
Chapter 15 - The Morning After

*Tap Tap*

A slight knocking sound woke Mei up from her slumber when she got up and realized that she was still in the Liu's Mansion.

"May I come in?" a soft voice spoke up from behind the maroon door.

"Um, yes please," Mei uttered out, rubbing her eyes as she got up, trying to stifle her yawns.

Ai stepped into the room in a simple yet elegant brown pencil skirt with a flannel shirt.

She had a pair of half-moon reader spectacles that stood on the bridge of her nose, smiling at Me, she bubbled,

"Good morning sweetheart, I hope you slept well."

"I did, Thank you, Mrs. Liu," she replied, getting up and bowing down to greet her.

"No need to be so formal dear, just call me Ai," She continued, waving a maid over to her who placed a set of clothes on the bed, smiled and left the room. "Oh, and here are some clothes for the day. For breakfast, I didn't know what you would like to eat, so I ordered them to cook a little bit of everything we had."

"Please Mrs. Ai, this was not necessary. I can just wear whatever I wore yesterday." Mei shook her head in a no, glancing at the apparel which was placed neatly on the sheets.

"Nonsense, you're like a daughter to me. How can I let you stay in an uncomfortable dress all day long now?" Pursing her lips, she kept her hands on her hip.

"All day?"

"Ah yes, your father would be arriving at the Liu Company at noon. We will probably stay there till evening."

Mei blinked back her eyes in confusion and inquired, "We?"

Ai stared at her baffled face as she squinted her eyes, pouting, "You don't remember what happened yesterday, Do you?"

Fiddling with her fingers while gazing at the ground, Mei responded with a simple Hmm.

Sighing, Ai wrapped her arms around her, comforting her, "That's no surprise really. You did have a lot to drink yesterday; in truth we all did."

She sat down on the sofa, patting the seat next to her, nudging Mei to sit beside.

"Then let me tell you what happened."


Standing on the side of the bar, Mei laid her hands on top of the crystal glasses that she just emptied. She twirled her fingers over the rim, clinking the side with her nail, giggling.

Tip-toeing across the room to the entrance, she walked out of the mansion and found herself standing in front of the tall tiered fountain.

She kneeled down and placed her head on the cold marble, her hand splashing in the cool water.

"I want to sleep," she murmured, closing her eyes and sighing softly.


Her soft breathing faded out the calls.

"Mei Ling, what do you think you are doing here?"

Opening one of her eyes, she saw Feng looming over her, staring at her, enraged.

"Everyone was looking for you, Why are you here?" He asked, pulling her up with her arm.

"I was just taking a breath of fresh air," she sputtered back, stumbling across the pavement.

"Chen and Ai wanted to speak with you. Seems like Jian told them something and now they need to clarify some important matter with the both of us." Feng continued, frowning at Mei, "Look at your gown, dust that dirt off. Do you want to make such a bad impression on them?"

Mei glimpsed down at herself and saw her scarlet dress now covered with dry mud. She rubbed off, straightening her dress from the bottom as Feng tidied up her hair.

"Why can't you show some elegance, Mei? You're a lady." He remarked at her.

Taking a deep breath, she looked back at her father with a weary face and said,


Upon reaching the mansion, they saw the couple waiting for them near the stairs.

"Finally!" Chen exclaimed, "Here she is. Where did you run off to young lady?"

"Just admiring the garden. You have an exquisite taste for flowers." Smiling back, slurring on her words.

Ai squinted her eyes at Mei, examining her from top to bottom.

"Why don't you and Feng head inside and I show her to the restroom?" she gestured at her husband to leave Mei with her as she pointed towards the ballroom.

Chen nodded and nudged his friend along with him, leaving the two alone.

"So, how much did you drink?" Ai inquired.

"Uh, not...not a lot."

Sighing, she placed her arm on Mei's back, walking her to the bathroom.

"You should freshen up a bit. We have a lot to talk about."

Stepping in the bathroom, Mei glanced up to see the high ceiling with a stone finish and spirals painted across giving an aura of elegance.

In front were the bath and large vanity that brought an air of the classical architecture.

Ai took her to the counter space, where there stood two washbasins.

She brought a soft towel and patted down Mei's gown who stood there in awkward silence.

"I...I can do that." she stammered out nervously.

"Shh, don't worry about it. It's not the first time I did this," Ai responded, chuckling.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you were a very messy kid in your childhood. Always getting your clothes dirty. Your mother and I had to clean up after you every time." Getting up, she straightened out Mei's hair and cupped her face.

Smiling, she brushed her cheeks, "Much better."

Mei felt her heart fill with warmth as she looked at Ai softly, her eyes watering up.

"Let's get back, I'm sure they are waiting for us."

As they were about to walk inside the ballroom, Mei mumbled out

"I feel a bit sick."

Ai turned back, placing her hand on Mei's head, comforting her,

"It's just the alcohol talking. Should we go sit down with your father?"

Nodding her head, she took Mei to the pair, who were seated at one of the tables and talking.

Sitting down, Chen looked at them, beaming, "Finally, We can now discuss that."

"Discuss what?" questioned Mei.

"We will be meeting them tomorrow at the Liu Company to consider the preparations of the wedding," Feng replied in a cheerful tone.

"Why don't you let Mei stay here for the night?" Ai asked him.

"No please, I can't trouble you with that..."

Interrupting Feng, Ai dismissed him by saying, "It's no trouble at all. She can sleep in one of the guest rooms and get to know us and Jian better in the morning during breakfast. We are meeting tomorrow anyway, so it should be better this way."

Chen added in, "Exactly, just let her stay here."

"Now how am I supposed to say no when you put it like that?"

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