
A Worried Girlfriend...and Fight

AN: Hi guys, I'm back with another chapter. Finals will be over by next week, so I'll be free then to write more. But I also have a trip to Vegas soon afterward so..... Oh well. And another chapter after this too.

Here's the story. Just finished it a little over midnight. *Cries in pain*


(Phone messages)

Slipping into bed, Naoto was just about to pull his covers up when he heard the table vibrate. Looking over, he saw the table vibrate again from his phones vibration. Picking up the phone, he saw several messages from Nagatoro:

[Girlfriend]: Hey~! Senpai🙀

[Girlfriend]: Hey~! Senpai🙀

[Girlfriend]: r u awake 😿

[Him]: yes

[Him]: go to sleep, its almost midnight. we'lll see each other tmr

[[Girlfriend]: No 🙈

[Girlfriend]: senpai, guess a message between 1 and 100

[Him]: y

[Girlfriend]: if you guess wihin 10 numbers, ill send you something thirsty


[Him]: goodnight.

Exasperated, he put his phone down. But as he laid his phone down, he noticed a image sent from Nagatoro. Assuming that it would be some funny 'Haha, what did you think I meant by thirsty,' prank, he decided to just look at it in the morning.

Morning came.

Walking out of the bathroom after a morning workout, he walked by his deck and noticed his phone. Remembering to check his phone this morning, he nonchalantly opened up his messages. He did a double take as he took in what he just saw. If he was drinking something, he would've spit it out.

It was an innocent picture enough at first glance, just Nagatoro taking a selfie showing her in bed as well. But unknowingly, her selfie also showed sticking under her pillow one of the many pictures she had of him. If it was only that, he could understand his girlfriend somewhat sleeping with a photo of him. But, curse his knowledge of such cursed items(Mineta!!!!), he also noticed the wet stain on it alongside the a green object sticking out from under the pillow as well.

Blushing at the realization, he decided to delete the picture.


(Morning of Alien Invasion)

"You can't get past me me, Senpai!" shouted Nagatoro, hunched over as she kept on guard against her opponent.

Across from her, Senpai was dribbling the cautiously left and right, only to be tailed by Nagatoro wherever he went. When Senpai tried to get distance, she closed that distance. When Senpai tried to break her ankles, she kicked his ankles and said 'my bad!' to cover up her blatantly obvious fouls. The current score was 16-20 in her favor. Looking at Senpai was trying to go for a layup again, she was going to use the move that always let her score.

"I-I told you to stop kissing me whenever I try to score, N-Nagatoro! That's cheating!" complained Senpai who she just stole the ball from.

"It's not cheating," she said smugly, "it's using your skills and intelligences to the best of your knowledge, 'ya know."

"I suppose..." Senpai said, looking deep in thought. Suddenly, the ball she was casually bouncing in her hand was gone. Hearing the sound of footsteps against the cement floor, she turned around to see Senpai dunk the basketball, hanging off the hoop momentarily before letting go and falling back on to the ground. He saw the start of a smirk appear on his face.

"That's not fair, Senpai!" she shouted at Senpai. "You know I'm too short to do a dunk!"

"Is it that my fault you were born short, 'Naga-shortie'?" teased Senpai.

No! That's BULLYING, Senpai! You can't do that!

Running up to him, she started drumming her fists in anger at his chest. "Meanie! Idiot! Loach-Senpai!"

Senpai chuckled at her before he looked down at his watch. Watching him, Nagatoro noticed that he was wearing her green scarf, despite the moderate weather and the sun shining down on their bodies. Of course, she wasn't complaining about his basketball shorts and tank top either.

"Do you want to grab a bite before we head over to Sakura's house," Senpai asked. Their plan this weekend was to play some basketball before heading to Sakura's house for a whole day of shopping at 3.

But as they both walked out of the basketball court, Nagatoro heard vibrations come from her boyfriend's pocket.

Giving her a sorry look, she gave him a nod before Nagatoro heard a quick 'thanks,' before walking off a bit for some privacy. Shortly afterwards, he came back with that exact look he had always had before leaving for some 'business.'

"It's fine, I understand."

Senpai looked at the ground before beginning to talk in a small voice. "No, it's not. I have to always leave at a sudden notice, and I can't even tell you why-."

