
Doghead Warlord

"Doghead Warlord" is a historical drama novel that is based on true events and historical facts. During the period of warlord conflict, the wife of warlord Zhang Sicong, in her selfishness, secretly sent away her own son and exchanged him with an unrelated boy. When the boy grew up, he became a military leader and the right-hand man of Zhang's real son. As they interacted daily, they gradually developed feelings for each other. Due to the identity swap, the two of them embarked on a tumultuous journey through the chaos of war and love. This novel brings a sense of reality to the emotions that arise from war and disorder, making them all the more precious.

Kao_Michelle · History
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Chapter 6 Box Office

Although Zhang Yichang's Lu Jun belongs to the Feng Department, Zhang Zuolin himself is not born in Beiyang and has no charter in the management of the army. The troops went south, and most of the people who stayed in the army were people in the army. The few Lu Jun had Zhang Yichang's deputy tube belt. Basically, it was the state of ducks. In the army, there was nothing to do except for the soldiers every morning. Do n't nominate the captive army command, Jian Lian sleeps in Zhang Zhenru 's office for two days, and his body is already better. Zhang Zhenru did not go. In the office, in addition to the occasional documents, most of the time he was just. I took the novel and was comfortable. Jian Lian didn't want him to be better. Zhang Zhenru also tossed him subconsciously, so Jian Lian except sleeping and eating. In addition to reading and signing, Zhang Zhenru's most did is to fight each other. Touched Zhang Zhenru's scary and soft temperament on the surface, and it was more open in front of Zhang Zhenru. Zhang Zhenru did not feel that every time he was fighting with Jian Lian, the radian of the corner of his mouth had become more and more subconscious.

On the afternoon of the third day, Zhang Zhenru answered a call, and in the afternoon, he took Jane and went out of the headquarters.

"Marshal, you are so embarrassed that you are so humble and humble," Of course, the face of outsiders, Jane can always take care of Zhang Zhenru's face. Sitting in the return car, he did not adapt to twist, and looked at his clothes on the left and right. "It's a lot of money ... but you are handsome, and you are attentive."

He swallowed back half a sentence in Zhang Zhenru's silent but sharp stare, and smiled and continued:

"Anyway, you have a trip again ... Can you pay the bottom of your job first this time? Don't look like the last time, but you are startled by your aunt."

Zhang Zhenru snorted in his nose, and then said:

"The news came from the boss of Hua. Tonight, the boss of Chang Yongshu, the boss of Hu, had to run the box office. He invited the ticket friends and the boss Hua boss to sing. The boss Hua said that there are two Japanese in it, let's take a look."

"Let's kill it directly?"

Zhang Zhenru glanced at him in vain:

"Boss Hua can also invite ticket friends."

"So we are the" ticket friend 'on the side of the flower boss? Young handsome, you plan to have the white dragon fish clothing? "Jian Lian smiled, pointed at your body," It seems that you don't plan to disclose your identity, but —— but the suits Fan Er's ticket friend is a bit normal? "

Faced with Zhang Zhenru's puzzled and a little irritable stare, slap his chest with confidence:

"This humble job really knows, let's give it to the employment."

Having said that, he pointed out the direction, let the driver drive to the front door, bought two sets of robes of robes and horse gowns at Qianxiang Yiluzhuang, and bought two pairs of old cloth shoes in Buyunzhai. Sanshan Zhai bought a pair of round -frame glasses, and then he asked the driver to drive to the cigarette bag, and picked the golden cigarette bag, rhino -skinned smoke rod, white copper cigarette pot and Hetian jade in Shuangshengtai, north of Dongkou Road. The cigarette holder, picked a lotus bag embroidered with green bamboo, with firestone and moxa.

Zhang Zhenru has always looked at Jian Lian with his face and picked it up. In the end, he could only pay honestly. He got in the car and saw Jian Lian's eyebrows and turned over a bunch of goods just bought. I finally found the opening remarks for a long time:

"You smoke?"

"Don't smoke, but I know that the cigarette bag is the standard of the old Beijing aristocracy. People can't afford it. Those who can play tickets are definitely not ordinary people. Play. "

"How can you understand the cigarette bag without smoking?" Zhang Zhenru asked fiercely.

"I don't understand. It is just that each part is expensive to buy it." The successful seeing Zhang Zhenru's handsome face has been slightly turned white, and Jianzhong laughed with a good mood. Lack of money -this time, don't you need to make a public cigarette bag? "

"The money I spent, what I bought," for a while, Zhang Zhenru gritted his teeth and smiled and took air -conditioning. "Why should I give you?"

"But you don't feel bad about money, you are useless." Jane is unconvinced.

