
Doki Doki Shrinking Club

DaoistUCnzdJ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Since Yuri currently viewed you as a regular pebble, your progress with escaping was slowed because of the constant meddling from her long and slender toes. They would periodically squeeze and writhe, smothering you in their warm and slightly moist fabric. But in the process of being Yuri's absentminded toe toy, your arm was actually gradually being freed from the thick sock fibers, almost to the point where you could jump away if you wished.

That also meant that you'd be much easier to move around, and Yuri wasted no time in doing so, shuffling you all about. She'd cram you deeply between each of her toes and continuously scrunched them into you at various angles, leaving you barely any time to breathe or keep track of your location. This lasted for almost a half an hour, or at least you think it did since it was challenging to accurately measure time when Monika essentially made time irrelevant since the literature club would last until she managed to fix everything that broke.

But after what you assumed was 30 minutes had passed, Yuri suddenly stretches her legs while aggressively scrunching her toes, squeezing the air right out of your lungs. As that happened, Yuri starts to aimlessly stir her tea while kicking her legs, forcing you to grab hold of her sock in fear of being launched away. Unfortunately for you, your tiny arms couldn't last against the endless stamina of Yuri's regular sized legs, causing you to be sent rocketing up into the air.

And as you soared through the air, you see Yuri staring down at her book intently, making you realize just how difficult it would be to alert the quiet and focused giantess to your presence...

When you begin your rapid descent, you close your eyes from the wind force, hoping that you'd just land on her desk. After a few short moments, you land with a splash into what felt like a body of water, making you wonder just where you landed at. And as it would turn out, you did in fact land on Yuri's desk, the only issue was just on a technicality. Since you were somehow underwater, you start to swim upwards, needing to take a breath and figure out your current location.

After a moment of swimming, you finally breach the water and begin looking around. The water was quite warm, and there seemed to be steam rising from the surface, although you felt like you were in a giant hot tub. But once you looked up, everything became clear to you, as Yuri's monolithic visage filled your entire field of view. In a stroke of misfortune, you fell right into Yuri's cup of tea, forcing you to come up with an escape plan.

The walls of the cup were too high and sleek for you to climb, and the water was just low enough to prevent you from reaching. Because of that, you were trapped, so you attempt to shout and wave at Yuri. Sadly, your voice was not even registered for Yuri, and you couldn't wave and successfully tread water at the same time, so your chances of discovery were diminished. But then, Yuri starts to bring her face over to the cup of tea, making you wonder what she was doing next.

While Yuri brings her face closer, she closes her eyes, meaning that your chances of being found were even slimmer than before. After that, she places her nose above the tea, allowing you to see a few strands of hair within her nostrils, although you could only see them before you were directly below her nose. And after a moment of tense silence, Yuri begins to smell the tea, freaking you out as the water rocked from the sucking in of air.

After doing this, Yuri happily sighs and says "The aroma is truly amazing... This scent perfectly both calms and invigorates me..." Then she makes a faint smile, intimidating you while adding "I should drink this while it's still hot..." Following that statement, the liquid that surrounded you began to shift as Yuri lifted and tilted her cup, intending to finish her tea. After a few more tense moments, you see her lips attach themselves to the edge of the cup, filling you with a sort of primal fear. Because of that, you try your hardest to swim in the opposite direction, but you cannot resist the growing tide of warm tea.

Eventually, you are overtaken and are hurtled back toward Yuri's currently parted lips, making you feel like you were in a river during a raging hurricane. You are soon plunged underwater, as you are rapidly brought toward Yuri's open mouth until you are thrust inside and land on her slimy tongue. Thankfully, you bounce right off of it and land under it, leaving you safe as she gracefully drinks her tea. And once she finishes drinking, she puts down her cup and gets back to reading, while you remained hunched down underneath her massive and thick tongue.

The air inside of Yuri's mouth was highly oppressive and as hot and humid as the world's most intense rainforest. There was also a noticeable scent of apples in the thick air, which was probably from the tea Yuri just drank, and you could admit that it was a fairly enjoyable aroma. But there was also the issue of what was above you; and it was big, scary, and pink.

