
Day 0, act 1

This was not how Yeomra expected to live through his Birthday

The first time he heard it he didn't think much about it. It was early in the morning on a Friday his roommate Daejung had the news playing on the Tv as he was cooking breakfast. Yeomra had just finished getting ready, hair still damp clinging to his pale skin. Baggy grey shirt sticking in places against his torso. The weather woman was talking about the current weather, scattered storms throughout the day with the occasional break. It was chilly in the apartment, quiet save for her rambling and the sound of the cooking eggs. Yeomra made himself comfortable on the small once navy now more a grey blue sofa. He unlocked his phone and began checking over his email to see if the professor had ever answered his late night question. The woman on the screen stopped talking suddenly causing him to pause and glance up at the small tv screen as it was a rather odd place for her to have stopped so suddenly. She was looking off passed the camera the smile on her face dropping as the screen quickly changed back to the news anchor who began speaking rushedly. "We have just received news that a dangerous new virus being studied has breeched containment. This virus is highly infectious and all people are advised to stay inside until further notice" just below his vision he notices his phone screen going into sleep mode. That was hardly his focus now however. The new lady on screen looked completely bewildered for a moment as she was obviously fed her next lines off screen.

"Symptoms of this virus include discoloration of skin, irritability, insatiable hunger, animalistic behavior. People subject to this virus" she paused almost as if she was not sure what she was supposed to say, cautiously continuing as if she herself no longer believed it. "they will inevitably lose their sanity, rabid with a strange obsession with the consumption of human flesh. There is no known cure however doctors believe-" Yeomra hit the power button on the remote and watched the screen turn black. Staring for a second before letting out an annoyed puff. "they really are crazy, they think people will believe that shit. What kind of messed up prank is that" getting up from the sofa yeomra grabbed his bag by the arm of it and made his way to the door "I'm going on to campus, I still have questions for my teacher so I wanted to catch them before class anyway"

Daejung looked up from whatever it was he was doing in the corner of the kitchen "your still going out after the news report? Didn't you hear the lady you don't want to be eaten by a rabid flesh eater do you" he sneered obviously joking about the situation as he also did not believe it. Yeomra just rolled his eyes and slung his red bag over his shoulder and picked up the skateboard by the door "Right totally, and I'm the king. Really though I'll see you at lunch. Try not to burn the house down I actually like living here" before he could respond Yeomra was already shutting the door behind himself.

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