"I do n't have to look at it, even if I throw it away, it' s my money. "

"Zhang Dou's head!" Jian Lian drank, but immediately thought that he was still sitting in front of the driver. He immediately lowered his voice and bite from his teeth.

"Are you my soldier?"

"Why am I not? Who is your deputy and deputy all day?"

"Which of the deputy have you ever seen his chief" dog head "?" Zhang Zhenru stepped in step by step.

"Oh, which chief officer called himself" Xiao Lian "?" Jian Lian stopped giving up.

Zhang Zhenru had to talk about it, but the car stopped, and the two were rising. The inertia made the two shocked and both woke up.

Zhang Zhenru pursed his lips and opened the door and got out of the car.

"Deputy Officer Jane."

The driver in the front seat suddenly stopped the Jane who was about to get off.


The driver turned to look at him, and the pair of apricot eyes on the round face still had a bright smile:

"Thank you."

"Old Fang, what do you mean?" Jian Lian couldn't touch it.

"Shao Shuai always looks like this age, it is your credit," the driver looked at him sincerely, "Don't hurt his heart, don't let him look back in the past."

"He used to-"

"Deputy! Get off!"

Zhang Zhenru's voice came from outside the car. Jian Lian was interrupted, so he shrugged, sorry to smile at the driver, and got out of the car with a bunch of loot.

At the beginning of the Huayan, Zhang Zhenru and Jian Lian, who were dressed in the young man, got into the car, and went to pick it up.

The simplicity of the door opened the door made Hua Ronglong not recognize it for a long time, sitting in the back seat, Hua Xiangrong looked at Zhang Zhenru in the same seat until the car reappeared, and Hua Xiangrong never returned.

Zhang Zhenru moved his shoulders uneasily, staring fiercely, the simple and cheapness of him in his eyes, and then cleared his throat:

"Boss Hua, I wear it -is there any problem?"

Hua wants to pout with a smile:

"On the contrary, I was worried about the young handsome in the South China.

The Jian Lian of the co -pilot seemed to show off the cigarette bag rod in Yang's hand.

Zhang Zhenru helped the golden glasses. At this moment, his hair was combed backwards, the light was bright, and a blue -gray silk gown was covered with a blue gown. It happened to be embellished with Huanghuang Qi. The only decoration on his body was the jade finger on his left thumb. After Jian Lian found that he was omitted, he called Xiao Mao to go to the Dong'an market to change. The concise and sharp Western style, packaged him into a handsome son of a scholarly door. The Jane of the front seat is a black silk gown with a golden shirt inlaid with a gi -colored gown. It is useless to use the long hair. It is useless to fly freely. There are five less than five rings on their hands. People with eyes can see that the ring is not a superficial color, but it is definitely sent to the sisters when she is playing in the eight alley. The owner's true financial resources and status -this line also packaged simplicity into a player, veterans on the windy moon field, and the ancestors of chickens and dogs.

"The two heads are set up by Deputy Officer Jane?" Hua Xiang couldn't get sick, admiring, "Listening to the vocalist Jane is not like a Beijinger, but he did not expect to know the old Beijing so much."

"I go to school in Baoding, not far from the school," Jane and generous laughed. "I came to Beijing to play with a holiday. I love to play, and I am not a good student at school."

"But, you're missing a little." Hua Rong wanted to pout with a smile, his eyes turned around and slightly raised his chin. "Park in front of the intersection, let's change the car. Personally, I can't go through the streets that can't get away. "

"Yeah, the boss Hua thought was thoughtful." Jian Lian admired.

Although Changyong's pawnshop is in the front door, the house behind the boss Hu Yanxiang's house is in the leather pants and hutong of the Xidan archway. When they turned north at the north of Xichang'an Street, they got off the car and changed to three foreign cars. Simply, the goods that killed Qian Dao always turned back to Zhang Zhenru's smile, and smiled with eyebrows, completely like an unfair dumplings, Zhang Zhenru knew Jane, this is a chance to give himself a chance to give himself. It's not happy, just turn his eyes and close your eyes.

It is lively at the door of Hu Zhai to be sent to the evil. A middle -aged housekeeper looks like an exaggerated enthusiasm and greeted Hua Hui, leading him all the way to walk in. I was entertaining, and another younger with Zhang Zhenru and Jane and they crossed the courtyard to a gallery in the courtyard. The courtyard was deep and chic. The "musicians" who are older are sitting in the corner of the pavilion while debugging the instrument while talking and laughing. A little lights have been hung around the gazebo. The aroma of Xiangxiangyu came from the water surface. There was a circular open space in the veranda, with three tables on the open space. There were some fruits snacks on the table. They were already on the surrounding guests. They also laughed at each other. Obviously waiting for the play.

