1 Me? A Hero!?

"Uh, what a waste." sighed Tom, as he looked down a dark, damp alley. The sound of violent shuffling and muffled half screams could just be made out from within.

Tom had had enough of this city, small as it was, it was far from idyllic. This sort of thing is so common that there really is no point in trying to help. Chances are that if he did, he would only get violently murdered by whoever was in there.

If by some stroke of godly intervention he did mange to: A, stop the ****; and B, not get killed in the process, he could count his final days on this earth with one hand. There isn't a single person in Thrallport not affiliated with one gang or another.

He sighed one more time and turned to walk away. After two steps he stopped, sighed again, turned around and walked into the shadows. "I just know I'm going to regret this." He muttered under his breath.

The sound of ripping clothes reached his ears. With every step his heartbeat hammered harder in his chest. In the shadows he could make out three large figures crowding around a much smaller one. The girl (and it was a girl he could now see, not a woman) had long dark ringlets, absurdly fair skin, and was well endowed for her age.

The men crowding around her all looked the same, wearing what might as well be a uniform for the gangs. All of them were clad in dark hoodies, a blood red bandana wrapped around their faces. Dark jeans a size too big for them, underwear clearly visible. The biggest of them had a chunky gold chain around his neck. They were from The New Bloods gang (ironically the oldest gang in the city) judging from the bandanas they wore.

"Hurry the fuck up dipshits. Rip them off her already damnit!" the largest of the men shouted. The girl let out a high pitched whimper. "It's fine Frank, take it easy, savour the moment." one of the goons replied lazily. Tom's breath hitched. 'This is so stupid. I'm just gonna get out of here!' he thought. Decision made he turned around, heart in his throat, and kicked a glass bottle.

All eyes snapped to him. The girls eyes with dawning hope. The boss sneered out "Look at this little piece of shit. I think we've got ourselves a wannabe hero." The two others chuckled sinisterly.

"Let her go!" Tom shouted in the hope of drawing more attention. "I've already called the police!" He bluffed, slowly backing away towards the entrance of the alley.

"Oh, you hear that Sid, Garry?" The leader gestured towards Tom with two fingers, signalling his men to surround him. "He called the police. I'm shaking in my boots right now, I really am." He drawled out with dark amusement.

Using the distraction made by Tom the girl made a run for it. With unexpected swiftness, before anybody could think to stop her, she was already past Tom. "Thanks for the help. Sorry about your luck!" She shouted cheerily just as she left the alley.

Tom couldn't believe it. The gangsters just stood there in mute shock. "Well, Fuck." Tom muttered drawing attention back to himself.

"What the fuck have you done boy! Do you realise how ard it it to find a bird like that in this city!? Fucking kill him lads!" Frank shouted.

With a quick burst of speed Frank swung at his face. Tom just barely managed to pull back out of the way, but it was too late. Garry smashed the bottle Tom kicked into the back of his head splitting him open. Blood gushed down his face as his legs fell from under him.

The gangsters laid into him with punches and kicks. Tom curled up into a ball and screamed in agony, whilst trying his best to cover his head with his arms to little effect.

Again and again they smashed into him. "This is what you get boy! This is what you get... when you fuck... with the bloods! Fucking... Dead!" Frank screamed at Tom between kicks. He grabbed the smashed bottle out of Garry's hand, crouched down and stabbed Tom twice in the back. "Let's go lads. Leave this shit to bleed out." Frank said as he walked away.

With every step the gangsters took Tom's eyesight grew darker and darker. 'I knew I would fucking regret this. This is what happens when people try. This is what happens to so called hero's. If I survive this i'll never...' he died without finishing the thought.
