
don't burn my heart

"professor Ling may I come in "Zuryi asked timidly as she knocked on the glass door. "yes, come in,how are you, do you need anything?"Ling Yue asked trying his best to conceal the affection in his eyes. "I'm fine thank you professor,may I ask you"she said with her head down "ask anything, I'm here to help"he said thinking it was the normal questions that most students would ask him. "are you from this planet?"she asked as she faced him. sweat collected on his brows as he looked at Zuryi perplexed looking for an answer first he took a deep breath " excuse me, what do you mean......"his words were cut of when he was suddenly silenced before he could react he felt something soft and wet crash on his lips then he realized Zuryi was kissing him but he subconsciously kissed her back the kiss lasted for sometime that felt like eternity for them but as they separated Zuryi yelled"I can see! yes " but her joy was short lived as she realized what she had done "professor Ling I'm sorry I'll pack up my things and leave please forgive me" "wait,I didn't excuse you come here "she had no choice but to follow"sit"he said as he pointed at his lap. Zuryi was stunned for a moment but then hurried and sat on his lap"professor I'm sorry please spare me I....."she wanted to ask for forgiveness but was overwhelmed by a feeling she felt just mere moments ago and responded by reflex but soon tried to stop seeing things were about to go further she pried herself away from him with great effort "please professor stop"said as she ran out of the office and immediately went home but late realized her bag was still in professor Ling's office Zuryi is a young lady born different but hidden only with the help of the former universal empress will she unlock her true power but for that she must pay the price living two lives can be difficult especially when you love

Mercy_Tendo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter two - drool over me

"Zuryi slow down you know I can't keep up with your speed I'm old."Zuryi's grandmother shouted in a weak but alive voice"oh sorry gran I'm just so excited."Zuryi said as she rushed back to help her grandmother walk better "Excited for what you're eighteen years old your just going to college now grow up and stop acting like a bumbo, unhand me this instant do I look old and helpless to you now just said playfully as she shook of Zuryi's hand off."But Gran you just said and I quote"Zuryi slow down don't you know I can't keep up with your speed I'm old" ring a bell" Zuryi said as she hugged her Gran but failed to put on an angry face so she resorted to pouting her lips."ok, but still grow up how are you going to get me a grandson in-law if you make all mean feel like they are dating their daughter."

"don't worry Gran I'll make them drool over me to the point of dehydration and everytime they look at me they will surely breakup with their girlfriends just to try to get a chance with me." Zuryi said as she raised her chest in supremacy with a stupid grin on her face "If you dare even try to do that I'll be mad and proud of you mad cause your a homewrecker proud because I have a beautiful granddaughter"Gran said as she pulled Zuryi's ear due to her short height Zuryi had to bend her back.

her ear was pulled all the way to the airport port "Gran please let go my back hurts like I'm sixty years old"she whined but soon regretted it and in response she got a death glare "Sixty,sixty young lady do I look like my back hurts want me to get down and give you twenty "Gran said half kidding and half serious

"oh Gran I will never say that again please forgive this lowlife"Zuryi said wierdly but sincerely as she Curtsied "Fine I forgive you but remember be careful and don't let anyone bully you ok"Gran said as she hugged her granddaughter and sent her off to her plane

"God, please help her she's too special we can't afford to lose her"Gran whisphered as she looked at her granddaughter's back as she entered the plane"Anyway she'll be fine"she sighed

"ok, first time away from home ,this is what the air smells like, hmm smells funny."Zuryi thought as she tried to remember what her Gran told her"fifty steps forward step to the right twice and sit"she said as she found her way to her seat "hello"a child said to her "Hello darling how are you what's your name?"she said in a sweet voice

"I'm fine auntie my name is Troy are you also going to China ?"

"nice to meet you Troy, yes I am,I'm going so that I can study and buy all the candy in the world"

"really can you give me some when you're done"the little boy asked with wide eyes filled with excitement and innocence

"maybe but depends if you're a good boy ok"

"yes I'll be a good boy"he said as he tapped on his puffed up chest

"awesome, but for now, you can have this"she said as she handed the boy a toffee.

and in a few seconds the plane took off and the flight was smooth till suddenly everyone started screaming when Zuryi woke up and heard sirens all around she started to panic"mommy, wake up, auntie why isn't mommy waking up"the little boy cried.

Zuryi hurried and checked the woman's pulse and found it to be very weak"Don't worry mommy will be fine, don't cry"she said as she wiped the tears from the child's face."wait what if ?"she said as she closed her eyes and was engulfed in a grey light and time slowed down she then opened her eyes that were now glowing a silver light"I can't let them die"she said as she appeared infront of the plane and raised her hand infront of it it was soon engulfed in the same light and followed the movements of her hand and landed softy on the ground then teleported back to her seat and all went back to normal everyone was shocked and confused but Zuryi was fast carried the little boy's mother and hurried to the nearest hospital.

after waiting at the emergency room door while counseling Troy for three hours a doctor came out and removed his mask with a grim expression "we tried our best but we still failed to save her I'm she said as she kissed him on the forehead"and they exited the hospital after settling the bill