
Welcome to Ethereal End

'Welcome to Ethereal End, a city full of smiles.'

I sighed, I can't believe I have to live here now, in this weird place. I get out of the train and see people wearing masks? Odd and it's not a normal mask either, it was painted all happy-like. "Right, I suppose everyone here is always friendly heh," I said to myself, I walked out of the station with my luggage, caught a taxi, and am now on my way to my new house. I should've introduced myself shouldn't I heh. My name is Xue, just Xue. I don't have the last name nor do I remember having one. I'm now starting high school in a new city called Ethereal End, considering my old home isn't my home anymore. The taxi stopped and after paying the man I got out and walked to my new house. "Well, I suppose you have to start from somewhere". I said to myself, I walk inside of the building everyone is smiling, which creeps me out not gonna lie. I take out my key and open the door of my house, as I open it the inside looks average.

"Huh?" I looked around and spotted a cat, what is a cat doing here? Well, no matter, I'm too tired to think right now. I yawned, locked the door, and started looking for my room.


"Brother dear~ someone isn't smiling~". I said to my twin, smiling with glee in his office, "Could be that someone is new in this city my dear sister". He replied grinning as he stood up and looked at me. "Let's give him a warm welcome~!" We said in unison. We smiled and started to head off to the building.


Ugh, who's up at this hour?! I get up and rub my eyes, I don't like getting woken up like this. I walk downstairs only to smell smoke, 'Smoke? Why am I feeling all drowsy?.. ' I thought, I feel like my mind is going all blank. 'Maybe I should close….my eyes....and….'

I hear chuckles and footsteps but I couldn't open my eyes, can I open my eyes? Ugh, I feel numb, very very numb. Maybe just a couple more minutes to regain my strength.

I slowly open my eyes, my vision still hazy "Hey hey! Brother, he's waking up!" Someone said, a female? Could be "Calm down sister, let the man breathe~." another person said, a man no doubt. Finally, I can see, I see the people in front of me, a woman wearing a mask while the man holds the mask still creepily smiling at me. "Well, it seems that sleeping beauty is finally awake". The man said, "He looks like a bunny brother!" The female said with glee, 'They smile so creepily, seriously who are they?' I thought but my thoughts got interrupted with one of them coughing to get my attention. "So bunny, who are you? I don't think we've seen you around in this lovely city of ours." The man said, having a grin plastered on his face. "I should be asking you that," I sighed and then continued: "I'm Xue, a high school student...in….something….High… And you two are?" I look at the happy freaks and I don't know if I should run from them, "Well, little bunny I'm tG and this is my lovely sister Tg." tG said I pointed at the guy and said: "So you're Tg and," I pointed at his sister and continued: "you're tG?"

They both laughed, smiling that I probably mispronounced their name, 'What kind of parents name their children Tg and tG?' I thought "No bunny~ I'm Tg and he's tG!" She exclaimed in glee. I'm still confused, also why call me a bunny? It doesn't make sense "Considering you're new and all, smile! Everyone here smiles, wear a happy mask, or use happy pills!" tG yelled out with a bright smile. 'What?.... What kind of sick logic is that! Why should I smile at everything!' I thought, "Bottling up emotions is too much work~ wearing a mask is far better in my opinion". tG said smiling. "So CRH or CRA?" tG asked, I shrugged but then I look closer to them, "You two are so alike and yet you both aren't at the same time". I said the both of them look at each other and laughs. "That's the point of being twins you know!" Tg said laughing in between her words, "Well you still have time to get yourself a mask or pills~ now shoo!" tG said shooing me away.

Now that I'm back at my home, I'm still confused at what just happened, "At this point, I could probably forget about my life turning normal". I said to myself, sighing. I start to shower and then get in bed without knowing that my life has already been turning upside down.

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