
Chapter 3

Chris walks away and the chaplain immediately steps in front of him.

"Hold on my son,I actually came after you to give you this" said John.

He handed an envelope to Andre who looks quite startled.

"What is in it sir?" Asked Andre, calmly.

" Oh it is just a little pocket money to you through your journey. You can use it to get some food to eat on your way going" said John.

Andre reaches into the envelope and takes the money out and puts it in his back pocket.

"Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate it" Andre said softly.

The two men shake hands.

As Andre started to walk away again, Cassandra reaches out to him and holds his hand to stop him from leaving.

He turns back to look at her with no expression on his face.

"I am heading towards the main city,can I drop you off at your desired destination" asked Cassandra.

" I would really appreciate that Miss Miller although I am not heading towards that direction,I can at least drop off on the way" Andre said softly.

"Alright. Please wait for me,let me get my car" Cassandra said whilst smiling.

Cassandra left immediately and the chaplain pulled Andrea closer to himself so he could talk to him.

"You know you've been through hell here and you have experienced alot during this five years of being a prisoner. Finally,the Lord has answered your prayers and you are now a free man again. This is a new beginning for you. Go out there and live a clean life. Make me proud and the next I see you in this prison,it should be because you came to visit me and not because you were convicted again. May God guide your every step" Chief John said.

"Thank you for all you've said sir. Thank you for all you did for me in there too." Andrea said softly

The chaplain nods and left.

Cassandra's car pulls up and Andre ooens the passanger door and slide into the air-conditioned interior.

As she drove away,neither of them saw Vincent intensely glaring at the car Andre was in. He pulled out his phone and dialled a number

" Hey Chris,where are you?" Inspector Vincent said through clenched teeth.

The voice on the other end actually belongs to Inspector Chris Attah,another officer in the police department and Vincent's best friend.

"Oh boy. I dey one joint dey drink pepper soup o. Goat meat surplus" Inspector Chris laughingly said.

"You were right bro. The motherfucker was actually released,he just left" said Inspector Vincent.

"For real?" Replied inspector Chris.

"Yes. For real bro and it pains me so badly" said inspector Vincent angrily.

"Do you think he is going to be a problem?" Asked inspector Chris in a low and sinister voice.

"You know he is always going to be a problem to me. We need to make some plans so get back here right now" said Inspector Vincent.

"Oh boy. I am on my way right now. I go abandon this peppersoup. We could have killed that bastard ever since but it's never too late though" said Chris.




Cassandra has driven the car on to the road that would lead to the main city and through out the drive,she kept casting glances at Andre.

Andre rested his head on the seat and closed his eyes.

Cassandra stared at him and studied his face. From his long eyelashes to his thick eyebrows and his sensous lips. She sighed and turned up the volume on the music playing from the radio.

Andre opened his eyes and stared at her.

"Listen Andre,I can drop you off wherever you want you know. Just tell me and I will do it" said Cassandra

He looks at her with no expression on his face and when he spoke,his voice held a little uncertainty.

"What happened Cassandra?" Andre asked.

"What happened where?.. I don't understand" Cassandra said while raising her eyebrow at him

" I mean you have been good to me ever since you were transferred to new new castle prison three years ago and you have been treating me with alot of respect. Surely,you must have heard some bad things about me. So I want to know why" Andre said.

She looks ahead towards the road for a while and then she looks at him again with a sad smile and gripped the steering wheel tightly. Andrea noticed how fragile she was looking and for the first time noticed how beautiful she really was.

"Do you want the truth?" Cassandra asked

"Yes I want to know the truth Cassandra.. You have done so much for me for the past three years now and I feel there is something behind it so please tell me. I want to know what it is" Andre said.

"Yes you are right. There is something I want to tell you but I don't wish to discuss it now but I hope I will see you again?" Said Cassandra.

"Do you really want to?" Asked Andre.

"Yes I do want to see you again." Said Cassandra with an honest expression on her face.

" Alright then you will" Andre said

They both turn their faces towards the road and listen to the music being played on the radio.

"Less I forget. I have a little gift for you" Cassandra said happily.

"Oh really!!. What is it?" Andre asked

"Could you please reach towards the backseat of the car and help me bring the phone you see there?" Cassandra asked

"Okay sure" Andre replied.

He brings it and hands it to her.

"It's not for me dummy. It's for you,that's is the gift I wanted to give you. I could have given it to you on your last birthday but I couldn't because of prison rules" Cassandra said.

"I have fixed a sim card in it and I stored my number too" Cassandra said with a huge smile on her face

Andre presses the power button of the phone and it comes on and he saw that the wallpaper was a picture of a pouting Cassandra. He swiped the phone upward and he saw the request for a password.

"What is the password?" Andre asked.

"Oh! It's CASSEY" She said smilingly

"You can change the wallpaper if you want to though. That was just my own setting. I also loaded some credit in it for you" said Cassandra.

They look at each other. She smiled and his eyes soften and he smiled back.

"Thank you so much Cassandra. I know this must have cost a fortune but I really appreciate it" Andre said.

"You are welcomed" Cassandra said

"You know I'm married right?" Andre asked softly.

She nods and turns her attention towards the road. Andre takes out a wedding ring from his pocket and slips it on to his ring finger and caresses it. Cassandra looks at the ring on his finger and her face became contorted with a gloomy expression. As she spoke softly,her voice was a little bit frosted over with hidden emotions. Sgee stared at the ring again and tighten her jaw as she spoke.

"Yes Mr Andre I know you are married. I also know that your wife sent you divorce papers as soon as you went to prison. Your wife,Kim Richards has never hidden her wish for you to sign the divorce papers so she can get married to the man who was once your best friend, Mr Gray Mayers who was actually your best man on your wedding day. I have always been wondering if your wife was having an affair with him behind your back which would be really disgusting. She had never visited you once since the five years you've been in prison. You were a public figure Andre,everybody knows your story and I also heard that she said,she took off your wedding ring the day you went to prison. Andre love,she has forgotten about you. She is now in an intimate relationship with your best friend now n she is only waiting for you to sign the divorce papers. I am sure the fuck every night so don't you think that ring on your finger is baseless?" Cassandra said with a frosted voice.

He looks at her and she see the torture that is clearly ripping apart his soul as his face show a mixture of hurt and saddness. She realized how she had hurt him deeply and tries to touch him but he moved away from her.

" I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you" Cassandra said feeling bad

He looked at her and closed his eyes and then he makes her stop the car and he entered a gift shop and placed a little gift wrapped package in his pocket and turns back to sit in the car till he got to his destination and came down.

He looked at her again with hurt clearly showing on his beautiful face.

"I am sorry. I didnt mean to say all of that. I don't know what came over me" Cassandra spoke remorsefully.

He nods and looks at her one more time.

"Thank you for everything. I very much appreciate it" Andre said.

"You are always welcomed" Cassandra replied.

He walks away and does not look back. Cassandra sighs deeply.

"Why do you affect me so much Andre" She said and sighed deeply.

She engages the gear and drives away.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ria_Danielz_1109creators' thoughts