Since Yuri's tongue rested just above you, bits of saliva would occasionally drip down on and around you, coating you in the sticky stuff. And because Yuri just finished drinking some tea, her mouth was salivating a bit more than usual, causing the spot you were standing in to quickly pool up in her spit. While you wondered what you should do, you hear Yuri talk to herself, where her voice shook your body to its very core. Yuri says "I wish Protag wasn't sick today... I'm sure he'd enjoy reading with me..." She pauses for a moment, before quietly adding "Maybe he'll even feed me chocolate again like last time..."

Upon saying this, Yuri begins to deeply blush, causing you to also realize just how much that random act influenced her. But after vocalizing that, Yuri starts to salivate even more; surprisingly excited by just thinking about you. It seemed strange that Yuri was acting this way, as she sounded a bit more excitable than usual, reminding you of how she was after Monika altered her character file last time. You just brush it off though, since you had far more important matters to attend to right now since you were still in a rapidly deepening pool of her warm saliva.

You finally decide to act, and carefully climb from under Yuri's tongue to reach the somewhat safer spot between her gums and teeth. But as you scale the inside of her mouth, Yuri notices a tickling sensation in the back of her mind, causing her to swipe her tongue in your direction to rectify that...

In an instant, Yuri's tongue smacks into you and sends you right back into that deep pool of spit. And before you can recover, her tongue pins down on top of you, curiously mashing into you. As her tongue vigorously molests your tiny body, Yuri hums to herself while saying "I wonder if something fell into my tea...?" Following that, Yuri skillfully moves you from your current location right onto one of her back bottom molars.

When you realize where you were, you can only brace yourself as Yuri suddenly chomps down, cruelly flattening you against her pearly teeth. Fortunately, your body was sturdy enough to prevent pain or injury, but you were uncomfortably contorted in line with her incredibly tough molars. While Yuri does this, she taps her chin before saying "It feels so odd… But fairly soft too... Maybe I just forgot I was chewing gum...?" She then starts to prod you with her tongue as you were plastered against her bottom molar before she mumbles "I have been incredibly focused on my book... I guess I just lost track of everything else..."

You're not pleased with this development since Yuri just absentmindedly condemned you to a fate of being chewed like gum for an indeterminate amount of time. Before Yuri goes to attempt the first chew, you consider pressing the emergency panic charm that Monika left for you, but you then notice that both of your arms were awkwardly bent and crammed behind you, preventing you from alerting your apparent partner in crime even if you tried.

So you instead just close your eyes as Yuri's upper molar descends upon you, crashing into you for a vigorous chomp, as she seemed to want to squeeze out some of your flavor. And as she goes to sample the taste of her 'gum', she says "Well, the tea taste is fairly expected, but it has another much more enticing flavor mixed in..." Following that, she bites down again, crushing you against her unfeeling molars, as she quietly moans to herself before saying "I can't describe it, but this flavor practically is enriching my very soul..."

That wasn't exactly the reaction you expected out of someone just chewing some gum, but your thoughts were interrupted as Yuri starts to play with you using her tongue, dexterously moving you around to squeeze even more of your juices out. She'd skillfully press you against her teeth, against her gums, and even against the roof of her mouth. All the while, Yuri continued to read her book while she began to warm up, as something deep within her seemed to be burning with a passion that she couldn't explain.

You remain Yuri's gum for another half hour, as she thoroughly chews and chomps into you, flooding you with spit as she happily savors your flavor. But as she enjoyed toying with you inside her mouth, she was slowly starting to feel a strange itch deep up her nose, as her face reflexively scrunched up for what was to come next...

All of a sudden, Yuri bends her neck down, as she suddenly mutters "A… A….. chooo!"Her eyes suddenly widen once she realizes that she just sneezed down into her shirt, so engrossed in her book and her gum that she didn't even cover her mouth. Fortunately, she wasn't near anyone and she looked low enough that she only really sneezed on her desk. But then she starts to lick her lips and the inside of her mouth, before sadly sighing and muttering "I must have lost the gum... What a waste..." After that, she closes her book and says "Well, I should wipe the desk off before I lose track of the time again..."