"Oh?!" A happy guest at the outermost table happened to look back and saw Zhang Zhenru and Jane who came over. He pointed to Zhang Zhenru with Japanese exaggerated sighs, "Zhang Sang?"

Zhang Zhenru didn't expect Hashimoto Goro to be here. First, he stunned, and then reacted. He stared at Hashimoto, and Hashimoto was clear. He immediately swallowed the words behind him, and then showed Zhang Zhenru's naive and sorry smile.

"Yo, brother Zhang knows this Japanese?" Jian Lian opened his mouth first, flowing in the flow, and even brought a little Baoding.

The two are clearly older, but they are simple and take advantage of his cheap. Zhang Zhenru pumped from the gap in his teeth, exposing a gentle smile. Cooked. "

"Ha Yihayi," Hashimoto Goro smiled and laughed at the spring breeze, and bowed twice in a short time. Then he remembered something. Ah, this is my friend Sakai Yuji, this is- "

Zhang Zhenru interrupted him:

"In Zhang Wenzhu."

The woman was petite and exquisite, and she looked in her thirties, but she was still gorgeous. The appearance of her beautiful appearance was colorful. She narrowed her eyes and showed a charming smile to Zhang Jian. She was wearing a Han man. The woman's long skirt also used a blessing gift for Chinese women:

"I have seen two sons."

"In the horse, Baoding people." Jianlian arch hands.

"Mr. Ma, the name is Hashimoto Goro." Hashimoto Goro bowed.

The other three guests also stepped forward. They were all local businessmen in Beijing. The two were in Liulichang, one in Xidan, Zhang Zhenru and Jane's use of the names to say hello to them, and took the initiative to sit at a table with the two Japanese. In the front of the pavilion, Jinghu was melodiously opened. After the flowers were covered, Du Li Niang, who came out of the graceful Du Li Niang and the girl -in -law who was breaking away from the grand girl, was slightly thick, raised her hands and was owed to the heat. It's just that Hua wants to play.

Zhang Zhenru was completely indifferent to the opera. He sat up for a while, and he touched his eyes and turned his eyes at the same time. He had never played the box office. Thinking that Sakai Yuki took the initiative to speak.

"Zhang Gongzi and Hashimoto met in Shandong? Zhang Gongzi is from Shandong?"

Zhang Zhenru had finalized the cover status with Jian Lian in advance, so he naturally owed himself. He was politely answered with Zhang Wenzhu's only manner, "Qingzhou people."

"Sure enough, it is the great figure of the Shandong talents," Sakai smiled from Ji Mei's eyes as silk, "handsome and powerful, and with the magnificence of Confucius and Mencius hometown. Our Japanese women have always been on Chinese men. It is very good, and especially the northern man on the burly shore is even more enthusiastic. "

Zhang Zhenru narrowed his eyes, and the gentle arc of the corner of his mouth bent:

"Miss Sakai knows China very well, is this visiting friends in China or-"

"The dead husband was a military officer of the Japanese Embassy. I have lived in Beijing for twelve years." Sakai Yuki was unaware of Zhang Zhenru's investigation, and answered gentle and kindly, and even took the initiative to further explain, "A few days ago I met Hashimoto Jun at the diaspora party. Hashimoto Jun heard that I was a fans. He always had a good opinion of China. Today I brought him. "

Hashimoto Goro looks like listening to the show seriously, but at this time he can answer immediately. He smiled and looked at Zhang Zhenru:

"Ha Yihayi, Zhang Sang, Peking Opera is indeed the national essence of China, and it is beautiful."

Having said, he seemed to think of something funny, and asked some naughty:

"Zhang Sang also likes Peking Opera very much, right?"

At this time, the simplicity and smoothness that seemed to have been immersed in opera at this time:

"Brother Zhang is a scholar, and he is not obsessed with Peking Opera. His family and my family are considered a world friend. My father asked me to take him to Beijing to stroll well, so he couldn't let him miss the boss of the flower -then, Mr. Hashimoto, today, At night, the eyes of the Kunqu "Peony Pavilion", it seems that you are also the big girl on the sedan. "

" -" Hashimoto Goro sighed exaggerated, "It turns out that this is Kunqu opera. I thought this is Peking Opera. It seems that there are still many things to learn."

Hashimoto calmed down and turned to look at the stage again.

—— Who is this? Why are there so much heart? Talking to him is so tired.

Zhang Zhenru turned back with a white eyes.

The four people seem to be listening to the show seriously, and inadvertently talked with each other. When the performance ended the pointer of Zhang Zhenru's pocket watch, Hu Yanxiang unloaded his makeup and led Hua Rong to come out and see the guests. The "drama team" on the gazebo followed behind him. He was big and small, and he seemed to be playing tickets. He looked very comfortable.

