
Do Me A Favor Drop-Dead

Every high school girl and boy desires and anticipates for that awesome, popular, and famous with extravagant easy and free going lifestyle. Having the most expensive and latest gadgets and clothes and not to mention having the most beautiful, impressive good looking body. When it came to the girls, every girl had to do what a girl gat to do, to always be the prettiest, most good looking girl in school, you had to have curves in the right places, long beautiful hair, a pretty face and lots of influence and the others that didn't fit in this kind of lifestyle centered their attention on studies. While with the boys, apart from the outstanding accessories, one had to have the hottest girl in school, with sustainable grades to impress the girls and a great athletie, tall and heavy built, with great dominance. And then came around this guy, famously known as Costa Nucho. damn did he have everything. He used to nail it in every aspect. Being the leader of the athletic team, he had this great body, the looks, money, influence, dominance and all the pretty girls flocking to him, captived by his charm. He was full of pride and arrogance, determined to get his way no matter what. Little did he know that his stubborn, superior attitude was soon to be challenged and changed, by a simple, low class girl, a girl way out of his league, who was determined to maintain justice even if it meant matching Costa Nucho's pride, attitude and arrogance. But things turned out different for both of them, terribly worse than they ever imagined.

Susan_Phiri · Teen
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33 Chs

chapter 9

The waves of the sea were coming. Vivian looked at his mourning face. She suddenly felt a little pitiful. There was indeed a pain to everyone in this world.

Vivian grabbed the wine from him, took a sip, and said, "God will not feel guilty for anyone. When he takes away all your things and those you love, you just have to take it back or avenge their death. It's useless to blame him, and he will even be complacent. Look, just like you, human stupid or not, all go through some real shit but you have the power to change that, okay."

When Nucho looked at her carefully, she was a little cute. He quickly looked away and couldn't help frowning. He was surprised by her loveliness.

Nucho raised his head and let out a long sigh. He sniffed, snatched the wine from Vivian's hand, and gulped down the wine, then shouted at the sky, "God, I will take back all the things you took away one day and am gonna avenge her death!"

Vivian glanced at him, and her cold lips finally raised, "Yeah! That's the spirit."

She raised her eyebrows to grab the wine again. There wasn't much wine left in the bottle when they took sips one after another.

Looking at the waves around his feet, he smiled bitterly and said, "All my life, I've been scared, I always blame myself for mom's death, and that really breaks me down. If only I could have done something that day. But what could I have done? I was just a little, useless boy. I am sure that if I ever open my mouth and go behind dad's back, he won't for once hesitate to have my head chopped out."

Vivian couldn't find anything to say about that, just habitually grabbed the bottle, but Nucho did not let go.

Vivian was pulled by this force and fell into his arms.

Nucho felt the warmth in his arms. When he looked down at her, his eyes were fixed on her cherry lips.

The stars began to flicker in the sky.

The moon hung high in the sky, and the stars were like shining diamonds.

The waves not far away were rolling.

It seems quite amazing, with fragrant sweat, deep breathing, and mellow wine smell.

As he moved closer to kiss her, she broke free from his grip and stood up.

She glanced down at him and said, "Sorry Nucho, I gat to be going, it was a great talk, hopefully we are going to have another similar encounter."

Nucho remained clinched in the sand as he watched her walk away.