang was arrested by Interpol.

Mr. Zhuang was a little confused, "Why did Wai Guoren cooperate with the domestic actions this time? The speed was so fast. It seems that the person this kid offended is not an ordinary person!"

But no matter who this kid offended, it is none of his business if he is taken back now.

Anyway, he received the 100 million that boy called, so he was wise.

When He Qihang was escorted back to China, Song Ling was also preparing to take a plane to find the nanny.

But before setting off, she had to arrange the things at hand for the past few days.

Song Ling first sent 5,000 catties of fruits and 5,000 catties of vegetables to the Sea Pearl Hotel.

This amount was too little for Yang Lei.

He said to Song Ling with a smile on his face: "Ms. Song, your fruits and vegetables are so delicious. They have conquered all the guests staying in our hotel and those who come over for dinner."