A boy named Tsuyoshi and a dragon named Auruun having a great adventure together.They met a lot of friends from the journey.Auruun,Tsuyoshi and his friends tried to defeated a evil shapeshifting sorcerer who kidnapped Auruun's family and saved the day.
In long long time ago, In China.The human's ancestors don't like dragons.They're heart are black as a shadow.They hunt dragons for skins,meat and scales.The great dragon are so angry of the humans, so he control the sun hotter and hotter.The humans from China is feel very hot and the grains from the paddy field died for the temperature. The humans have no food to eat and been starved for months.The humans have no choice,but to pray the great dragons for forgiveness.The great dragon forgive the humans and the sky turn dark.The rain came through quickly to China.That time it was a heavy rain.The paddy field grow a lot of grains again and the humans are not feeling hot again.After the rain stop,the chinese humans were so happy,they thanked the great dragon for his kindness. From that day on,the humans keep praying the great dragons and they never killed any of the dragons again.5 years later,in West China.The great dragon and his people were living in a cave to survive.They were scared being killed by a shapeshifting sorcerer.Every year,they will travelled to another place for them to lived.Some are weak to travel,because they don't have enough food to eat and some died because their sick.The great dragon were sad for them.So they dicided to travel to a long way to Japan.They try to reached to the end and they made it.They were happy to see the beautiful and amazing nature at there.At there,it have full of japanese cave and moutain.And there have a special cave full of golden colour.The great dragon liked this place so he ask all of his people to lived there.Every dragons were appreciated to him so they let the great dragon to live in the special cave.The great dragon smile at them and fly through the cave.Every dragon go back to their cave and lived happily.The next day, the dragons started to working on the cave. They make the cave into a house for them.They working at day time until night.No matter what,they won't get sleepy until they finished building the house.For a couple years later,they have their own home to lived and the great dragon fall in love with a female dragon and they having a baby.Not for a while the female dragon lay four egg in the nest.The great dragon were very excited to see his children so he waiting for a long time.Suddenly,the first egg starting to cracked.It keep hatching and found out a golden baby dragon.He was cute and curios.So the great dragon call him Auryuu.The second one and the third one hatched each other.One is the one with red colour scales and one with blue colour scales.The second one is annoying and cheerful so the great dragon call him Auraan.The third one was sly and careful so the great dragon call him Auruum.Not for a while,the fourth egg hatched and found out a special dragon.He has a red and white scales so he call him Auruun.They were curious to meet the great dragon.The four of them run through him and jump up on his body.They are playing roughly.They were playing full of laughter.The four of them are very grateful that they have the first time playing with their dad.They were happy.From the night,The dragons gather up in a place prepared dinner for every dragons.They ate fish from the river.They served the food quickly.Every dragon eat happily and enjoying themselves.They all are having a great day.