
This is actually awesome.

A cleaver goes in. It is a very strange experience as we slow time enough for me to very carefully maneuver the angle and twist at the right time to splay the arteries and consequently spray blood out in a large parabolic arc hoping to obscure the vision of those who would wish to end our life (again).

We tumble to the ground together, me on top of the limp man's form. Unfortunately having to waste another 2 seconds pull back the mans helmet and swing the cleaver directly into his skull, he would have taken at least another 10 to become brain-dead by which time we would likely have been properly dead. One of the remaining 5 men's blades has begun to glow with an indistinct red warping blur as they all turn to face me. I am in no way eager to find out what that can do to me. And just my luck despite being impressively disgusting, blood didn't fly nearly far enough to distract anyone by hitting them in the face.

We freeze time as the first mans soul exits this plane of existence.

|#| Annnd. Oh man Jackpot! |#|

Jackpot? I like Jackpot.

|#| Yeah no kidding, this guy wasn't just some random bandit, he must have had a lot of friends and family that will mourn and be affected by his passing. Maybe even some kind of powerful political or military backing that will be frustrated with the loss of their pawn. To put it a way you can easily grasp, lets say that ending your average human life should net us a total of about 5 let's call them Causality points. This guy just got us 17.3! I was expecting to have to weave something to help us flee, but this could give us a real shot at maybe winning. Can you imagine, killing 45men which saves the lives of another 7, we could be off to a fantastic start." |#|

Fantastic. Because I am a little girl and 5 full grown heavily armed men who have some kind of magic on their side are about to try and kill me, so, what can we do with 17 'Causality' points?

|#| Well... as you know every universe has its own set of 'rules' for lack of a better word that every existence within must obey. In some universes powerful entities can learn to temporarily twist these rules to achieve all manner supra-natural effects highly dependent on the foundations they are manipulating. But they cannot actually break these rules forever. We can. I can even reforge some into entirely new functions that will only apply to you. The possibilities are literally endless." |#|

That sounds unstoppable.

|#| "There are limits. The most obvious you already know is that I need a baseline material to weave these changes out of, that's the Causality. The more extreme the change the more material is needed. It is also easier to tack on and alter an existing law than to break or reforge one. The better you understand a law we are changing or creating, the more efficiently I will be able to make the changes. The more changes we have made and longer we have been in this universe, it will develop a kind of 'resistance' to further modification, don't worry too much about diminishing returns though as each modification will allow us to have a far greater reach and influence on those around us; dramatically increasing the magnitude of Causality that can be harvested for even further improvements. That's why I am so excited about the possibility of being able to win this fight, ending and saving so many lives right now. Causality harvesting is especially lucrative right now when we have just arrived. We could attain the same level that the first one who came here had reached by their third month before they died, an excellent head start." |#|

I think I got all that. So, what can 17 get us?

|#| "We have a number of choices, I'm going to give you a number of options. We have a very rare opportunity having killed someone a few seconds after arrival, the price of these modifications will rise dramatically over the next 10 minutes even if we do nothing. I've only been able to feel out about a dozen possibilities as we need to actually flow forward in time for me to investigate modifications, but all of them are very helpful. I've come up with a few that would require basically all of what we have, and then a number which we could buy a combination of. Have a look" |#|

| # # # | Weave Options | # # # |

Trait: Death Awareness || Cost: 14

Description: You will precognisant of how events in the future will harm your vessel. The longer you do not use this abiltiy to alter your own future, the further into the future it will be able to warn you. Using your foreknowledge to change the future will greatly reduce the distance into the future that you can see, consecutive avoidance will render the foresight so brief that you may not be able to avoid the outcome despite being pre-aware.

| # |

Trait: Loved by Blades || Cost: 16

Description: Sharp things have an affection for you. Arrows, blades and any other sharp entities will attempt to move out of the way to miss or if unable at least slow down when they approach you. Swords will attempt to fumble out of the hands of or unbalance those who use them to attack you. Any sharp weapon you use will naturally home toward where you intend it to go, attempting to move exactly as you desire.

| # |

Trait: Force Resistance || Cost: 1 to 16

Description: The magnitude of natural forces acting upon you is reduced if they are causing an effect you do not desire such as harming you. The effect is 10% per Causality point. This price doubles every time you purchase it. The effect of this trait on each force is halved for every second that it is in effect and restores itself at a similar pace; making it much more effective at resisting sudden high intensity forces.

| # |

Trait: Affective Telepathy || Cost: 10

Description: The thoughts and intentions of nearby conscious beings will naturally leak into you. Allowing you to have an instinctive understanding of what they are planning to do as they decide to do it. This will be much less effective against those who shield their thoughts with meta-physical principles, but will make any meta-physical principles you learn for breaking these defenses more effective.

| # |

Trait: Restoring Vessel || Cost: 8

Description: Even when exerting your body as hard as possible, your tissues will not degenerate or tire. You can sprint for days and not feel sore. You will heal in minutes from injuries that should take days. In days from injuries that should take years. This will also dramatically decrease how much food,water and even blood still in your veins you need to stay alive.

| # |

Trait: Unsightly Visage || Cost: 7/14

Description: It will be hard for any being to look at you. A deep unease will infect anyone that looks at you for even a moment. The urge to look away will quickly become overwhelming. More powerful individuals will have some resistance to this effect, but eventually all shall succumb and be forced to look away. Choosing to face you again will be extremely difficult and the effect will come on again much faster unless it has been days since the last sighting. Cost 7 if always active, 14 to have the option to disable this effect at will.

| # |

Trait: Rationed Impact || Cost: 13

Description: You can delay the effect of any of your actions on any object. Choosing the timing and speed with which the effect is applied, including applying it all near instantly. There will be diminishing returns when 'banking' an extreme amount of force without applying it.

| # |

Trait: Pain for Pain || Cost: 3

Description: Whenever someone or something harms you, it will feel the pain that you should have felt. (If combined with Rationed Impact you can save up this pain and inflict it all on them at once for devastating effect).

| # |

Trait: Vertical Arbitration || Cost: 2

Description: You can hover up to 10 metres off the ground and move sideways through the air as fast as you can run.

| # # # | End Weave Options | # # # |

Run or Fight.

Flee or stand my ground.

Risk it all now or pick that which will allow me to leave and fight another day.

I know what choice I'm going to make.

What would you do?

Which would you choose?

Fight or run. Find out tomorrow.

EnourmousLetterscreators' thoughts
Next chapter