
Chapter 1: Awaken

Inside a simple room with only few little things in it besides the bed, the short table and a guitar. On top of the bed was a teenager that was sleeping. Suddenly he open his eyes, the look in his eyes are full of questions. Seemingly confused on something.

"Where am I?" he asked. But suddenly a huge pain enters his head. It's only a 5 second thing but for him It looks like a years worth of waiting for the pain to go away.

After rolling in the bed from the pain, he slowly opens his eyes, the look in his eyes tells the clearance of confusion and questions he have earlier. Getting up, he was sitting at the edge of the bed. Looking left and right in the room.

Then he walks towards the window of the room and glance at the unfamiliar neighbourhood. After that he dive towards the bed.

"I'm really in another world? Then it means that I really did die in my past life. But I can't remember much. The only thing I remember was I was just going back home from school then suddenly my head hurts like hell then blood stained in my eyes and... there's nothing after that."

"Did I die from a flower pot that drop exactly towards my head or something? Man, if that really happened my luck is really bad."

He stopped talking and was staring at the ceiling of the room, in a daze.

And suddenly a voice and a knocking sound that was coming from outside of his room was heard "Oniichan, It's time to eat!". Hearing the voice made him stupor and making him get out of his daze.

Getting up, he also replied "Coming!". Opening the door on his room he saw a ten year old kid.

Maybe his memory is a little fuggy before but after the pain he endured earlier, that was the memories of the body he was in, rushing inside of his brain.

Even though he knows that he receive the memory earlier and know that he died, it doesn't mean he know all the content of the memory he got. After skimming a bit in his memory, he find out the kids name was Souta Hori his little brother.

He was the one calling him earlier, his little brother. The kid has messy gray hair unlike his long gray hair, his wearing a black shirt, his skin also looked pale just like him and they both have the same olive eyes. Looking at him made him remember something but don't know what it was.

"Oniichan, Oneechan is already finished cooking and Okaasan is also already home." Souta said. Going to the living room of the house, he see a tall girl with a chestnut-brown hair and she's wearing an apron while placing the food at the table. Looking at her made him remember something.

He felt that for some reason he knew her even though it was the first time seeing her. And no, it's not from the memory he received earlier that made him feel that way. Thinking for a moment, he remembered.

'She's Hori from Horimiya! And that kid earlier was his little brother Souta Hori. I'm on a anime world! But wait, based on the memory I got Souta is also my brother! Which means she is also my sister! But I don't remember their being a second child in the anime or manga. I really got to read my newly found memory later.' making a reminder of himself.

The other one was a young lady with her working suit sitting at the sofa.

"Okaasan , you're early today." Souta said to the lady.

"Yeah, there's little to do today so I came home early today. Smells good Kyouko. Shinichiro what are doing standing there in a daze?" Yuriko Hori said.

After remembering he, Shinichiro, didn't move from his place earlier and just standing in a daze. "It's nothing mother, just remembering something." Shinichiro replied.

"Thinking of girls are we? Tell me, do you have yourself a girlfriend young man? Yuriko smilingly asked Shinichiro. "No mother, I don't have a girlfriend." after a pause, Shinichiro skim through all of his memory before confirming that he don't have a girlfriend.

"Asked sis if she have one, maybe she's hiding him." Shinichiro said making Kyouko looked at him before saying "Me? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Why is there nothing fun news from you guys. C'mon lets eat then." Yuriko said. After eating dinner, Shinichiro was in the kitchen doing the washing of the plates.

"I really need to look into my memory later, since I don't know what kind of person this guy I'm in is." Shinichiro told himself. After cleaning, he take a bath then go to his room to digest all the new memory he got.

Watching his memory felt like watching a movie, from start to finish. After 2 hours of fast forwarding but also taking mind, he finished watching his memory. After that another round of pain suddenly struck his brain making him this time faint. After he faint, a sound suddenly came to his head.

[Found the host!]

[Uploading contents...]


[100%! Upload successful! Activating System...]




[System Activated!]

After that the sound stop, only Shinichiro's breath can be heard in the room. Sleeping until it was a new day. A sudden knocked on the door was heard, with a call behind the door. "Shinichiro wake up it's the first day of school today! Wake up or you're going to be late!" Kyouko shout behind the door.

Hearing the shout, Shinichiro woke up like as he seem to be used to being late. Without further ado he change clothes after getting his teeth cleaned and go to the living room to eat breakfast. Finished eating, he wash his mouth with water and then goes out of the house without forgetting his bag. Kyouko was at the door waiting for him. As for Souta, he was with their mother.

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