
episode 5

(The opening shows The pharaoh coming out of an egyptian slab)

(A sword is shown spinning and then Kanisha is shown with Kamia behind her)

(A ring is shown glowing, then Clara is shown with Yami Clara beside her)

(The screen shows Kanisha, The Pharaoh, and Clara in the middle of city seeing a bunch of screens on buildings showing Kaiba with an evil look in his eye)

(Joey is shown taking a card out of his deck, while Serenity behind him with bandages covering her eyes)

(The millennium necklace is shown and then Ishizu is revealed)

(The rare hunters are shown)

(The Egyptian gods are revealed)

(Kanisha and Joey facing each other in a duel)

(Kanisha is shown with Kali the guardian of fire)

(The pharaoh is shown with Dark Magician)

(Yami Clara is shown with Dark Magician Girl)

(Kaiba is shown with Blue-eyes Dragon)

(The screen shows Marik on a throne with a cloak on with the millennium rod)

(Kanisha is shown with crystal wings)

(Friends are shown supporting)

(The opening ends with Clara, Kanisha, and The pharaoh side by side)

(The episode opens with Kanisha, Yugi, and Clara at Yugi's house)

Kanisha: She said something about a dueling tournament

Clara: So, you will get a invitation

(Yugi takes an invitation out of his Mail)

Yami Yugi: It's true.

Kanisha (flying by Yugi) (looking at Yugi's invitation): Does it say who is hosting the event?

(Yugi's puzzle glows)

The pharaoh: Unfortunately no.

Kanisha (looking shocked): Pharaoh!

The pharaoh: Did I scare you?

Kanisha (with her arms behind her back): Not really, I was expecting a response from Yugi.

The pharaoh: Sorry, but would it make you feel better if I invite you to come with me to see the duelists in this tournament

Kanisha (smiles): Really?! I love to

Clara: I wouldn't mind coming too

The pharaoh: Of course

Kanisha: Hold it, I'll be right back.

(Kanisha disappears, then reappears with an envelope)

Clara: Kanisha (points to the invitation) what is that?

Kanisha: You guys won't believe this (smiles) I was invited to the dueling tournament

Clara (looking surprised): No way!

Kanisha: I know, I will be battling with Yugi

Clara: That is interesting

The pharaoh: Congratulations Kanisha

(Kanisha smiles, while flying and stops)

Kanisha: Oh, and (looks at Clara) I got your invitation, sorry I went to your house.

(Clara looked surprised)

Clara: Well, I'm happy I got invited, but next time (hits Kanisha on the head) don't snoop in my mail

Kanisha: I deserve that, but now all three of us get to compete

The pharaoh: That's great, it seems fate that has decided to have us be side by side in this turn of events.

Kanisha: I guess that makes sense, pharaoh after all inside me is the soul of your best friend that helped you in the past.

The pharaoh: Indeed.

Clara: Don't forget me, after all I do have the soul of a queen (smiles at the pharaoh) your queen.

The pharaoh (blushed): It's too bad that I don't remember marrying

(Clara's ring glows)

Yami Clara: It's okay, after all I remember that

Kanisha: Awww!

Kamia: How sweet

Yami Clara: I don't need your input, little nuisance

Kamia: How cruel, I was just praising how sweet you can act. I didn't think you had it in you.

Yami Clara: Why you annoying

Kamia: Easy girl, queens shouldn't let your anger take over.

Yami Clara: Says the warrior who has a sadistic side to you, I thought warriors were supposed to be pure.

(Kamia and Yami Clara stare each other with a deadly glare)

Kanisha (looking at Yami Clara and Kamia): Are you two done yet?

Kamia and Yami Clara: Not even close

Kanisha: Then, you leave me no choice.

(Kanisha, The pharaoh and Yami Clara appear in the city)

Yami Clara (looking at Kamia): This isn't over

Kamia (looking at Yami Clara): I agree

Kanisha: Great, look around.

(The pharaoh and Yami Clara sees a bunch of duelists)

A voice: Clara! Kanisha! Yugi!

(The pharaoh, Yami Clara, and Kanisha turns around and sees Tea, Joey, and Tristan)

The pharaoh: What are all you doing here?

Tea: We heard about a bunch of duelists gathering around

Joey: So, we assumed that you all would be here.

Kanisha: Good assumption, so Joey, you didn't get invited

Joey: Unfortunately no

A voice: Yugi!

(Everybody saw Mai Valentine)

Tea: It's Mai Valentine.

Mai Valentine: I thought I heard familiar voice

(Kanisha makes her wings disappear)

Mai Valentine (looks at Kanisha): Who are you? You look familiar

Kanisha: I'm Kanisha Sukiyaki, pleasure to meet you, did you meet Yugi in Duelist Kingdom

Mai Valentine: I did, and now I know you (looks at Kanisha) you're the girl that created the new deck.

Kanisha: I am

Mai Valentine (looks at Clara): And you?

Yami Clara: You can just call me Clara Tucker

Mai Valentine (smiles): So, Yugi, you finally got a girlfriend

(Yami Clara and the pharaoh blush)

Mai Valentine: Judging by that reaction, that means yes.

The pharaoh (looking at Mai): So, you are competing in this?

Mai Valentine: Why of course

Kanisha: So, do you know who's hosting this event?

Mai Valentine: No, nobody else knows, but rumors it's a person with a big ego and a lot of money. My guess is Kaiba.

Yami Clara: Of course

Kanisha: So, will he be competing in his own tournament?

Mai Valentine: Maybe

(Helicopter appears)

(Everybody looks up)

(Screens around the city shows Seto Kaiba)

Kaiba: It seems that all of you had the brains to shows up.

(People complained)

Kanisha (thought): What a jerk

Kamia: I agree

Kaiba: You will all notice that you were given a locator card with your invitation, if you collect all 6 locator cards you can make a map to the special place; Also, for this tournament whenever you duel the stakes will be high, you have to give up your rarest card.

(People looked shocked)

The pharaoh: I could lose my dark magiciam

Mai Valentine: That means if I lose even one duel that could ruin my deck.

Kanisha: That could be bad.

(On the screens Kaiba reveals his new dueling disk)

Kaiba: All of you must get this new dueling disk that was made from Kaiba corporation.

(People looked excited)

Joey: I got to get me one of those

Kanisha: How?

Joey: I'll find a way.

Kanisha (thought): I have a bad feeling

Kamia: I'm more worried about the great evil Ishizu was talking about

Kanisha: Me too

Kaiba: These tournament will be more challenging and I'll be competing in this tournament.

Kanisha: I was right

The pharaoh: It makes sense.

Kaiba: So, prepare yourself duelists

(Episode ends)