

Eight years ago...

I just put the last piece of clothing in my suitcase, with a great regret in my heart. I didn't want to leave Hector. In such a short time, he became everything to me. But unfortunately I cannot have him with me, he would suffer greatly from my parents' arrogance and contempt. Away from me, he could have a happy life. I know Carla will make you happy, as I will never be able to, but one day I will come back and tell you who I really am. I just hope that when that day happens, it's not too late.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Alexia?" asked Marcos once more.

"Yes, I am, I'm just a teenager who played house and now, I really need to grow up."

"What about Hector?"

“He'll be better off without me, tell him I love him, I'll be back, and one day, we'll be together forever. If he wants me in his life."

"He goes."

I took my chain that was on top of the nightstand, with a pendant in the shape of a mini-picture frame and that contained our photo. I put my chain around my neck, opening the pendant and admiring our image. A tear fell from my left eye, I felt like going back and facing the world so we could be together. But I couldn't! I couldn't be that selfish. With him in my life, at that moment, he would suffer a lot, I couldn't allow it. I took one last look at Hector, who was sleeping peacefully in the double bed that had been our bed for the last month. I stroked his head and kissed his forehead, he took a deep breath but continued to sleep.

"I promise that one day I will come back, we will be together and no one will separate us anymore. That's a promise, I'm going after my independence, when I get it, I'll be back. "

I left the bedroom with difficulty, I didn't want to leave. Marcos took my luggage, put it in the car. I took the last goodbye look at the house, which had been my house for six months. I got into the car, tears streaming down my eyes. On the way, I was silent the whole time, remembering my moments with Hector and already missing him a lot. Marcos left me a few blocks from my house, I said goodbye to him and walked towards the big house, to experience a reality that was no longer mine.

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