
Domino high 5: the tales of ancient Egypt

Author: tare_rew
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 6.6K Views
  • 3 Chs
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It’s the tales of the main characters enter the memories of the pharaohs, can they help him regain his memories along with Yami Clara’s

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Chapter 1Episode 1

(The episode opens with Bakura running away through the alley)

Yami Bakura: And where do you think you are going?

(Bakura continues running)

Bakura: This can't be happening, not again

(Bakura enters a church)

Bakura: I should be safe here

(Bakura is walking around cautiously)

(The lights start to go on)

(Evil laughter)

Bakura: No, stay away

Yami Bakura: I can't do that, I still have a mission to collect all the millennium items, right now we only have one; but that will change, all I need is you

Bakura: No

Yami Bakura: You don't have much of a choice

Bakura: You can't force

Yami Bakura: That's where you're wrong

(The windows break and a dark aura surrounds Bakura)

Yami Bakura: Greatest shadow game will happen

(The screen shows Egypt and three men on a camel)

(Solomon is showing as an younger adult)

Solomon: There it is, the valley of the kings

Man #2: Can we turn around?

Man #1: Not a chance, right Doctor Mutuo?

Solomon: I'm on the greatest discovery of my life, there is no way I can turn back

Man #2: There are over sixty tombs that were discovered in that valley, but even so nobody has tried to enter the pharaoh's tomb, doctor.

Man #1: There was one who was driven mad and now wanders our village repeating the same phrase over and over again "The Shadow game beware"

Solomon: The shadow game, that's exactly what I'm looking for

Man #2: It's only fair to warn you this tomb is loaded with traps built by the ancients to protwect the Great Treasure within.

Man#1: Remember we are just guides, we can only lead you as far as the entrance to the tomb. Once we get inside you lead us, after all it is your expertise that will lead you to riches you seek.

Solomon: You are mistaken, I'm after something much greater than that.

Man #1: I don't follow

Solomon: I wouldn't expect you too

(Solomon and the two men continue exploring the desert)

(The screen shows the moon)

(Animal howls)

Solomon: What better time to enter a tomb than the stroke of midnight. Let's go

Man #2: Right now?

Solomon (Grabbing the stick with fire on it): Is there a problem with that?

Man #1: No, but I do have a question for you. What are you looking for? You said you don't seek riches, so what do you seek?

Solomon: That's not exactly what I said, sure what I seek isn't to become rich, but the thing I seek is definitely a treasure in it's own way. You see I like to play games and I believe inside that tomb is the greatest game ever played.

Man #1: Doctor Mutuo, I don't what lies in that cavern, but I assure you it's no game

(They start walking)

Solomon (narrating): And so, at the stroke of midnight, our journey began. A journey into a world that would change my life forever

(Solomon and the two men look into the tomb and walk inside)

Solomon (narrating): The tomb of the nameless pharaoh

(The men and Solomon sees a bunch of skeleton)

Man #2: I thought no one ever entered this tomb!

Solomon: No one in the last five thousand years, judging by these skeletons.

(Man #2 sees a rock snake with ruby eyes)

Man #2: Look

(Man #1 turns around to sees the snake eyes)

Man #1: I bet you've never seen any snake eyes like those

(Man #2 tries to go after the snake's ruby eyes)

Solomon: Wait I a minute

Man #2: Back off, those jewels belong to us

Solomon: JUst wait (Throws his stick at the snake)

(Two rock snakes releases a two needles which split the stick apart)

Solomon (smiles): It seems like the game has already begun.

(Solomon and the two men walk through the pathway)

Man #2: This pathway leads nowhere

Man #1: He's right

Solomon: Not necessarily

(They see a giant statue)

(They walk to a frame)

(Solomon feels the frame)

Man #2: Let's move on, there's no treasure here.

Man #1: What a waste of time

Solomon: Don't be so sure

(Solomon light the black stuff that was on the frame)

(Hieroglyphics is revealed)

Solomon: Beyond here...lies the resting place of the great pharaoh. Only those who show respect may enter. All others will be engulfed by the pits of shadows.

Man #1: And you expect us to believe that

Solomon: Look, all I know is this spot is the entrance to that pharaoh's tomb

Man #2: I don't see any entrance, do you?

