3 The Meeting

December 31st, or what mortals call New Years Eve. What Christian called it was the worst day each time it came around. This was mainly due to the fact that his Equals and him sat down to talk about what they have done in the year.

To Christian, this was just a way to show off to each other. So he mainly kept quiet. Yet as he walked into the Event Horizon; all eyes were on him.

"You Idiot!!!"

Roared a male that seemed to ripple from every sinew in his body. He stood taller than the rest, his blonde hair closed cropped to his pale skin.

"Easy, the beanpole was just being soft as always."

Said another, his body quite portly. He however was speaking through gobs of what Christian thought was minced chicken and wine. The very sight of it made Christian feel like retching, if he had any reason to eat.

"I agree with Famine."

Said the final being through a muffled mask. He smelled of power antiseptic and cleaners, the one thing that was also keeping Christian from retching at Famine's presence.

"Death is giving the mortals a reason to keep living Wrath, it shouldn't be an issue as the Per-"

Wrath slammed his fist down, nearly cracking the table if it wasn't made of the very material like Christian's dagger.

"Can it Pestilence. Last time I let you speak, you nearly destroyed the Irth as well!"

Christian however, slowly made his way over. These were his brothers... and he was the youngest out of them all.

Irth was a shared domain between them, a final parting gift of their Mother. It was suppose to be a way to work together, to bond closer.

However, those three pester each other like children. they did constant battles between them. All Christian could do was pick up the souls from the expended humans and give life back to those who deserve it.

"What do you have to say for yourself!"

The booming voice smacked him back to reality as he saw his brothers look at him for an answer.

"You do not see this from my per-"

His words were cut off by a fist to his jaw. The sudden impact would make him fall to the ground, holding it as he waited to heal.

"Do NOT start that spheel again Death, or I won't stop till you can not move ever again!"

Wrath screamed in his face, Christian feeling the spittle coat his pale face. This was how wrath always acted when things didn't go his way. With Pestilence and Famine unable to even match his strength, they just stood there unerved by what happened.

"Now," Wrath began as he regained his composure. "To amend this, we will all work together and focus the resources we can use to find her, and kill her."

No one would object, as they knew that if he went off again, they wouldn't be able to do their respective jobs.

"Good, since we are all in agreement. This meeting is over."

With that, they all left. Christian would continue to sit there... his anger boiling over as he waited for his jaw to realign.

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