1 My first day in the literature club- Natsuki's view

As I ponder through the hallway I see a figure in the distance. As I take a closer look I realize that's Monika, a girl who was in my class in 9th grade. She looks tired I wonder why... "Monika? Hi! I haven't seen you in a while, what's up?" I question. "Oh hi Natsuki, I was just hanging up flyers for my literature club! I'm r-really eager for new members". wow Monika must have worked really hard! She looks completely worn out! "So Monika what is this literature club thing you mentioned?" "w-wait Natsuki, are you interested?" Monika asks "well yeah, I haven't been one for after school activities but---" Monika interrupts - "But Natsuki, I thought you didn't read much?" well I do read Manga soon "Monika i-i read m-manga ya know". Monika thinks with a confused look on her face "well, if you say so Natsuki, follow me and I'll introduce you to the club!". I still behind Monika curious of what awaits me.. I enter the room and find its well-kept and quite quiet! I turn to see a light brown haired girl who I recognize-- "S-sayori?" Sayori turns and faces me "Your into literature?" I ask. "Natsuki!" Sayori runs over to me to greet me. Behind Sayori is someone I recognize but I can't quite put my finger on it-- "Oh Natsuki, what a pleasant surprise!" says the purple haired girl " Yuri, hi!" honestly it doesn't quite surprise me seeing Yuri here, she pretty much always burried in a book and is shy and timid. Surprisingly my fellow club members really opened me with open arms! In the corner of my eye I spot a closet half full with exercise books and writing supplies. I ask Monika if I can keep my manga collection there. "Yeah sure Natsuki, just make sure you leave enough space for the teachers! This classroom isn't only used by us!" Monika assures me. I slowly make my way to the closet finally somewhere to keep my beloved manga collection! Somewhere my dad won't find it. As soon as I know it Monika calls us all over to announce the end of the club meeting and tells me to come every school day. Happily, I depart the class room and start heading home. I hope my dad isn't home from work yet if he found out I was late home I'd be dead!..