"Senpai!" Nagatoro shouted, slapping both his cheek. She lifted his face so that she could see his eyes. "It's ok! Just do what you need to do. I'm ready whenever you'll tell what 'this' is happening."

Leaning forward, she gave Senpai a long kiss. Slowly moving away from his lips, she gave Senpai a small smile. "Come back to me, ok?"

Senpai smiled.

"All right. I promise."



Sitting on the couch, she stared at the TV in silent shock with the rest of her friends.

"Man," said Gamou, staring at the TV. "aliens exist huh?"

"No!" cried Sakura. "I'm too young to have my brains eaten yet!"

"Brains?" asked Yoshi, "I thought zombies ate brains?"

"Oh no, zombie aliens, wah!" cried Sakura even harder. Yoshi, who was already on edge from the discovery of aliens, started crying as well. The two started hugging each other as they wept.

"Calm down you crybabies," complained Gamou, "didn't you hear? They said they had it covered."

[We have just received an even closer picture at the epicenter of the destruction-]

"Be quiet guys," shushed Nagatoro. "There's more news."

[-as you can see here, there appears to be young man with a bat, two men with what appears to be samurai sword, and-]

"Hayacchi! Where are you going?!" shouted Gamou, Yoshi, and Sakura. But Nagatoro was already out of the door. Seeing this, her friends without word followed the tanner girl outside the door as well.

[-old man fighting some type of humanoid monster with multiple heads. This shot was taken by the overheard helicopter cameras before the air zone was restricted. We'll get back to you with more news.]


"Gamou, are you sure you know how to drive?!" shrieked Nagatoro as she held onto the overhead handle tightly as the car shook heavily on the bumpy road. In the back, Yoshi and Sakura were having the worst of the bumps as they went inches off their seat only to be pulled right back in by their seatbelts. The two were holding hands together tightly and looking considerably paler than usual.

"Don't sweat it," said Gamou, who nonchalantly drove the red Tacoma. "My dad owns a car rental shop, so I know a thing or two 'bout cars. Turn right?"

"No, turn left!" shouted Nagatoro. The pickup truck took a sharp left and continued down the dirt road deeper and deeper into the forest.

Gamou looked at her review mirrors a couple of times before glancing at her. "How do you even know where Paisen is anyways?"

"I tracked his phone."

"WHAT?!" shouted everyone else. Nagatoro just shrugged at their outburst. "I downloaded an app on his phone when he using the toilet to tell me where he is." said Nagatoro casually as she looked down on her phone at the minimal displayed.

"Isn't that like stalker-level creeps, Hayase?" asked Sakura.

"Stalker creepy," repeated Yoshi. "Stalker creepy."

"Besides that," butted in Gamou, "why are we even tracking your boyfriend anyways?"

Nagatoro took a deep breath before she began her explanation. "So you know how Senpai disappears often, right?"

Seeing the nods of everyone else, she continued. "So after downloading the app on his phone, I noticed something strange. Senpai would head to this location right before appearing at some location far away."

"So you're saying that Senpai used something here to get somewhere else quickly?" answered Sakura.

"Bingo," said Nagatoro.

"But where are we heading?" asked Yoshi, still confused at what Hayase was getting at.

"San Diego."

"WHAT?!" they shouted. Gamou quickly stopped the car. "WHY are we heading to the potentially alien-infested city on the other side of the world, Hayacchi?"

"Senpai's there." said Nagatoro.

"So let me get this straight," said Gamou, "we're heading halfway across the world so your yandere-ass can be reassured her boyfriend is ok?"





"...Well, I guess this calls for a road trip!" shouted Gamou as she started the car again down the dirt path.

"Road trip! Road trip!" chorused Yoshi and Sakura as they cheered in the back.

Nagatoro smiled at their antics. They were the best friends a girl could have.

Suddenly the car stopped.

"Hey, Gamou, why did you stop?" asked Nagatoro as she turned to face the girl.

"...guess they had security here, huh?" said Gamou out loud.

Looking outside the car window, Nagatoro noticed that they were now surrounded on all sides by multiple military humvees. She could notice in the distance a couple of helicopters heading their way as well. Around them were at least a dozen of men with their guns drawn.

