
16: Killing Loki with Kindness

After a while of just spending time with Riveria and the woman, decided to keep my spare clothing. I loaded my log cabin onto the back of a more corrupted Dragon Shrimp from Cthulhu's domain. As, frankly, I just liked seeing and using the dragon-like shrimps as convenient messengers and carriers for big things. They even seemed to enjoy it as the big creatures, young and old, as they got the chance to get away from being devoured by Cthulhu and his followers temporarily.

Arriving back at the city while sitting on the Dragon Shrimp, with a house strapped to them, and Riveria sitting next to me. It was an interesting time, as one poor guy just didn't seem to know what to do, as we had the same talk ten times now.

"So… that's your house, and you're bringing it in on the back of a large aquatic monster… why?"

"Because, as I've said before, It's my house and I plan to live in it. If you ask an eleventh time, I'm going to shoot you in the dick."

"But…just why…"

"Are you fuckin stupid?"

"No. I can make meatloaf."

"How does that mean you're not stupid?"

"Because it's complicated to make?"

Seeing the situation, another gate guard took over while berating the one who just seemed to be not all there. Riveria was trying to hide her new outfit, while from the Dragon Shrimp carrying my house like an RV I got the feeling of it well trying to take itself. It really didn't want to be eaten, but having it around as well would help with having my home mobile. Dragon Shrimp RV… why does that sound like an RV brand from Earth? Anyway, I named the big guy Sheldon Cooper, as a joke and because of how he seems to act.

Dense but smart, just like the Human one. As we traveled through the streets of Orario riding on Sheldon and with the house. I did ask if Riveria wanted to be dropped off at the Twilight Manor. She denied that and instead asked to see where I'd plop the house at for now. Squeezing through the streets to the repairing Church Archaean would be a hassle, so we ascended, Sheldon flying through the air with ripples coursing through the air as his feet moved.

Everyone's surprise to see a flying shrimp was a nice sight, I may not worship Cthulhu, but he certainly helps with the mission. When we arrived at the church, I whistled, causing Cuddles to frankly explode from the ground. Pointing at a nearby abandoned building, I gave a shrill whistle like an explosive about to detonate. Cuddles hearing that wasted no time before well terraforming the place into a solid foundation for the house.

Cuddles is pretty good for construction type jobs because no need to wait for it to cool; they can just suck the excess heat out. Helping Sheldon to set the house down, I noticed a deep cavet next to the house, almost as if…. It was a pool huh? Looking at Sheldon and knowing his origins, I waved my hand at the pool, filling it with mossy bioluminescent water from Cthulhu's domain. It was pretty damn deep as well, so the big guy hid well in it.

Although when the house was situated all my monsters left the church and headed on through the door as Honey opened it. The insect dangled around the knob, with her wings buzzing loudly as she pushed it open. Huh, I wondered where she went after breakfast. Not surprised when I saw that Ais was over, I was surprised Finn and Loki were over, though. Loki looked as if she'd lost a sexual fantasy, looking at Riveria I thought about it then spoke aloud.

"I regret nothing, Loki."

"What do you mean?! Why is my poor Riveria with you squid boy?!"

"Riveria, your stage."

The Elven woman blankly looks at her Goddess and just bluntly destroys her world. Vindictive malice in her tone for all the pain she puts Riveria through daily.

"I'm with Grave Walker because…. I plan to marry him given our mutual attraction. Which means I would like to live with him most of the time in our… our home." She glanced at the wooden log cabin before speaking further. "I know the general rules of inter-family marriages Loki, Finn, and it wouldn't truly affect the Loki Family. He has no interest in making any future progeny join the Cthulhu Family, Hestia maybe if it'd be the best and safest place for them. Before you argue, Loki, I will resign faster than my ice can freeze you, if you deny this one selfish request after everything I've done for the Loki Family."

Loki fell onto her knees looking as if she got gut punched while whispering things like how. Finn, although he had some reservations, looked at us with a rather genuine smile as he looked towards his friend. His words were clear and almost brotherly as his gaze lingered on Riveria.