Following that, she walks away, no longer worrying about the gum that she was so vigorously savoring...

For you, a burst of air suddenly sends you flying out of Yuri's mouth at breakneck speeds, blinding you from the resulting air pressure. And because of the sheer speed at which you traveled, you reach your destination after only a few moments, as your world was suddenly filled with darkness. You try to feel around, but you were surrounded by an incredibly soft yet ever-present slightly pale wall, as your eyes suddenly adjust. There was also a highly intoxicating aroma that surrounded you, as it was mixed with sweat, the apple tea scent, and even a suspiciously womanly smell.

When you start to look around, you notice that the pale wall surrounded you on all sides, but high above, you notice a faint bit of light that was filtered through a somewhat thin and off-white barrier of fabric. The wall that you were attached to was also a little bit sticky, but you see a few large beads of sweat slowly trickle around you, and one even storms past you, erupting over you and covering you in the stuff.

But then everything begins to quake, as the walls shook violently, until you hear Yuri's voice echo around you, muttering how she lost her gum and how she was going to wipe down the table. After that, there was a moment of silence, so you take a deep breath, only to notice an oddly rhythmic thumping. It was then when you finally realized that you had been effectively sneezed down between Yuri's already impressively large breasts, causing you to blush heavily.

You didn't have long to freak out about what was happening, as Yuri soon started walking, causing her boobs to sway in time with her elegant steps. Her breasts would rhythmically slam and grind against each other, smashing you harshly against the highly soft and alluring flesh. This lasts for almost a minute, as you were being steadily aroused by her always moving breasts, where each breast jostle proved to turn you on further and further.

During the process, you felt guilty for essentially getting off on Yuri while she was unaware of your presence, but you couldn't do much to resist those gargantuan and unflinching mounds of warm and slightly sweaty flesh. But right when you felt like you might pass out from the stimulation, both physical and mental, Yuri suddenly stops moving. As she does this, she mutters "Something feels oddly damp in my shirt..."

Following that, Yuri quickly reaches into her shirt, wanting to remove the source of her annoyance. As she does this, you are blinded by the light as her long fingers began aggressively probing all over, as you were stunned by the shininess of her dark purple nail polish. Eventually, Yuri narrows in on your location, so she roughly snatches you up before extracting you to see what exactly was bothering her.

You were trapped in her fist as it traveled out from her shirt, as you were smothered by her slightly clammy fingers until she suddenly opens her hand to inspect you on her palm. And as she eyes you curiously, you nervously wave at her, causing her eyes to widen. Eventually, she stammers out, saying "P… Protag...? Is th-that you...?"

In the presence of Yuri's piercing gaze, you can only wordlessly nod, causing her to say "I thought you were sick... Are y-you okay...?" You nod again, causing her to smile while saying "That's a relief..."

But then she starts to blush, before going silent for a moment while looking down nervously, before finally saying "W-wait... That means t-that you... The gum... A-and the pebble… Those were both y-you?" You nod again, starting to apologize for both bothering and worrying her, while she remains silent while still blushing.

Yuri remains silent for nearly a minute, causing you to wonder what she was thinking, but then you hear her quietly laugh to herself. Following that, you see her gradually raise her head back in your direction, as her eyes widen again while a wide grin slowly forms, revealing a set of canine teeth that looked disturbingly like fangs.

While she stared into your soul with this quite terrifying demeanor, you freeze with fear, as she whispers "I don't know what happened to you Protag, but now we can be together forever... And no one will get in my way..."

You're not sure what caused this resurgence of Yuri's crazy side, but you felt too scared to move before you realize that you still had the emergency Monika Button. Before you could press it, Yuri aggressively clenches her fist, immobilizing you while saying "Just wait a moment Protag... We'll have all kinds of private time at home..."

It seems like your now terrifyingly exciting adventure with Yuri was just beginning...