"Crab baskets." she cursed.


(Below the spaceship)

"Raagh!" roared Melzargard. With a grunt, he formed multiple raggedly sharp tentacles that shot through the air, causing the wind to howl.

Metal Bat jumped into the air, dodging one of the tentacles. Noticing several more approaching him midair, he used his bat to deflect one of the tentacles before smashing down and breaking it. Using his bat, Metal Bat ziplined down using the tentacle as his rope.

To the side, Rengoku flared with fire and energy, rapidly melting and slicing the tentacles in succession as they came towards him. Rengoku, deciding to have some fun, stabbed his sword into the ground before grabbing a tentacle with each hand. Looking closely at his mouth, one could notice a small mist of air release from the corners of the swordsman's lips. Rengoku leaned back, his feet digging into the ground and cracking the cement below.

"Nice catch," said Silverfang.

Silverfang quickly utilized this moment to begin running up on one of the trapped tentacles. His arms became like water, flowing forward without stop or hesitation. In a single breath, Silverfang, now standing behind Melzargard, was now holding crystalline, blue marble in his hand.

"Found it," said Silverfang. With some exertion from his fingers, the old man shattered the marble-like object.

Melzargrad roared again, but this time in pain. Noticeably, one of his heads deflated before dripping down to the ground and melting the floor.

"One more to-" suddenly, Silverfang was thrown back from a direct blow from the enraged guardian of Boros.

"Silverfang!" shouted Atomic Samurai.

"I realized it now," began Melzargard, "you lifeforms are fragile and weak. If I stop focusing on my defenses and put everything in my attacks, it will be a simple chore to dispose of your weaklings. Especially you with the ponytail. I just need to be quick enough to squeeze your puny skull. I can't wait to see your eyeballs pop out as your head is flattened like a ball."

Atomic Samurai raised his sword as he glared back at the large alien. "Be my guest."


Boros sat calmly on his throne as he sensed unknown lifeforms approaching him.

"So he's come."

The doors to the throne room burst forward with a large bang. A cloud of debris rose from the ground, obscuring the mysterious person...no, people. From the dust stepped forward three figures.

It was Deku, King, and Gojo.

Glancing at the new intruders, he saw an insanely dense aura surround each intruder. But only the aura of one individual unarguably dwarfed the trio.

'This planet's finest warrior....' thought Boros, 'I can sense no limit to his energy.'

"You the boss of these invaders?" asked Gojo, all trace of smugness gone. The moment his [Six Eyes] sensed the tremendous amount of power coming from straight ahead, he began to take this seriously.

Unseen to all others, behind King stood a golden figure that floated behind the blond-haired man with a passive face. King himself was freaking out internally in contrast to his emotionless face.

'I WANT TO LEAVE!' screamed King in his head, 'Why can't I just game in peace! I'm seriously going to die! No! I haven't finished gaining enough affection points to kiss Chi-Chi-chan! Nooo!'

"Wonderful!" shouted Boros gleefully. "So many strong opponents, but I'm afraid I won't be able to fight all of you."

"Why is that?" asked Deku.

"I was prophesized by a seer that the one to beat me lived here," stated Boros. "I wish to duel that opponent, to prove that my strength defies even fate itself."

"What's stopping us from ganging up and destroying you right now?" asked Gojo.

"Simple, I will destroy this planet along with myself."

The three looked at each other before giving a quick nod amongst themselves. "We accept."

"Good, before we fight, let us exchange names." said Boros, standing up from his throne. "I lead the pirate band known as Dark Matter, and am Dominator of the Universe: Boros!" Boros then pointed his finger to the middle of the trio: Deku. "What is your name, the strongest on this planet?"

"I'm Izuku-I mean, I'm, uh, a professional hero: Deku." said Deku cautiously.

"Deku..." said Boros, testing the name as he said it out loud with a smile. "I hope that your strength is enough to end my boring days of ravishing galaxies. My men thought it was a ruse by the seer to send me far away in hopes of being forgotten, but now...I see that she was not mistaken. Give stimulation to my existences. This is why I'm here!"

But as soon as the wild-haired alien finished talking, Deku delivered a punch straight to Boros' chest, sending the alien flying into the wall, destroying both it and the throne in the process.

