Maximus Magnar is a young man living in a futuristic world. Follow Maximus throughout his journey to becoming one of the rulers of the universe.
At the beginning of the 22nd-century humans evacuated Earth. After the start of the WWIII Earth became uninhabitable. The radiation levels became too dangerous. Luckily, by the start of WWIII, humanity had developed their aerospace technology to a level in which they could migrate the diminished population of 500 million people to the recently discovered Earth-like planet, Future.
After embarking on a 50-year interstellar journey, under the effects of deep sleep hibernation chambers, humans finally arrived at planet Future. Unlike what humanity expected, while planet Future's geography and the atmosphere is similar to Earth, the creatures that inhabit the planet are ferocious ancient beasts similar to those described in ancient mythology.
After struggling to survive against the ancients beasts for 300 years humans finally discovered a way to fight back in this cruel new planet. During those first 300 years, humans became the food of the beasts. Firearms and nuclear weapons only worked on the weakest of the ancient creatures, while doing no damage to the average beast. As a result, they were forced to hide in caves deep underground or to move to zones in which the creatures that inhabited the area were the weakest of the ancient creatures. During those years, the human population dropped to a measly 300 million.
As mentioned before, after 300 years of struggling, one fateful day, the humans finally found hope. Inside an ancient underground temple, a group of explorers found a series of documents that described the state of the explore universe and the methods the different races use to become more powerful. After finding those documents and translation the ancient knowledge, the humans discovered that they were not the only race in the universe. They discovered that the universe is filled with millions of other races. But the most shocking discovery is that the human from Earth were not the only humans in the universe. Earth was only an outer ring planet of the human race. Considered a planet first populated by low level criminals.
Those that first populated Earth were sent there as punishment for committing crimes against other members of the human race. Before sending them there, their cultivation was broken which lead to the humans from Earth to lose the ability to cultivate to the pinnacle of humanity.
According to the documents, in order to cultivate to the origin, humans must unlock their genes that connect to the universe origin. All creatures in the universe possess those genes. Those genes allow each human to unlock a different ability at each stage of their cultivation depending on their genetic makeup. It is unknown what ability each individual will unlock at each stage of their cultivation, the only thing people can do is try to understand and strengthen their abilities and to try to unlock more abilities as they try to unlock their full potential.
The saving grace about advancing in cultivation is that no matter what ability each individual unlocks, their physical strength and the power of their unlocked abilities increase with each major advancement.
The cultivation system found by the humans is said to be broken down into 10 major steps. The first step is Awakening, followed by Ascending, Mortal Celestial, Celestial, Heavenly Celestial, Immortal, Immortal Lord, Immortal King, Empyrean, Origin. If there is a level after Origin, it is unknown to the majority of the universe and only those at the Origin level or above may know of the levels that surpass Origin.
After utilizing the methods described in the documents, humans started to become stronger. After several hundred years of fighting, humans stand at the top of the food chain of planet Future. The humans of planet hope then started to develop their technology once again and started to migrate to other habitable planets.
Eventually, the humans of planet Future came in contact with humans from other planets and became part of the Human Alliance.
The year is 4500 CE of the Earthly calendar and in Planet Future, a child named Maximus Magnar is born to Felipe Magnar and Ana Pereira.