
The Start

In a dense boreal forest, a boy could be seen running between the trees. His clothes dyed red from scratches and bites multiple small wounds apparent on his figure, breathing disheveled and speed slowing down. Far behind him, barks and growls of dogs could be heard.

"I'll.. huuh never go to.. hah.. another party"

Gasping for air, the boy cursed himself while looking back every now and then during his run to see the dogs always maintaining a distance from him. Sometimes the dogs caught up to him and bit and scratched him while letting him run again at the sound of a whistle, only to chase him down and do the same. The boy's speed had decreased to a low jog and as of knowing that he's at his last few steps, the dogs had slowed down as well, all the while barking and growling at the prey near their eyes.

The boy knew that they were toying with him and that his stamina was all but finished however he still kept running, which at this point slowed to a brisk walk with a blood trail.