"Destroying planets just to give your life stimulation...? The countless lives lost... the innocent people that would've been wiped out in the city below just like so many others done by you. All for what? To give you a challenge? I don't understand what you're talking about, and frankly I don't care. I will stop you." said Deku, green lighting crackling around him as the voltage increased with his rising anger in his [Full-Cowl] mode.

From the indent of the wall, Boros laid there for a few moments before standing forward. Soon, the cracks formed on the armor began to tremble violently before bursting away in broken shards of metal across the room. The alien's blue skin soon started to stretch as the muscles began to bulge, increasing more and more in density.

"This set of armor," said Boros, still reeling from the first punch, "used to seal in my immeasurable, irresistible power... has been broken."




The three looked at each other as if to ask, 'did he really just say that?'

But as the monster tried to begin his transformation, Deku appeared at Boros' side, delivering a roundhouse kick that sent him flying once again.

"What are you doing?!" screamed Boros in surprise.

"Following the plan," said King smirking, despite the undeniable, pants wetting(he already peed his pants) fear he felt.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Five sounds chimed in succession, each sounding like a hammer hitting an anvil. And for each chime, another moment. Another moment where the world stilled for a single second. It was very little time, but it was all the time needed.

"Gotch you now, blue boy," said Gojo. Clasping his hands together, a bright light burst from his hands. As the light disappeared, so did everyone in the throne room. What was left was a large black dome.


"HOW DARE YOU-" before Boros could finish his sentence, his form was frozen once again by King. Using that moment, Deku delivered a rain of blows on the motionless body of Boros before he was sent flying again. A distance away from the two duking it out was Gojo, eyes closed in concentration as he focused on maintaining his [Domain Expansion] from breaking.

Earlier when the four heroes met on the ship, Gojo used his [Six Eyes] to inform the others of the exponentially dangerous levels of energy coming from the North. Wanting to warn the others, they sent Netero, who was still recovering from his injuries, back down. After quick planning, the remainder of the heroes decided to use King's [World Engine] to momentarily stop the opponent and buy Gojo enough time to trap them and the enemy inside. This would prevent any collateral damage from occurring if things got too messy. That would leave King and Deku to fight their unknown assailant, as they were doing now.

As the situation was going, Deku, with the assistance of King, was beating the alien conqueror with no remorse, giving the alien no time to respond to the near-instantaneous attacks delivered. This left Boros to focus most of his power on quickly healing back from the attacks and delivering quick bursts of energy before he was frozen again.

"You'll...never...kill...me...I...will...heal...any..wound...you...deal...me" said Boros, managing to get those words out after each time he was frozen.

Looking back, he gave the other two a quick glance. While Deku knew that they looked composed now, the exertion placed on the two by overusing their abilities would eventually get to them. He couldn't prolong this any longer. It was time to test something he's been working on.

After delivering consecutive [Detroit Smashes] to Boros, he quickly pulled a couple of strands of hairs from his hand before spitting on it. It's been something he's been mulling over ever since All Might told him to eat that strand of hair. Questions of how his body, in all its entirety, could handle the awesome power of [One For All]. How the digestive enzymes of the spit were considered an act of 'Transfer.' How this new version of his powers after combining with [All For One] acted like a reactor of energy as they combusted. Something that he thought he would never need to test because of the potentially unadulterated amount of power it would bring.

As soon as his punch connected to Boros' chest once again, he began the process. 'I allow this power to pass-,' thought Deku, '[All For One] to me!'

And for an instance in time, [All For One] in almost all of its entirely was stored in those strands of hairs and saliva, a moment before it would return to his body. But at that moment, the entirely of [One For All] had already reached his fist. And at that moment when two opposite forces met, just as they did before, they collided.

The world turned white.


(Outside in the Air)

Floating in the air, both Mob and Terrible Tornado had just finished throwing the bombshells back towards the ship.

"Sis, what do we do now?" asked Mob, panting slightly from using his power to catch so many bombardments. "It looks like they stopped."

Rubbing her chin, Tornado snapped her fingers in enlightenment. "I know what! We can just tear off pieces from the ship to throw at it, right?"

