Divinity in Decadence is a dark fantasy novel with a goal of exploring a different kind of world. A world built on evil, with no clear morals or virtues. A world in which even that which is worshiped despises those who worship it. In such a world, it is customary and very natural to lose all hope and succumb to despair. However, one man challenges the world itself and begins a war against it. A war against all that is agreed upon and established. A war to change what is right and wrong. This novel is dedicated to the journey and trials of this single man and those around him. From humble beginnings until the very end, we shall see how he struggles to achieve what he himself conceives to be righteous. What he understands to be the truth. If you wish to personally share your grievances or speak about the book in general or about any related topics, feel free to write a comment, I will answer and appreciate all of them!