"I won't say I approve as the Captain, but as your friend, I'm glad you're happy. You, your husband, and children are always going to be a part of the Family officially or not. As I don't think something like this will harm your standing within the family majorly. Some of the members, even Bete, would probably even celebrate you finally getting a chance to unwind from all the stress we put on you."

Riveria blinked before smiling at the Pallum Hero and nodding. Loki getting over everything, sort of, as she stood up, sighing. Her eye's lidded as she rather depressingly spoke her piece.

"Fine you made your point Riveria, I'm happy for you as well you know? All the jokes and trickery aside, I'm glad you're finally being a bit more selfish and relaxing more. I give you my blessing to chase after your Human Husband, begrudgingly, he's not unknown to the Family and is someone I'd give acknowledgement to. As only someone like him can piss Freya off by being her just being unable to watch or charm him. Since when she tries watching him a fat lady on a toilet appears and says, "Sitting on a toilet.""

"Ah, my hidden enchantment attached to my soul, the troll viewer enchantment from Cthulhu when he sent me to this reality. It's meant for Freya primarily so it's good to see it's working as intended. Because fuck I don't want a stalker nor is she beautiful enough I'd want to entertain her. She's uglier than a Goblin."

"Pfffthahaha! You and the squid made an enchantment on your soul just to fuck with her! That's just devious and oh so hilarious~! Uglier than a Goblin, though? Why do you say that?"

"Just because she is perfectly beautiful outwardly doesn't mean she is as a person. So that all just goes to waste, she'd rather treat me like an object to be won and used as she pleases. Thus, she's uglier than a Goblin because they have at least some vague set morals, even the dungeon ones do, if you act right."

My reasoning stumped everyone who listened to me, as they took that in and digested it all. Loki looked at me with her eyes completely open and asked something, yet I humored her as I knew she truly cared for her family and was genuinely lonely in the romantic sense.

"Then what about me? What's your opinion of me, hmm?"

"Loki, I'll be honest with you, as you're someone I'd consider family regardless of your status. You're beautiful and an asshole-ish pain in the ass, you're a tomboy, a pervert, and a drunk. However, unlike some you truly care for your family, you play the jester because that's who you are, but you're always studying everyone.

Honestly, that's astounding as in but a few jokes or teases, you can get a general understanding of something. Plus, I can tell you're lonely and afraid of trying anything serious, due to mortal time. But you just need to take a leap and enjoy the time you have with your chosen lover while you can. It'll help you relax and ease up on your divinity, I believe that genuinely.

Plus if I wasn't going to marry Riveria or was going to just stay single. I honestly would've tried seeing how'd you react to being friends and just tease the ever living shit out of you."

Riveria blinked at me but smiled, seeing how her Goddess just seemed to shut down mentally. Finn chuckled with a smirk towards the Goddess as she blankly looked towards me. My words ringing true to her divine senses, which likely just put the trickster in a complex conundrum. As no matter how her divinity tries putting it, I had no motives or jokes, just brute honesty with a preconceived family member. What was worse for her, she also was probably trying to compute that someone genuinely just flirted with her.

Riveria knew most likely I just did so but seeing her Goddess just shut down and take that all in. Made the Elven woman smile as while Loki slowly started back up mentally the deity slowly but surely turned and almost tripped. Loki's divinity being thrown off temporarily had made a scene that was wholesome blackmail happen. As the Goddess looked absolutely drunk on honest praise and some bland affection that she nearly tripped trying to walk away.

That's when I remembered something Cthulhu wanted to know.

"Hey Loki! When's the next God meeting?! Cthulhu wants to attend through a means of possessing me!"

"I-i-in two days! Now please shut up! I'm going home to get drunk and forget what I just heard!"

"Aw but here I was hoping to talk with you more! Oh well."

"Later! Bye! Fuck off! Shit this is weird! Finn, come on!"

The Pallum watched me absolutely kill his Goddesses vibes with kindness. Chuckling he waved goodbye before walking after the stumbling deity high and drunk on honesty. Possibly hit her more than anything she's received in a long time possibly from just honest and unfiltered feelings. Because I'm a sociopath I'm not going to sugar coat shit I'll kick you in the balls with the truth and keep going.

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