"Sis! You're so smart!"

"Hmmph! O-Of course I am! I'm the oldest, thus meaning I'm the best." said Tornado as she complimented herself.

"You're so cool, big Sis!" responded Mob in wonder. Seeing her brother so amazed by her. Tatsumaki blushed before looking the other way. "Just get back to working!"



(On the Ground)

"Ahaha!" laughed Melzargard. Forming a giant blade in his hand, he ran towards Atomic Samurai swinging.

With ease, the Samurai dodge and cut the arm blade to pieces as they kept reforming back after being destroyed time and time again.

"You sure make things interesting," said Atomic Samurai calmly in contrast to the multiple bulging veins now present on his forehead.

Panting, Melzargard sent the Heroes a degrading smile. "I'm just getting started."

"The stiffness in my shoulder is gone." From afar, the seemingly incapacitated Silverfang casually walked back towards the fight while rotating his shoulder cuff multiple times. His shirt, destroyed from the alien's punch, revealed the old man's extremely muscular physique that defied his old age. "But I suppose I am a little rusty."

Surprised, the bulky brown alien widened its eyes. "Impossible, you're still aliv-"

"Forget something?"

From behind Melzargard appeared Atomic Samurai, his face shadowed as his eyes glowed red.

"Atomic Slash!" Atomic Samurai slashed countless times, turning the alien's body into hundreds of pieces, causing the body to collapse into a pile of dust and revealing the marble core.

"Such insolence!"

"You always move your heart around to prevent us from destroying it." said Silverfang as he strolled through the pile of dust swirling around, "but as you regenerate, you always start with the head, and at the center of the head..."

Suddenly, in the midst of the storm of dust, a hand shot through the reforming head of Melzargard. In Silverfang's fingers once again was the marble core. "After seeing it so much, even a monkey can figure it out. See? Checkmate."

"No-!" But with a flex of the old man's fingers, the marble core was crushed. The swirling cloud of dust fell, scattering apart before disappearing into the wind.

Atomic Samurai smiled seeing his old friend still alive. "It would've took me one more swing to kill that thing. Keep your hands to yourself, Silverfang."

"Goodness," said Silverfang as he scratched his scarred back, "I really do need to do more full-body workouts."

"We got all the heads!" shouted Rengoku, stabbing his sword back into the ground once again to clap. "That means we have succeeded in this extermination mission! Victory is ours! Hahaha!"

"Would ya shut it up for once, ya loud Cheeto-fuck?!" complained Metal Bat. Glancing up, he the hooligan looked at the bigger problem. "Yeah, but there's still that big-ass ship up there."

"Don't worry, we sent some of the strongest people up there, eventually, knowing them, that ship will be long gone before we know it." remarked Silverfang.

But as Atomic Samurai was going to speak up, he noticed several military vehicles driving closer towards them. And from the windows, he saw several girls frantically waving and shouting at them.

"Bother, I thought the agency people handled quarantining this area off. Why the hell are they bringing teenage girls here?" asked Metal Bat.

"BANG-SENSEI!" shouted one of the girls. As the car got closer, they could notice that the girl shouting sensei was a young girl with dark hair and tanned skin.

As one, all the heroes present turned to Silverfang. Raising both hands in surrender, Silverfang looked embarrassed. "Ah, one of those girls happens to be my disciple. Let's go see what they're doing here."

Getting out the car, they noticed multiple armed personnel surge out of the cars alongside the group of teenage girls. As the the other Heroes became busy talking with the agents and officers from the IDA and military, Bang noticed Nagatoro approach him running.

"Sensei!" shouted Nagatoro, running into Bang's arms to give him a quick hug. "Are you all right?! I heard that you were fighting a super tough alien thing. Ah, why are you shirtless, sensei?"

Bang chuckled at the girl's antics. "I lost it after getting punched through several walls. I'm surprised my pants didn't get destroyed in the process as well. Hehe."

As medical personal soon started to inspect the old martial artists, Nagatoro asked another question.

"Sensei...where is Senpai?" said the girl with a worried tone.

"Oh, Hachioji-shonen would happen to be up-"

A bright light shone brightly from the ship, blinding everyone below before a following large explosion followed, shaking the Earth.



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