
1: The New Life?

When I opened my eyes, I looked at my hands.

"This... This is not my hands!" And I looked at the mirror.

This is not me.

"Lady Yvoultsine, you're awake?" Says the maid.

What? Yvoult... Yvoultsine? Why so familiar...?

Elicya De Yvoultsine!

"Who... Are you?" I asked her. She looks shocked.

"Did you hit your head when you were in the fire? I am your personal maid, Elna, Milady." She holds my hands tightly.

It's true... Elicya has a personal maid named Elna. Likely, I survived from my past life into this new novel life.

"Milady, you're not saying anything. I'm worried for you. I'll call the Master." She ran towards the door.

Wait... The fire? She said I was in the fire? There're no plot with any fire, except for the ending. So...?

I survived and I will continue Elicya's life. It means, Elicya was saved? But, who saved her from the fire? I will ask Elna.

"Elicya! Are you alright?! How can you make your father worried this much?" The man hugs me tightly.

Father? Then, he must be Medlan De Yvoultsine.

"Father?" I touch his face. His face looks like will burst to tears.

Yeah, I read the novel, Medlan really cares about Elicya. Because she is the only daughter of 5 siblings.

"I'm okay, father." I smiled.

"I don't remember a few thing. So..., don't worry..." I tried to calm him.

"Your older brothers and little brother, they didn't even come back for you. They knew about you. 2 weeks, in a coma. But still, they never come back." Explains Medlan De Yvoultsine. He shed tears.

Hmm, well, yeah. Elicya's siblings never take a like towards her. Because they said she is too weak and always clingy. Damn them. I will show them how much their hated siblings has approved and get stronger than him. Even I will surpass the eldest. Ezhen De Yvoultsine.

"It's fine, I will make them want to come back." I said. He smiles.

"So, rest a bit more." He pats my head and steps outside.

"Elna. Answer me." I said.

"What is it, My Lady?" Asks Elna.

"The one who saved me, who is it?" I looked at her.

"... It's the mercy of the king." Answers Elna.

"What? You mean... Fannel Harolden did?"

"Ah, My Lady, what if someone heard your disrespect towards His Majesty?!" She looks like she's scared.

"Heh, I have no fear of anything now, Elna. You can go now." She nodded and went outside.

Hmph, from what I know, Fannel Harolden really despised Elicya. He must had his reason. Well then, I will know soon or later.

Hmm, when Elicya's death, it is Lenne Harolden's birthday. Lenne's age 2 years older than Elicya. So, she is 19 this year. As for his cousin, Theena Enthebell. She is the same as Lenne.

Ah, I just remembered it, the last plot... Elicya swore, right. That is she can survive, Lenne and Theena will be her eternal enemies for the rest of her life. Then, this time Elicya De Yvoultsine is survived.

Well, it's really true. Elicya's previous life was messed by Theena. And Lenne knew about Elicya's longing love for him. But he chose to ignore and ruin it.

It's okay, Elicya. You only committed one big mistake. Your mistake is...

Fell for Lenne Harolden, for a long time. He is the wrong person to receive your pure love. So, he broke you.

But this time, I choose to make them regretful. Because this time, I will be one who make mess!

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