
The Meeting

Tick Tick Tick the wall clock on the office. Alya waited for Doctor Brown patiently. Alya was too curious what was going on. Why doctor brown called her in the office? This is all too sudden. She drummed her fingers on the table. Doctor Brown is very organized thought Alya not a speck of dust on his table. No papers spread out all files categorized. She tapped her feet along with her fingers while she wait for the doctor.

"Good afternoon Alya" said Doctor Brown. He entered the room and walked towards his chair all the while looking at his clipboard.

"So how was your day today?" Doctor Brown peered from the top of his glasses.

" It was fun as always Sir and helpful" answered Alya putting a big smile.

She searched for a little indication to why Doctor Brown asked for her. But he only looked at his clipboard. 'What does he write there so much? ' thought Alya.

"I want to give you a new assignment" said Doctor Brown. He did not look up from the board and continued with his words. What he said after that left Alya with an open mouth. "You can't be serious...is this for the morning incident I swear I did not cause chaos in the hall" said Alya. She felt nervous. "Yes, we know what you did, and we will talk about that too later now I want you to take care of this patient." Doctor Brown sounded serious and stern. But he smiled and finally looked at Alya he looked like someone who does not want any mistakes in the assignment given. Suddenly he looked serious. "I wish to see some progress". He stared at her and smiled at her. Alya feels like someone who can do this. However, this is was a complicated task which might not work. Alya scratched her head she had no other choice but to agree with the doctor. She will somehow try to get the job done. While doctor brown explained the situation Alya looked and listened at the words she does not understand why she has to go for the older patients then the kids. Kids are much more fun. But she cannot say no now to Patient number 472.


Unknown Patient number 472:

"Blank again.

The dream was good other things blank. It is getting harder to understand whether I am awake or asleep" different thoughts came to his mind. At least in dreams he could see the colors the pictures. But now it is dark only dark. The sounds they are clear maybe he is awake. It is amazing all this time he saw blind people he never thought how hard it is to understand whether they are awake or asleep. In dreams there is color there is picture. Awake is dark. That accident took all. His eyes the one thing he never considered to be the hardest thing to lose.

"knock knock!!!"

He felt irritated but the knocking did not stop. " Come in." he answered.

" Hello there!" came a whisper from the door. That voice he thought it is that voice the laughter he felt which lifts his heart it is the same voice that he keeps waiting to hear. His interest picked up. But too shy to reply he just stares close to the direction and nods. He is taken back she will pity him too. That feeling the feeling of being treated like that. Somehow the thought broke his heart. ‘His heart is broken with just a voice. What is wrong with him?’ he thought irritated with himself.

" Hi, my name is Alya" said the voice. Oh, Alya he thought a name like the wind.

" Hello, you gonna tell me your name now? " asked the voice again

He heard her sigh "Why is it so dark here ? Damn it’s so gloomy how do live here ?"

He heard the swish and clink that must be the curtains open. He felt more breeze. A little smile came to his mouth. He half expected to see something, but it made him gloomier it is still dark, but there is a warm feeling spreading around him.

" Oh, is that? is that a smile I see? See I thought so such a gloomy place you need a light. Darkness makes everyone gloomy." Alya said cheerfully.

He chuckled turning his head towards her voice. " It is always dark here."



" Ahhh finally he talks. for a moment there I thought you are mute as well. " Alya said although she is shaking hoping not to hurt his feelings too much.

Alya looked at him. 'Aww he is cute, he needs a haircut and definitely a shave, maybe a little bit facial hair trimming it. OMG!! am I checking this guy out???' Alya panicked suddenly things felt awkward. "Ahem well may I know your name? or should I call you hey you patient number 472? you want your food now?" and started laughing more like fake laugh.

He smiled "You are fake laughing"

Alya's eyes bulged out she asked," How did you figured that out?"

"I hear you playing with the kids and laughing I know when your laugh is fake" He replied.

" Wow I did not know you heard me." said Alya. She felt pink blush forming on her face. He likes my laugh awww cute omg get a control of yourself Alya what are you thinking?' Alya scolded herself inside. " Ahem you want gummy bears?"

He smiled , he just smiles and lays back a bit. Alya felt irritated what would she do to get his guy to respond. Maybe she mocked him too much. She sighed " Hey can I sit here beside you?" The guy nodded. " Can I ask you something?" Alya asked.

'Here it comes the question about how it happened ' his mouth became rigid things became suffocating and unbearable. The question that everyone around him keeps on asking. It feels annoying.

"Will you join me in the garden in the afternoon?" asked Alya

"What ?" He asked he was shocked to hear the words. This was not what he was expecting. "That's okay if you do not want to come. I was just thinking you are so crammed up here I would take you out a bit" Alya replied quickly.

" So, um ahem I will get going then I will ask them to bring your lunch" Alya quickly got up and started walking as soon as she reached the door. She heard an answer she turned around. She felt down things did not go as she wanted it to. All of a sudden a deep voice replied behind her. It felt strong.

" My name is Brian and I will walk with you in the garden." said Brian.

Alya looked back and grinned to see him turn over with his back towards her. " See you later Brian nice to meet you." As soon as she closed the door she jumped and danced around. Mission started with a positive feedback.

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