DJIMON DJIMON (Seinen) Djimon is a young adult, he still lives at his family farm, helping out his parents, until one day, a tragedy strikes... In this dark fantasy type world, malicious beings roam the earth, harming innocent people, but don't trust the people either.
JAPAN, 1902
In a field full of the wheat, flowing with the wind, was a large wooden house with a stable next to it. It had a mountainous landscape full of green trees and wheat.
In the wooden house, was a young adult, with a black goatee and short hair, he was in underpants, revealing his muscular build.
He was in his room, sitting on his bed, ready to get up and get to work. He yawns, gets up and stretches.
*Im tired…*
As he gets dressed, he goes down the stairs to see his dad on the couch, drinking a beer.
*My father's an alcoholic, he started drinking when my mother died. He felt grief about it and stopped working the farm, so i had to work… alone. Although he was never abusive, my father has always suffered from a bipolar disorder.*
The father looks at him, and puts the beer on the table, he smiles slightly and says,
Father - "Djimon… how are you?"
Djimon - "Hello Father, i'm fine and you?"
His father doesn't answer and looks at Djimon, now serious, he grabs his beer and drinks again, as he lips remove themselves from the bottle, he says,
Father - "You should get to work."
Djimon nods and starts walking to the front door,
Djimon - "Goodbye."
He steps out and feels the cool breeze brushing on his skin, he closes the door behind him and takes a deep breath, absorbing the pure air.
He walks off his porch and steps onto the grass, Djimon walks to the stable and gets on a horse. He pats the horse's neck as it calmly starts galloping through the wheat.