
Don't lose your smile (Danmachi x bloodborn)

After the death of his family in an accident, a lonely teenager in search of strength and a new friends goes to the labyrinth city of Orario. After a series of unfortunate events and stupid decisions, Crowley finds himself in a completely unfamiliar and frightening world. Oh yes, and something also damaged his hunter's mark, so his path will be much more difficult than expected. _______________________________________ English is my second language, and in my native language I have never written anything resembling a complete work. I write fanfiction to improve my English and writing skills in general. Please be understanding. (I am still open to constructive criticism on any points). _______________________________________ And of course, I do not own danmachi or bloodborn, as well as the original characters for the works.(Found the cover on Google images, if this causes any problems please contact me). I consider only the plot of this particular fanfic and OC to be mine.

Justlucky · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Hunter's Notes (Spoilers!)

1. Don't let your guard down and move carefully.

2. In a fight, do not lose your balance and distribute your weight so as not to lose the ability to jump sharply in any direction.

3. Fight with animal-like opponents gradually, at a distance, slowly accumulating damage until they weaken and die. Due to their durability and strength, they tend to ignore damage and rush forward mindlessly.

4. In battle, watch your surroundings; an unsuccessful collision with surrounding objects leads to disastrous consequences.

5. Don't approach strangers until you know their intentions. Or at least be prepared to take retaliatory action.

6. The blood of creatures has incredibly powerful healing properties.

7. You should not take a direct blow to the weapon; redirect incoming attacks to the sides, away from your body. At such moments, the clumsy opponent loses his balance and remains completely open to a counterattack. A more experienced opponent will quickly close the gap. (PS What to do in this case?)

8. An otherworld cemetery is the only safe place.

9. In battle, you should move actively; a sedentary target is the most vulnerable.

10. Line up your opponents so they can't attack you at the same time.

P.S.In a narrow space, opponents are not able to bypass each other, which turns such a fight into a test of endurance.

11. In a hunter's dream there is a workshop where one can temper weapons. In exchange for blood echoes, the Doll is able to strengthen the hunter's body.

P.S. To upgrade a weapon, you must have blood echoes and blood stone shards.

P. S. S. Improved weapons can withstand the power of up to 3 inserted gems, which provide unique effects.

12. A well-aimed blow to vulnerable parts instantly kills or at least incapacitates wild ones.

13. Polearm weapons lose their effectiveness as the distance decreases.

P.S.Creatures with enormous strength can still crush you with the handle of their weapons.

14. A bullet fired at the right moment causes short-term paralysis. At this moment the opportunity arises to strike a decisive blow.

15. If possible, it is worth extracting blood from defeated enemies.

16. When you die, you lose all blood echoes.

17. Use cover to avoid enemy shots.

18. Don't underestimate any living creature in these areas.

19. Carry a light source with you.

20. Bricks thrown with furious force are a fatal weapon.

21. When landing, try to redirect the energy from the collision, for example by rolling forward on the ground.

22. When attacking from above, strike tangentially, trying to cut off any limb of the target.

23. As the stage of infection increases, the strength and speed of the patient grows as well, but the mind suffers.

24. When going down the ladders, look down and behind your back more often.Look at your way, especially when you can't see the surface you're walking on.

P.S Check the surface above your head for monsters.

25. Beast Plague reduces or even completely disables interspecies aggression between those infected.

26. The dead have no use for things, let their property help those still alive.

27. When faced with a large enemy, lure him out into the open

28. Don't let fear stop you.

29. After enough amount of damage dealt to the supporting limbs of the beasts, they lose their balance, exposing the most vulnerable parts to a blow.

30. Something that is commonly called insight here brings you closer to the "Great Ones." But you have to pay for it.

31. According to the doll, I have great potential. I can't give up.

32. Meeting and defeating powerful enemies leads to an increase in the level of insight.

33.During each attempt, you need to collect as much information as possible.

34. Before the battle you should prepare thoroughly.

35.The accumulated power allowed the old hunters to learn supernatural skills.

35. In any situation, those with arcane magic are primary targets.

36.Always think positively, this is an important survival skill.

37. There is a monster inside each of us, and the longer we contain it, the stronger it grows. P.S. Pale blood are immune to the plague of the beast.

38. After a large number of deaths, the hunter's body develops partial immunity to various poisons.

P.S. Is it possible to develop complete immunity?

39. Beasts are vulnerable to fire and slashing damage.

Kins to electricity and piercing.

Nightmarish creatures to arcane. Hunters to poison.

40. Increasing the level of insight increase reading speed and memory.

The notes posted here are a reflection of the thoughts and skills of the main character at the time of the last chapters.

Justluckycreators' thoughts