(The floor started moving)

(Solomon and the two men move out of the way)

(Staircases are revealed)

Solomon: Looks like an entrance to me. Boys meet Horus, Egyptian god of light and the gatekeeper of the pharaoh's tomb.

Man #2: It's a sort of maze

Man #1: Well, it's not terribly difficult one

Solomon: Don't be so sure, these fellas seemed to have failed

(Solomon kicked a sword into a pit)

Solomon: Seems we found our pit, now who'd like to go first?

Man #1: I vote for you, after all you seem to be the expert

Man #2: Let's go, it's not worth it, knowing my luck I'll end up in the pit of shadows.

Man #1: Listen up, we've come too far to turn back now, he'll clear the maze and then you and I will claim the prize

Man #2: Yeah, but

Man #1: There's nothing to worry about, trust me

Man #2: If you say so

(Man #1 steps on a trap)

(A door with spikes on the bottom slams down)

Man #2: We're trapped

(Spikes appear from the wall and gets closer)

Man #1: It's worse that

Man #2: Do something, Doctor Mutuo

(Solomon runs into the maze and looks at a statue)

(THe statue with two swords tries to attack Solomon)

Solomon: I told you there's more to this maze than meets the eye.

(Solomon walks backward using his foot and the statue stops, but when he used the other foot the statue tried to attack again)

Solomon (narrating): Then it dawned on me that the pharaoh is respected as much as the gods, which is why every statue is craved with the left foot forward, which is a sign of respect.

Solomon: I have a solution walk with your left foot forward

(The two men walk with their left foot forward)

(Man #2 is walking, when he gets scared and moves his right foot forward, which makes the statue attack and he falls in the pit)

Man #1: No

Solomon: I'm sorry, but those are the rules of the shadow game

Man #1: You will pay for that

(The screen shows Solomon finding more hieroglyphics with Man #1 behind him)

Solomon: Ye shall now be judged by the creature of the stone, only the pure of heart of heart are permitted to pass. All others will lose their souls to the darkness

Man #1: Why should I believe all this ancient gibberish

Solomon: Have you not been paying attention to everything that has been going on?

(Man #1 sees a box)

Man #1: That must be the pharaoh's tomb and judging from the past there must be a ton of booby traps around it, go on.

(Solomon walks forward)

Solomon (narrating): I felt a strange sensation. It was as if there was another presence in the room.

(Solomon continues walking)

Solomon (narrating): NOw I knew my guide was blinded by his own greed..but what I didn't know was just how far he was willing to go.

(Solomon was shot by a gun)

(Man #1 is shown with gun, puts it in his pocket, and walks forward)

Man #1: Thanks doctor Mutuo, I can take it from here

Solomon: You snake

Man #1: I got a treasure to take

(Man #1 got captured by a monster and screams)

Solomon (thought): I can't hold on, and I was so close

(A light is shown revealing the pharaoh)

(Solomon looked shocked)

(The pharaoh holds out his hand)

(Solomon was able to climb back up and the pharaoh was gone)

Solomon (Narrating): When I regained cousiness it was like the darkness had been lifted.

(Solomon got up)

Solomon: Is someone there?

Solomon (narrating): And that's when it happened, it was like the artifact was calling to me

(The box was shining)

(Solomon grabbed the box)

Solomon: I'll always keep it safe

(The flashback ends and back to the present)

Solomon: And I always do

(Yugi, Clara, and Kanisha looked fascinated)

Kanisha (looking excited): Wow, Mr. Mutuo did all of that really happen?

Solomon: I may have exaggerated a bit

Solomon: What brought up this sudden interest in my old adventures? Does this have anything to do with your trip tomorrow?

Clara: Yeah

Yugi: Tomorrow we will be going to Egypt

Kanisha: By any chance do you remember where the tomb was?

Solomon: Can't say I do, but I can say stay away from it, it's much too dangerous

Yugi: We have to get the pharaoh back his memories

Solomon: Okay, but before I leave, may I have one last look at the Egyptian god cards?

Yugi: Grandpa, you already looked at them about

Kanisha: Over a hundred times

Clara: Aren't you tired of looking at them?

