
episode 15 part 3

(The opening shows The pharaoh coming out of an egyptian slab)

(A sword is shown spinning and then Kanisha is shown with Kamia behind her)

(A ring is shown glowing, then Clara is shown with Yami Clara beside her)

(The screen shows Kanisha, The Pharaoh, and Clara in the middle of city seeing a bunch of screens on buildings showing Kaiba with an evil look in his eye)

(Joey is shown taking a card out of his deck, while Serenity behind him with bandages covering her eyes)

(The millennium necklace is shown and then Ishizu is revealed)

(The rare hunters are shown)

(The Egyptian gods are revealed)

(Kanisha and Joey facing each other in a duel)

(Kanisha is shown with Kali the guardian of fire)

(The pharaoh is shown with Dark Magician)

(Yami Clara is shown with Dark Magician Girl)

(Kaiba is shown with Blue-eyes Dragon)

(The screen shows Marik on a throne with a cloak on with the millennium rod)

(Kanisha is shown with crystal wings)

(Friends are shown supporting)

(The opening ends with Clara, Kanisha, and The pharaoh side by side)

(The episode opens with Yugi and Arkana facing each other)

The pharaoh: It seems that your plan to destroy me seem to fail

Arkana (thought): You may have avoided that one but you're still only have 700 life points left

Arkana: Your dark magician is destroyed and your life points are almost at zero.

The pharaoh: That will never happen. You've already lost by putting your trust in a scoundrel like Marik. Do you actually believe that if you defeat me he'll reunite with your lost love Catherine? It's a lie, Marik is not to be trusted.

Arkana (looking at Catherine): Don't listen to him sweetie, we'll be together soon!

Arkana (thought): Marik will be pleased when he sees how I defeated Yugi

The pharaoh: Arkana, why don't you save yourself.

Arkana: Now, I'll place one monster facedown and end my turn. Yugi, remember this is my show and the grand finale is so close. Don't forget him the king of all dark magicians

The pharaoh: Not even close, what kind of kind extract the soul of his very own Dark Magician? You disrespect your cards and rely on tricks to win

Akana: Why's that, Yugi? Remember your life points are nearly gone, prepare yourself as I show the last trick out of my hat

The pharaoh: I'm afraid your tricks will have to wait, since your turn's over . It's time for me to take control of this duel, I summon Gazella the king of mythical Beasts

(The card is revealed)

Arkana (thought): He fell right into my trap

Arkana: Activate Shadow Balance!

(The trap is revealed)

Arkana: This trap card makes the number of monsters you have on the field equal to the number I have and since I don't have any monsters on the field at that moment that means you won't have any now.

The pharaoh: This means My defense is gone

Arkana: And it leaves your life points good for the taken.

(The trap takes The pharaoh's monster and crushes them on the balance)

Arkana: Now, what are you going to do? Your dark magician is gone and you have no monster to defend you, nothing can save you now.

(Arkana pulls a card from his hand)

Arkana (thought): Exactly the card I need

Arkana: Now, I hold in my hand the key to your defeat. I told you I was the true master of the dark magician and what master would have only one dark magician in his deck. But I have another one that I can summon without sacrificing anything

(A card is revealed to be a skeleton with a cape)

Arkana: And all I have to do is give up half of my life points, now present yourself dark magician

(The skeleton reveals the dark magician)

Arkana: You can't win, Yugi, my deck was designed to fit my needs, this is the end of you. Oh and if you are depending on your face down card, I have my Anti-magic arrows.

(The card reveals Anti-magic arrows)

Arkana: Now, seek and destroy, my arrows

(The arrows hit both The pharaoh's face down cards)

Arkana: Looks like I've got you completely pinned down now. This show is over, Dark magician attack him directly.

(Arkana's dark magician charges to The Pharaoh)

The pharaoh: Not so fast, Arkana

(The card Arkana used appears on the Pharaoh's side)

Arkana (looking shocked): What's going on? My dark curtain is working for you too

The Pharaoh: Yes! You should read the rules more closely. It can be summoned to both sides of the dueling field. So that means I can trade half of my life points to summon a monster

Arkana: But, you only have one dark magician

The pharaoh: Well, you are partially right.

Arkana: Stop speaking in riddles

The Pharaoh: Well you see my dark magician is more powerful than yours.

Arkana: Wait, it can't be, only one person has that card

The Pharaoh: Well, now I hold it as well

(The dark curtain reveals Dark Magician girl)

Arkana: It is, it's the dark magician girl, well as impressive as it is that you acquired this card, she still has less attack points than my Dark magician's. Dark Magician attack Dark Magician girl

(Dark Magician attacks Dark Magician)

(There was an explosion)

Arkana: Finally, he is defeated

The PHaraoh: I don't think so, you might want to take another look

(Arkana sees his dark magician is gone and Dark Magician is still standing)

Arkana: How my dark magician had more attack points than her

The Pharaoh: Wrong again, Arkana, you see my dark magician gains another 300 points for every Dark magician in the graveyard making her more strong;

Arkana: and since you have one dark magician in your graveyard, wHich means her total of attack points is 2300, but then that means my dark magician still outranks her by 200 points

The Pharaoh: OPen your eyes, and you will see why you are wrong

Arkana (sees his dark magician beside Dark Magician girl): Why would the power of my Dark Magician be reborn in your monster?

The Pharaoh: Dark magician gains points from every Dark magician no matter who's graveyard it is. So, when you destroyed your first magician you helped give my dark magician girl the power she needed to destroy your second and now Arkana, prepare for my grand finale. Dark Magician girl attack his life points directly

(Dark magician girl attacks Arkana and Arkan's life points go to zero)

Arkana: It can't be

The Pharaoh: But, it is because you relied on trickery and not believing in the heart of the cards.

(The disks heads for Arkana)

Arkana (looking scared): Oh no, no

(A box opens revealing a key and a locator card)

(The episode ends)