
箭 Arrow

A bit caught off guard, and definitely still half asleep, you wake up to an empty bed. Walking out and into the living room, you see Da Jiang passed out on the couch, but Zhang Wei was nowhere to be seen. You hear a rustling noise for inside the bathroom and knock on the door.

"Zhang Wei? Are you in there."

Something falls.

"A-Ah uhm, yes. I will be out in a second."

He opens the door and smooths down his robes. You look at him and his cheeks were rosy.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-Yes I am fine."

You put your hand to his forehead.

"You seem flushed, but I know you are not sick."

He backs away.

"I-I am alright. Thank you."

You examine him carefully.

"What were you doing in there?"

He shakes his head.

"I was using the washroom."

You hear a groan behind you.

"Zhang Wei, why do you insist on keeping it a secret?"

Da Jiang stands up and stretches his body out. He looks at him, smiling sheepishly. Zhang Wei blushes and turns away. Still confused, you watch as he walks into the bedroom and shuts the door.

"What...is this all about?"

Da Jiang smiles, making some tea.

"He was releasing some pent up energy from last night."

You blink, but catch on quickly. You can feel your cheeks heat up.

"I-uhm, I should not have asked. Thank you though."

You hurry towards the room you two are sharing and knock on the door.

"Zhang Wei? Can you unlock the door please?"

You hear a click and open the door, shutting it right behind you. You turn around and he was behind you. In that moment you realized once more, just how tall he was. You look up at him.

"Have you regained your emotions?"

He nods.

"Did Da Jiang know?"

"He was the one who informed me."

His face reddens up again.

"He told you?"

You smile.

"No need to be embarrassed about it. It is something humans need to do from time to time."

His gaze shifts to yours.

"Even you?"

"Even me."

He clears his throat and smooths down his robes. You could tell he was imagining it.

"Now clear your head and we can discuss more at home."

He shakes his head out and follows you out the door. As you open it, someone yelps.

"Da Jiang! Were you eavesdropping?!"

He backs away as you approach him.

"A-Ah, no...?"

You frown, slamming him into the nearest wall. You lean in close.

"I despise nosy people."

You back away and smile.

"On another note, are you alright? I did not mean to slam you that roughly."

He sighs and Zhang Wei collects his things.

"I had a bit of a hard time regaining my breath, but yes, I am alright."

You laugh, sitting down at the table, waiting for him to finish grabbing his things. He comes back with his hair ribbon untying, his sword clutched loosely in his hand. You look him over. He really was a mess right now. Da Jiang stands, escorting the both of you out.

"Make it home safe you two! I would love to see you again!"

You wave as you begin walking. It was chilly outside, a slight snow falling. You looked up into the sky, the entirety of it covered in a mix of grey and white. It was always beautiful when it snowed here. It brought you a sense of calm, just like the cherry blossoms. Zhang Wei fixed his hair and posture, speaking.

"You are one for the snow are you?"

You look at him and nod.

"Yes. When I was little I would attempt to catch some on my tongue. Like this."

You stick it out and smile slightly as a few fell into your mouth. It was cold for a mere second, then dissolved into heat. He chuckles.

"How adorable. When I grew up with snow I would be locked indoors. I have only been out in it a couple times."

You look to him.

"Do you enjoy the snow?"

He nods.

"Yes. I like the coat it leaves over everything. It seems as if you are in a wonderland."

Staying silent for a moment, you examine how your footprints left thick prints in the white sheet under your feet. You worried that it would cause trouble.

"No need to look so-"

Something buzzed past your ear and you ducked. It almost sounded like...

"An arrow."

Looking up to Zhang Wei, you see it in his hand. A drop of blood fell onto the snow, spreading out like water on paper. You take his hand and run to cover, observing his injury. It was a small wound, a cut, but if infected, could be fatal. You bite a corner of your robe, tearing a strand off and wrapping it around his hand.

"Thank you for saving me."

He look down at you.

"I did not save you, the archer missed."

He stands, drawing his sword and taking a peek from the corner of the house we were stationed by. Another arrow lodges sharply into the house, missing his face by a centimeter. He grabs you and begins running. You follow behind him, noticing blood dripping down your arm.

"Zhang Wei, how many arrows were shot."

"Thee, why?"

You feel around your arm before noticing, still sprinting after him. Once your fingers touch it, a fierce pain builds up in your shoulder.

"I was hit! How could I not have noticed!?"

He halts and looks at you.


You grab his hand, ignoring the pain running through your body.

"Ignore that! We can worry about it when we arrive at home!"

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