
Divine Chaos

After finding a mutilated corpse in a river, and another teenager being abducted, the local Precinct fears that they are out of their depths with a possible serial killer on the loose... Will detectives Luke Ceronio and Sean Reynolds get this case under wraps or will more deaths occur? And who is this killer? He must be a pro - he never leaves a trail behind that can be traced... Will Luke and Sean eventually get a lucky break, or will this case spiral out of control? * * * The story will be following four main characters, three of which will be written in an OMNIPRESENT PERSPECTIVE, though some chapters may involve other characters and telling a bit more about their back story so that their actions, feelings and thinking regarding the main characters can be better understood. First: JENNA (Jennifer Carlysle). Jenna is an introverted, innocent college student whose focus is mainly on achieving good grades. She has been a victim of bullying which resulted in her low self-esteem, due to her glorious mane of Red hair in an uncommon, darker shade. Her best female friend since she can remember - and years before that - Claire Thompson, tries to help her crawl out of her shell, which seemed like a very good idea at the time... Second: CHRIS (Christopher Evans). After Chris and Gabby were left to fend for themselves by their deranged mother, Carol Evans, they were extracted by Detective Russel Whittaker. In the absence of their deadbeat dad - Matthew Evans - Chris and Gabby were then handed over to CPS. Chris spent 9 years in and out of foster homes - until Mrs Gordon entered his life as if sent to earth by God himself. Will the angelic Mrs Gordon be able to provide Chris with the love and support he so desperately needs? Will Chris be at peace or will his traumatic past darken his future? And what in the world happened to Gabriella Evans? Third: LUKE (Detective Luke Ceronio). Luke has only recently started working at the precinct's homicide division, partnered with Detective Sean Reynolds. A heartwrenching divorce left him broken and clouded his logical thinking, but with a good friend like Sean, things start looking up. He isn't the most charismatic man, but at least his good looks make up for what he lacks in charisma. With his sky-blue eyes and pitch-black, tousled hair to complete the tall, dark and handsome look - a few hearts are sure to be broken... Fourth: THE ABDUCTOR, chapters of which will be told in FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE to refrain from divulging too many details... Facts will be disclosed during the book regarding our killer, but only later on in the story will you truly get to know him. Who is this 'Sissy' he constantly thinks of? * * * I am aiming towards writing a very intense, intriguing CRIME FICTION novel. Best way of classifying it would be MYSTERY / THRILLER... PLEASE NOTE! Later on in the story the chapters will include MATURE CONTENT!!! You have officially been warned (or prepared). Enjoy the journey, and let yourself be thrilled...

Monique_Rossouw · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Stupid Little Girl...

"Please don't do this! Please don't do this!!!" Cassidy begged as I retrieved the white, washed out cloth from my shirt's pocket, ready to wet it with some transparent liquid from a dark glass bottle.

"I'm so sorry! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!!" She whined, pleadingly as a fresh bout of tears streamed down her perfectly sculpted face... Always the same words...

They're all the same... I thought to myself as I drenched my handkerchief in this special type of Chloroform - a modified blend I worked on myself... I was quite impressed with how well it worked - it had little to no side effects, when compared to the original.

"N... n.. no Or... rr.. iginality... Y... yo.. you diss... sapp.. ppoint me, Cass... ssidd.. dy..." I told her. She doesn't laugh when I stutter anymore... A few hours ago she found that hilarious.

This feels good. Being in charge... I should've started earlier. My head hurts when she's not quiet!!! "Shh... shut.. up!" I yell in an effort to silence her.

But it doesn't work... "No please! You can stop this!!! You don't have to go through with this! Just let me go! Please?!?" She whined, as I took a step closer, and then another, and another, and still one more. The floorboards kept creaking as I advanced toward her. I hated that sound - it seemed so much louder in my head!

Why was she crying? Did I make her sad??? I paused for merely a moment, caught off guard. Sissy did that... Sissy was sad... Sissy used to cry a lot - just like Cassidy. Was she scared too?

For a moment I considered taking her blindfold off, to brush away her tears. To kiss her and make her blue eyes pretty and sparkly again. To make her laugh. To love her. But she doesn't want that. She doesn't want me - or my love for that matter! I'm just 'the spaz' to her - to them all...

"Please, just let me go! Please! I won't tell them... I'll tell them I just ran away! PLEASE!!!" She kept whining. Making my head hurt...

"N... NN.. NO!!!" I yelled back. She was quiet for a moment, sobbing silently... She doesn't like it when I yell. I scare her... I don't want to scare her!

Her lips look so soft... I think to myself as I take the last step towards her. She's so pretty. Pretty like Sissy... I reach out to touch her lips... My finger makes only the slightest of contact. They really are sof- "NO!!!" Her loud shrieking interrupt my thoughts and I press the handkerchief - soaked in my special chloroform - to her mouth...

After only a few seconds I feel her relaxing, going totally limp against me. I pick her up in my arms so that she doesn't collapse to the floor and carry her to the king-sized bed. I lay her down... Her golden locks splayed over the feather pillow, and again I am struck by her perfect appearance - completely in awe. She looks like Sleeping Beauty... So still... So peaceful... Finally - some peace and quiet.

I get the basin with luke warm water and set it on the side-table. I struggle to get my phone out, and then open the Google Play Music app. I select my 'CALM' playlist, and the soothing notes of Debussy's Claire de Lune start flowing gracefully through the air. Music had always helped me when everything else became too much, overwhelmed me - that must be why Sissy taught me her nursery rhyme... She used to sing it to me whenever I started shrieking.

I move to Cassidy's feet, to take off her Pierre Cardin stiletto's. Why do women torture themselves like this??? I think to myself for the umpteenth time. Cassy would have gotten away if it hadn't been for these silly spikey shoes... Stupid little girl... So, so stupid.

And now...

I have to punish you...