

After a few years I went to college I graduated and now at the age of fifty-seven, I am close to dying, I feel a burning pain in my chest, I was shot, for what seems to me they paid for my death.

* Flashback on *

The day is gray and rainy, again the same routine. My name is Joseph Miller, and I'm a famous architect. I don't have a fixed house, I have several around the world and I also have a lot of money.

I have no father or mother, I don't know what to have a mother's affection or a father's protection. I have no children or wife, I only have a single love which is my job. I love to innovate I love to think I love to read I like to go to the mountains take a deep breath and feel that pure air entering my nose and ahhh life is so good.

Many people think my life was easy, many people envy me, and many hate me ... seriously I'm not kidding. I lived in an orphanage in New York, it wasn't so bad it was fun, I had several friends, I remember once Carl and I escaped the orphanage to observe the city, there were many people some lived on the street, Carl and I met a clown, it was a lot of fun but when we got to the orphanage we got scolded. The one who took care of me was a very good nun, her name was Elizabeth but we called her Sister Beth, she was strict, and a little grumpy but she was the closest to a mother I had.

Everything was fine until Sister Beth died of an unknown disease, with her death the orphanage was demolished to make way for a factory, and all the children were left homeless many went to live on the streets, and we separated.

It was the most difficult time of my life, I lost my home, my family, I lived on the streets begging and stealing to survive, I didn't want to live that life and started to think about what my options would be, so I remembered that Sister said that to grow in life you would need to have knowledge. So I started to enter a library that was close to the street where I slept. At first I was afraid of being hurt, because who would want a dirty ragged boy scaring away the clientele, but the owner of the library was a kind gentleman who let me read the books in exchange for cleaning the floor, and I could also sleep in the back.

I was so happy, besides getting a job I got a shelter, the gentle gentleman always gave me some food. In that time I learned a lot I started reading architecture books. I was always very good at drawing so while I was learning, with the books I also got some papers, a pencil and an eraser, and started to create some projects.

Me and the gentleman, we became very close, he was like a father to me. As he had no children, I inherited the library. After his death I started to see that the library was over 200 years old. It was kind of hard to believe at first, but after reading a few secret books it all started to get on my mind.

The gentleman handed me a key and said that he was trusting me to keep it, but that key doesn't just open a common door… .it can open doors to other dimensions. So I made a cord with the key and never took it away from me again.

* Flashback off *

I'm sleepy ... ... very sleepy ... I ... think ... that I'm going to sleep, I closed my eyes and 'fell asleep'.


When he woke up, everything was different, he opened his eyes and the light blinded him as if it had been days since he opened his eyes. He was lying on a big and spacious bed, his body was sore, it took him a while to sit up. He was inside a large room, the walls were made of rough stone, and he had an old and dirty concept. In the room there was a table and two chairs, another room next to it where he assumed it was the bathroom.

When he finished watching, he tried to walk towards the table, he seemed to be having difficulty walking, but after falling twice he reached the table and sat on one of the chairs took a glass made of silver, filled it with water and drank twice, until he was satisfied.

After drinking he used the glass to see his reflection, he had fair skin, dark eyes, short black hair, he had a relatively handsome face. He wore a loose linen shirt, on his neck was the pendant that the gentleman gave him and he also wore baggy pants.

- From what it seems to me, I reincarnated, but now I just need to find out where I am -

Someone knocked on the door and came in saying:

"Excuse me, young nobleman, I'm coming in, excuse me." Said a girl who wore a simple white dress, she had red hair curled in a bun, her skin was pale, big blue eyes like sapphires and a beautiful oval face without imperfections. When she saw Joseph standing in the middle she was startled and said: "Young nobleman, thanks to heaven you are well, you almost killed your father and all of us, you have to be careful with it!"

"Where am I ?, how did I get here ?." Elliot asked. "Ah young nobleman, the fall must have affected your head, some horsemen carried you here after you fell off your horse while riding, and you are at Greenedge Fortress" replied the maid obediently.

- Damn, I need some time to organize my thoughts, so it seems to me that the pendant not only opens portals to other dimensions, but also makes you have all your memories intact, I will try to gather some information. thought Elliot.

"It may seem a little strange, but could you tell me who ... I am?" Elliot asked shocking the maid deeply "Oh, young nobleman, it must have been serious", said the maid approaching Elliot's face and caressing the bruise that was on his head, making Elliot blush deeply, after all he never had such close contact with unknown women. Realizing his mistake, the maid took two steps back quickly blushing a little, cleared his throat and said:

"I'm sorry, young nobleman who answered your question, your name is Maxwell Vernon, you are the only son of Edgar Vernon, heir to the noble house Addnell"

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