

''Edwin Starling, correct, that is my name.'' Edwin the protagonist of our story replied, as he was being scrutinized by a middle-aged man in uniform, with a short beard on his face.

Edwin had turned 7 years old two months ago, and had just awakened his Essence flow, which in this world, was a major step in growing up.

''Yes, you're the one I'm looking for'', A middle-aged man, that seemingly was assigned as his examiner, answered. ''Do you know why I'm here?'' The man asked.

''Yes, I have awoken my essence flow!'' Edwin exclaimed. He knew by the looks of the man's uniform that he had something to do with the army.

They were currently standing in the front yard of the Starling family's property, where the middle-aged man had approached Edwin. The starling family wasn't rich by any means. However, since they lived in the south-eastern region of the farm line, where most of the Oswell empires crops were grown they were definitively not poor.

The man nodded and asked another question, ''Could you take me to your parents? I wish to see them.''

Edwin nodded and quickly ran into his house, found his way into the kitchen, where his mother was preparing lunch and excitedly shouted, ''Mama, mama, a man just walked up to me, he is here for the exam!''

The man outside the house smiled as he heard the muffled yells of the kid. That was one of the reasons why he chose to become an examiner, with this job he could stay far away from the gruesome front-lines and could simply talk to and see happy families, while fulfilling his duties.

As the man was thinking about his decisions in life, a young woman who seemed to be just around 30 was talking to her son. She was Edwin's mother, Elene.

''Just a second sweetie, I just have to prepare tea for our guest.'' She said as she put the pot off the flame. ''Invite our guest to the lunch table and tell him that I will come in a minute.''

''Will do!'' Edwin exclaimed as he rushed back outside.


A few minutes later.

Three people were sitting around an oak table with a four cups of tea and a cup of milk at the center of the table.

''My husband is currently out hunting, we can start doing and discussing some things before he returns.'' Elene said while gesturing at an empty seat. ''He will probably return tomorrow.''

''Sure thing, that should work.'' the man said as he sat down.

''My name is Christopher, and I'm here on behalf of the army.'' He continued, as he adjusted himself in the uncomfortable chair.

''My name is Elene and Edwin is my son.'' She said as she started pouring some milk into her tea.

''You're probably aware of the reason for my visit.'' The man said, and then continued.

''Your son has recently Awakened his essence flow, making him eligible for the early assessment examination by the army.'' Christopher said in a slightly more serious tone, leaving little space for discussion. ''I'm here to do that.'' He continued while pulling an army badge out of his pocket. It was made out of leather and had a golden star in the middle. It was surrounded by a book and a sword, showing his rank as private, and his privileges as an instructor.

''Mmm alright.'' Elene nodded, recognizing the badge.

''Alright Edwin, please place your hand on this crystal.'' Christopher said as he pulled out a small violet crystal out of the chest pocket in his uniform. The crystal was 3 by 5 centimeters, had an emerald cut and was covered in pulsing silver in runes.

Edwin nodded, and carefully placed his hand on the small crystal. Soon a faint violet glow appeared below his hand, and when he took it away two small white lines appeared which made the man smile.

''Not bad, it is actually pretty rare to have an essence rating of two without any training. Especially at your age.'' Christopher said in a praising tone while giving an appreciative nod. However his inner expression was mixed. He knew that the child's future might be filled with trials. Not because anyone would force him to, it was simply for the fact that the strong and healthy usually had to protect the ill and weak. There was also the fact that Edwin was a commoner...

Edwin's talent was not ordinary, even if he couldn't compare to the noble heirs which had their bloodlines strengthened over the generations, it was still impressive. 'He will manage.' He thought, pushing these thoughts to the back of his mind.

''Alright then, the next test starts tomorrow. In the meantime, I want you to tell me the basics of classes and their mastery.'' The man continued.

''Okay, so the soul power or essence rating goes from l to VI while the Classes or mastery ratings go like this: Classless, Basic, Advanced, Master, Grandmaster, Supreme class and Transcendent!'' Edwin exclaimed with an excited smile on his face. ''And right now I'm classless.''

''Excellent, There's not much more I can tell you about the ranks and classes.'' The man said, with a relieved expression. This was the 30th household he had visited, he had to tell the same few things over and over again, until his tongue went numb. The man then started going through his bag and said ''I have something that can teach you a little more while I'm gone.'' which gave both Edwin and Elene a sense of anticipation. ''Don't worry it's standard procedure.''

When he finally found what he needed he faced the two of them and finally pulled the item out of his traveling-bag, it's appearance was that of a small notebook with a small green 3 by 4 cm crystal embedded into the front cover, Edwin thought that it was just that, a book. His mother, however knew better and a smile slowly crept up her face.

What Christopher was holding was none other than a possible entrance token to one of the six great magic academies. The wielder of this book would automatically be assessed, and upon sufficient performance would gain the ability to join an entrance examination for one of the prestigious six great academies. That was so long as the child showed sufficient performance during early tutelage. The book was only given to children with sufficient soul essence. The child must have at least had a soul essence rating in the middle ranks of tier l.

This was an incredible opportunity for both child and parent, after all, there were no tuition fees in the academies since they were funded by the emperor himself.

''Remember kid, this book will both be your guide, protector and means of communication, always keep it with you. I still have errands to run in this village, contact me when your father returns. My id is already in the book.'' Christopher said in a slightly more grave tone, as he picked up his things. Leaving a small guide to the book and the book itself on the table.

''Have a nice afternoon.'' He said both to mother, and child before leaving.

This is mainly the beginning for a longer story.

Some changes may come to this chapter as I improve on various things.

feedback is much appreciated.

SalladChompercreators' thoughts
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