Hu Yanxiang is a short man. He is less than fifty away. After he is naked, after he greets the guests, a pair of eyes can't wait to grow up on the flower, and the face is not on his face. "Three characters, he is more shorter than Hua Xianglong. He is a member of the accompaniment and various bosses behind him. Except for only one named Wang Chengfeng. At the age of thirty, the facial features are beautiful and beautiful, and his temperament is very quiet. He is in a gray cloth gowning shirt. He is a box office that he wants to add through flowers. He just played the flute over the gazebo.

There is still a while before the opening of the seat, everyone seated and chatted at the big round table in the flower hall. Jian Lian noticed that a pair of shiny eyes of a dog field named Liao Dongfeng always stared at Zhang Zhenru with a good intention. The brutal look of the unsightly grabbing, Jian Lian's heart was not good -isn't it really encountered the rabbit?

Although Jian Lian still lives with Zhang Zhenru these days, but without the first night of storms and conflicts, the first night Zhang Zhenru was deeply printed in Jian Lien's. In my mind, thinking of this, a tragedy and touching of the calf rose in Jane's chest -although Zhang Dou's head is not a good person, Zhang Dou's head cannot be bullied by outsiders.

With a dry cough, he pretended to talk eagerly, pulled Zhang Zhenru's sleeves, and signaled that the two people changed their positions. Zhang Zhenru knew that Jane would not be so for no reason, so he did not show a strange look. Naturally, it naturally.

And exchanged the position, so Jian Qian blocked Zhang Zhenru, so that Liao Dongfeng, who had only one Wang Chengfeng, could no longer see Zhang Zhenru.

I did not expect Liao Dongfeng to say quickly:

"Everyone, it is rare to meet Zhang Gongzi from Shandong today. We have also done the friendship of the landlord. I do n't know how the big guy' s gardens are singing in the garden, but it is satisfied with Zhang Gongzi? "

Zhang Wenzhu is indifferent to his body:

"Wonderful, Yu Yin is around the beam."

"That's it." Jian Lian's interface immediately. He knew that he would really talk about Zhang Zhenru, so he said nothing, so he said, "Du Li Niang of the boss of the flower boss need not say, Boss Liao's single leather drum is also a must, but unfortunately This position is not good, it may be the limitation of the venue. I don't think I have placed it on the ghost door, but I have placed it in Mr. Wang's lower ghost door. This impact ... "

Jane is endless, but Liao Dongfeng obviously did not want Jian Lian to grab the limelight, so he stretched out his hand and pulled Jian Lianpu away. He probed directly from the side, staring at the green bamboo -like son, and continued to laugh:

"How does Zhang Gongzi think of my single drum play? In fact, there will be a drumming down. If Zhang Gongzi is willing, it is better to come down-"

Zhang Zhenru suddenly went to the seats:

"Wenzhu's stupid mouth is not good at speaking, but today I have the fortune to smell the elegance. It is not enough to express my gratitude without feedback.

Everyone's eyes were bright and often playing tickets. Hu Yanxiang's family naturally had various instruments. He immediately ordered people to bring Erhu. Zhang Zhenru took it. Bright, a layer of silver tulle was pumped in the yard. Zhang Zhenru was sitting in the yard. The tulle also covered him with a sharp and indifferent line. The long shirts and silk gowns on his body set out a kind of quaint and elegant that he had never seen on him. Then he stood until the moon, and the moonlight made the eye -catching eyebrows even more dusty. It looks super dusty, fluttering.

Zhang Zhenru sat down, sorted out the musical instrument, raised his eyes and smiled at the people who were stunned:

"It's time to pass the time, the skills are poor, everyone laughed."

Jian Lian's trembling shuddered back to God, and he could not help scolding.

——This dog head is really fine. Did he know himself?

From the beginning of the string, the voice of the erhu was crying, the moonlight was fascinated, and the fairy closed his eyes.

Zhang Gongzi's skills are not called pure green, and there is a gap between naturally people who have been playing tickets for many years, but probably because the person who is so beautiful, this night is too good. Everyone was caught by this atmosphere. This is a song that they have not heard, but inexplicably sad, a deep puppet and unable to wrap around the sound of music. They seem to see the smoke rain and fascination. All the scenes around the woman collapsed, turning into smoke and dust, and everyone wanted to grab the woman, but they couldn't catch everything. In the end, the world was extinguished. Being, the eyes had no tears from beginning to end.

After Yu Yin ended, even the servants who passed the courtyard could not be able to look back in the place for a long time. In a silent, Liao Dongfeng shouted "Okay!" , All the movements in front of the music continued. In this praise and applause, Jane was the last back, and Zhang Zhenru, who looked up at the courtyard, just felt empty in his heart. Give birth to the impulse to hold that person into his arms and tell him to cry.