Solomon: Please just one more time

(Yugi gets the three cards out of the box and let Solomon holds them)

Solomon: Can't you leave them here

Kanisha and Clara: Mr. Mutuo

Yugi: Grandpa, the pharaoh needs those otherwise, he won't be able to unlock his memories

Solomon: Sorry, this is what the pharaoh's been waiting for, that's why he saved me

(Solomon stands up)

Solomon: Listen everybody, you all will hold the key to bringing the spirits inside you to their resting place, so you must treat every challenge you face like a game, trust your instincts and you'll come on top. Got it

Kanisha, Clara, and Yugi: Right

Solomon: Alright, now get some rest you all have a big day tomorrow

Kanisha and Clara: Good night, Mr. Mutuo

Yugi: Good night, grandpa

(The lights are turned off)

(The screen shows Yugi at school)

The pharaoh: What are you thinking about?

Yugi: I was just thinking about how much my life changed since I met you, I used to spend so much time alone, but every since I finished the millennium puzzle, my life has changed forever

(The screen shows Yugi and The pharaoh side by side)

Yugi: You gave me the confidence to be able to make new friends and not only that I wouldn't be the great duelist I am without you. Face it, us meeting is the best thing that has happened in my life.

The pharaoh: Thank you

Yugi: No thank you, I wouldn't be who I am without you, I just hope I can return the favor.

The pharaoh: But you already have, I was alone for 2000 years until I met you and then your friends became my friends too.

Yugi: I never thought of it that way

The pharaoh: Well, it's true

(The screen switches to Kanisha flying outside)

Kamia: I don't have to go, I can stay here

Kanisha: Kamia, it's okay, you don't need to stay on my on my account

Kamia: But, your dad and your friends

Kanisha: I already have told my dad, and I will tell my friends soon

Kamia (looking emotional): But, you are dating Joey

(Kanisha lands on the floor, then turns around to Kamia with the moon in the background)

Kanisha: Kamia, I don't want you to be stuck here tied down to me, besides some of your magic inside of me, so I won't die immediately thanks to you and I am stronger

Kamia (looking she is about to cry): And what if your wrong, I don't want to leave if you aren't okay

Kanisha: Think of it like this, each of us will be finding our happy place, okay?

Kamia: Thank you for being an amazing friend, no you are like a sister to me

Kanisha: And same to you

(The screen shows Clara and Yami Clara looking at Kanisha and Kamia from a distance)

Yami Clara: I didn't know

(Clara crying)

Yami Clara: Clara?

Clara (with tears coming down): Why? Why?

(The rain starts)

Yami Clara: Clara, you should get her before you both get sick

Clara: Kanisha!

(Kanisha turns around to see Clara)

Kanisha (flies down): Clara, did I make you worry?

(Clara hugs Kanisha)

Clara: Teleport us out of here

(Kanisha snaps her fingers)

(Clara and Kanisha appear in Yugi's house)

Clara (with tears in her eyes): Why? Why didn't you tell us?

Kanisha: You should've known that this would happen

Clara (pull on Kanisha's shirt): That doesn't mean I approve of this.

Kanisha: I can't tie down Kamia, here

Clara: What about your life? What about us? What about your dad? What about Joey?

Kanisha: Her magic still lives within me, I'll be fine

Clara (crying): Your lying, I know you know the alternative will happen, if you two split apart

(Kanisha was silent)

Kanisha (thought): Maybe I do, but

(Kanisha sees Clara's ring glow)

Yami Clara (wipes her eyes): Why can't you give her an honest answer?

Kanisha: I didn't expect you to switch

Clara: Why did you switch?

Yami Clara: Calm down, I switch us back (looks at Kanisha) be honest, are you really doing this for her or are you being selfish?

Kanisha: It might be both, Kamia and I have had so many great adventures along with all of you, shared so many moments, but I think it's time for it to end

Yami Clara: What if she feels it's too soon, what if you're wrong? And you die immediately if she separates for you, would you really like to put everybody through that pain?

Kanisha: I can't stay like this anymore

Yami Clara: So, that's it after all this time you going to give up

Kanisha: I already made my decision and I hope you and Clara will respect it, as Kamia has

Yami Clara/Clara: Are you positive that this the decision you want to make?

(Kanisha hugs Yami Clara)

Kanisha: Yes, it is, I would rather die helping a friend than keep her here like this

(Kamia, Clara, and Yami Clara look surprised)

(The episode ends with Yugi with in the hallway with tears in his eyes, The pharaoh beside him, looking shocked)

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