
Don’t eat your ex-girlfriend’s cookies, you may be isekai’d

Author: Intheclouds
Fantasy Romance
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What is Don’t eat your ex-girlfriend’s cookies, you may be isekai’d

Read Don’t eat your ex-girlfriend’s cookies, you may be isekai’d novel written by the author Intheclouds on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy Romance stories, covering action, adventure, comedy, magic, isekai. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


In retrospect those cookies looked incredible, with the little swirling designs. So, Tomo, obviously, eats them. Bad idea. Now Tomo is stuck in another dimension, whose people have been waiting for their supposed savior which was, him. The prophecy states that the 6,000th man that joins them shall free them of the witch’s bond and return them to the world they once knew of. So when the 6,000th member finally joins them, the little town bursts into a cheer, hosting parties and lifting Tomo through town, where flowers litter the path he walks. However Tomo can’t help but think the prophecy made a grave error, since the prophecy had also stated that this newcomer would host magic never seen before.

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为了报仇,顾君柯算计了世人忌惮的神秘安家少主,成为众人倾羡的豪门主母。 一个性格阴晴多变,做事不择手段,甚至包养男人。 一个谦和有礼,风雅绝伦,却手握重权,薄情寡欲,一切成谜,毫无弱点。 事实上: 顾君柯精心谋划,誓要让那些人血债血偿! 可当她一步步建立自己的商业帝国时,却发现有些事似乎偏离了轨迹…… 比如: 那个温润世家公子,眼睛不眨杀人的时候… 比如: 曾经包养的情人,竟以另一个身份霸气归来… 比如: 刚好被老公撞见和旧情人的“约会”… 后来, 坊间传闻,那个高高在上的男人从神坛走下来,变得心狠手辣,助纣为虐,不过弱点倒有了一个,怕老婆。 --------- 开始的时候,她说:“美人,我喜欢你~” 后来,她说:“安少,我们离婚吧~” ◆ 运筹帷幄的安氏总裁有一天突然发现,自己竟然被骗了?! “吃完就想跑么?渣女~”男人委屈的扯开了领带,衬衫领口松开,露出精致的锁骨。 “呃……敢不敢不用美人计?!” ◆ 后台小采访: “安少,请问您和夫人平时的兴趣爱好是什么?” “没什么特别的,她喜欢虐渣,而我,喜欢宠她。” ———— 一对一,男主身心干净,男强女强,强强联手! 女主负责爽文,男主负责宠文~ 请点击“加入书架”,解锁精彩剧情哦~

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