
Divine Souls

Friends Aki and Runar try to perform a binding spell with each other when things go wrong and they are sent into a new world. Given new names and a system they slowly grow and become more powerful. This is my first time writing something so please forgive me if its bad. If you enjoy please give power stones. Doing so will tell me you like it and I'll add more chapters daily. Cover is not mine. If it is yours please let me know and I will take it down

FoxyWitch · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Almost School Time

It has been around 7 weeks since Mihael and Aeden began training with their Parents. Along with gathering mana to increase their core stage. Every day they go through the hellish training of their parents and have made great improvements. They can now summon basic elements as quickly as a minute or two and they have been learning to fight with their swords. While they aren't as good as their mom wants they are able to defend themselves without much issue. 

Today their parents decided to give them the day off to explain how the school is going to work. They had a list of basic classes they had to take but then also some supplementary classes they could join. School would go for 5 years and by the time they graduated they should be able to use most magic without issue.

Aeden and Mihael decided to take separate supplementary classes to learn the most they can. Mihael took Blacksmithing, Potion Making and Enchanting while Aeden decided to go with Herbology, Battle Magic and Rune Crafting.

They will be able to leave the school every day to go home if they wish and they have to have their Magic Affinities and Mana Attraction Rate tested before they are granted entry to the school. They must have reached a minimum of Orange Core Stage to pass. Good thing they are just at the cusp of breaking through to the green core stage.

They have noticed that with all of the magic training the rate at which they gather mana is slowly increasing. after a day of training they sit together in their bed and gather mana, they have noticed that the closer they are the easier it is to gather mana. It must be a special effect of the connection they share through the system. Gathering mana for a couple hours they realized that they are just one small push away before they fully breakthrough to the green stage. 

Heading to bed after another long and exhausting day they both drifted off to sleep.

In their dreams they were both in a forest walking together hand in hand while holding a lantern. They couldn't hear anything other than the sound of their breathing and the sound of their steps as they walked. The forest was completely silent and felt nearly empty as all they could see were trees and fog. After a long time of walking they finally reached somewhere. They came across a decrepit and ancient looking temple. Deciding to walk inside they began walking up the steps. After walking up 10 steps they realized that it has gotten much harder to take steps. After reaching the 25th step they couldn't move anymore and collapsed out of exhaustion. Just as they were about to pass out they heard a voice coming from the temple. 

Your soul is too weak to walk into this temple. Do not return until you have grown stronger. The voice said with a booming voice.

Right after they passed out in the dream and woke up covered in sweat and feeling extremely sore. Eventually they managed to fall back asleep and woke back up in the forest where they began.

Where is this place and why are we being pulled here? Mihael asked while sounding frustrated.

I don't know but it seems like this place is more real than we first thought. I guess we should choose a different direction to walk in so we don't end up back at that temple. Aeden replied with a pondering look.

Mihael grabbed a stick and began drawing a small compass on the ground. So if before we walked forward and reached that temple let's consider it to the north. So do you want to go East, West or South? Mihael asked while looking at Aeden.

Hmm Might as well go East and continue going in a clockwise direction if we end up back here. Aeden replied as they both nodded and began walking towards the East.

After another long time of walking they came across another temple but this one was different. The first one was more brown and Earthy while this one seemed to be more made out of wood. 

Beginning to walk up the steps they heard a feminine voice that spoke to them.

Welcome to this temple. Unfortunately you are too weak to enter and will just injure yourself trying. The voice said in a calming tone.

Can you tell us how strong we will need to be to enter the temples? Also what is the purpose of this place? Aeden asked while sitting on the stairs and taking a break.

You will need to enter the blue core stage and also strengthen your soul. These temples are here to help you gather elemental and to condense it into a seed of divinity. Everyone has their own way into the forest and we are the guardians of this plane. You can only condense one seed of divinity per mana core you have. Now it is time for you two to leave this land. 

With a blink they both woke up and looked at each other wondering what the voice meant by the 2nd part. But getting ready they went downstairs and joined their parents for breakfast deciding to tell them of their trip. 

Their parents were shocked as Raziel began to talk. You shouldn't have been able to go into the forest! It is supposed to be sealed until you reach the Peak of the Blue stage and really until you break into the violet stage since your soul shouldn't be strong enough until then. 

Honey I don't know why you are shocked. Those two have been defying logic for a long time also didn't we both enter the forest earlier than expected? Usiel said with a smile.

I guess you are right but not as early as them! Raziel said still being shocked. 

The conversation continued like normal as they ate.