
Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm.

Title: A wealthy abandoned wife at the start? Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm. Song Ling, reborn as an abandoned wife of a wealthy family, decided to take her daughter and divorce him. She took the original owner's revenge in the process. She returned to her hometown and built a big beautiful farm by the sea. With her powerful planting and healing abilities, she grew fruits that could make people strong and healthy, and excellent medicinal herbs that could cure diseases, and quickly became mega rich. She also lived a happy life in her dream of facing the sea, spring flowers, farming and raising her children, lying flat and collecting money.

Witchy8181 · Urban
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75 Chs

Don't worry about selling your goods

"Okay, come on, let's all have a taste."

Song Ling delivered the strawberries and cherries to several relatively friendly passengers around them.

The woman who said before that fruits might contain hormones and genetic modification also reached out.

Song Ling quickly took the fruit back, leaving her hand empty.

The woman stared with anger.

Song Ling sneered back at her, she won't let her eat it! Gluttony will kill you!

That woman was scolding Song Ling with fierce eyes, you cheapskate, why are you so small-minded?

Song Ling chuckled, yes! That's how I hold a grudge!

The two boxes of fruit were split between us, one for each of them, in no time at all.

Everyone who had eaten it praised it loudly.

Everyone asked Song Ling for her WeChat ID, and told her to add them as a friend after getting off the plane, and asked her to let them join in the group so that they can also buy these fruits.

Song Ling told them the price again.

These days, those who can travel by plane are generally not in a bad economic situation.

They also said that the price was not an issue.

Considering the excellent quality of this fruit, the price set by Song Ling is really a conscientious price.

Song Ling also didn't expect that she could develop a lot of customers just by flying.

This is a good product that you don't have to worry about selling!

An hour and a half later, the plane landed steadily at Star City Airport.

Huo Zhenghong and the others immediately added Song Ling as their friends as soon as they got off the plane.

Song Ling also added them one by one, and then pulled them into the WeChat group of Lingling Farm.

She also told them that she was on a business trip these days and would not be able to send fruit to everyone until she returned in two days.

Everyone said there was no problem and then waved goodbye to Song Ling.

Yue Dongcheng was the last to leave.

Before leaving, he asked Song Ling, "Sister Ling, where are you going? Do you want me to take you off?"

Both he and Song Ling was only returning to Star City for a period of time, and neither of them had brought much with them.

Song Ling only carried a large backpack.

She said to Yue Dongcheng: "No, Xiao Yue, please go home quickly. We will make an appointment when we have time after we return to Huicheng."

Yue Dongcheng didn't force himself, he smiled and waved to her, "Okay, Sister Ling, I'll go now, see you later!"

"Okay, see you later!"

Song Ling watched Yue Dongcheng get into the car, and then she took a taxi.

In places like airports, there are always drivers waiting for passengers.

She placed an order for a taxi on the mobile app, and someone immediately took the order, and the car came quickly.

What surprised Song Ling was that the driver was actually a woman named Weng Yu.

Song Ling checked the license plate number on the taxi app and got in the car.

When Weng Yu saw that the taxi driver was such a beautiful girl, she smiled and asked her, "Sister, are you the customer with the last number 9918?"

Song Ling smiled back: "Yes."

Weng Yu asked again: "Your destination this time is Niutoushan Village in Yuanlin County, right?"

Song Ling: "Yes."

Weng Yu said politely: "Our trip this time will take about four and a half hours. Please fasten your seat belt, we are ready to go."


Although Weng Yu is a female driver, she drives very skillfully and steadily, and is also very focused, and will not talk to Song Ling.

This was exactly what Song Ling wanted.

She sat back in the back seat, closed her eyes, and let her consciousness go directly into space.

After a trip of more than four hours, she was able to do a lot of things in the space.

She has now become a supplier to the Pearl of the Sea Hotel and delivers a lot of goods to the Pearl of the Sea Hotel everyday.

There are more and more individual tourists now.

She's fine now, just preparing some more goods in the space.

Now the space has expanded to two hundred acres. The more things are planted inside, the internal circulation is accelerated, and the space is restored faster and faster.

Before, ten acres were restored everyday.

Now it can recover twenty acres a day.

The production capacity of two hundred acres is huge.

Here in space, she doesn't have as many worries as outside. She doesn't have to control the output. The natural output can be as high as it is.

Song Ling directly ripened the first batch of cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cherries, strawberries, watermelons, apples, peaches, etc. That Old Liu's family replanted.

The yield of these crops in the space is more than twice that of the outside.

Things like cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers cannot be called seedlings, they should be called trees.

The branches of each seedling are as thick as a baby's arm and more than two meters high. The branches are covered with fruits.

Song Ling likes picking fruits very much, and also likes the joy and satisfaction when farming and harvesting.

During this period, the space harvested another 1.5 million jins of strawberries, 600,000 jins of cherries, 1 million jins of cherry tomatoes, 600,000 jins of peaches, and more than 1 million jins of grapes.

There are also many other fruits...

Cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, pumpkins, baby cabbage, spinach, etc. were also harvested at 300,000 to 500,000 jins each.

Fortunately, after she ripened the first batch, she did not ripen any more.

But even if she doesn't use wood-type powers to ripen, there is enough spiritual energy in this space, and these fruits and vegetables will still ripen very quickly, at least twice as fast as outside.

Song Ling saw that the original inventory in the warehouse had not been cleared, but now there was so much more inventory that the warehouse could not fit in it, and some had to be piled outside first.

After she returns, she will increase the shipment volume of Ocean Pearl Hotel.

During the post-apocalyptic period, the base was a large base with tens of millions of people. At that time, her space had more than 10,000 acres of land, and the fruits and vegetables produced were not enough for the base to consume. 

She lay down and counted money almost everyday, and she also knew that many people envied her, were jealous of her, and wanted to replace her.

Just like her "best friend" Qin Qing, who had been lying low by her side for so long, she finally gave her a fatal blow when she was seriously injured in the battle with the mutated beast.

Although she was sent to see the King of Hell before she died, Song Ling always felt that her death was aggrieved.

She originally thought that she was the strongest person and should be able to deal with all changes and conspiracies.

But she didn't realize that she was still arrogant and still couldn't withstand the knife stabbed in the back by the person next to her.

The only good thing is that she was reborn into this stable world.

There is a beautiful life here, and there are relatives and children who love her. She is a blessing in disguise.

While thinking about these things, Song Ling used her mind to control and pack the fruits.

Four hours later, she had packed a lot of fruit.

Seeing that she was almost at her destination, Song Ling withdrew her consciousness from the space and silently ran the wood power throughout her body, quickly recovering the energy and physical energy she had consumed today.

After arriving at the boundary of Yuanlin County, the road leading to Niutoushan Village is winding and surrounded by mountains. It is really remote.

No wonder that Du Zhaonan would hide here.

It was already past four in the afternoon when we arrived at the entrance of Niutoushan Village.

Song Ling paid the bill before getting off the car.

Then, she said to the driver Weng Yu: "Miss Weng, I estimate that I can finish the job in about an hour. I would like to rent your car back. Could you please wait for me here?"