As the light burns and the shadows fade, the darkness will always remain. You can run away from the light, hide from it, block it out, and ignore it. Darkness is ever-eternal. You can’t run, you can’t hide, and when you close your eyes, it will always be with you. You can burn everything around you—your home, lands, people, and even your soul—and be left with nothing, yet surrounded by everything—that is, darkness. One lost soul in the sleepy village of Droll would come to know these words. A twist of fate that not even the gods could have foreseen would bring a reckoning on all, for not even the heavens or hell would be spared its wrath. To fight monsters... you have to become one.
Before the age of light and shadows, the age of the abyss, the realm of nothingness, something sprung into existence.
All it takes is a spark, one moment to birth the age of fire that engulfs and embraces all.
The flames brought life to the never-ending sea of the void, spanning to the edge of the unknown, touching into and past it. In that roaring ocean of raw time, the first light that burned brought the bounty of life to the universe.
Thus, the age of the Luminarium had begun.
All beginnings have their ends, where the light and shadow meet, entwined in a forbidden love.
The birth of the Lightling of the Void, signalling the end of all.
Cast out of the warmth of one and feeling the cold of the other. Trapped in a prison not of their own making.
A soul that doesn't feel anything will become nothing. For nothing will consume all.
Above, for the mini comic:
In the bounty of life, something was born from the embers of the fading age of the Luminarium. Humanity walked upon the lands, seeing for the first time, blinded by the starlight, blinded to the approaching darkness within themselves and the monsters on all sides.
In the heart of the continent of Aerthura.
A small village sits at the centre of it all, nestled in the embrace of the nature of light and shadows; surrounded on all sides, danger lurking in the coming and going of the darkness of men, women, and monsters, for the innocence of youth is never spared.
As the lone star rises in the east, draping the lands below in its embrace, engulfed in the warmth of the dawn of a new day. In this dance of time, the history of man's time etches itself into the land, brick by bloody brick. The structures of old were born from the young and hopeful, only to be governed by the ageing and spiteful.
The northern kingdoms of blood and stone entrench themselves. The rulers Veral and Hermal fight for the same thing, just for different ends, one for God and the other for themselves.
In the mountainous regions of the west, only the most dangerous of all reside there. The winged monstrosities that could lay waste to entire villages and towns, even kingdoms, Laying dormant and suppressed by the river of time, beasts trapped in stone from the great subjugation of heroes long past. Their names lost to the history of humanity and the power they wielded with them as the trickling of bloodlines disappeared with every passing generation.
So the roaming of beasts that once feared the predators of old now scour new lands, many heading into the north, some to the south.
To the south, the fiefdoms of bandits and criminals entwined with the trickling of monsters and men, slowly filling the harsh environments of lush trees and stagnant soil, hindered by the encumbrance of constant death. When it sprouts up, it's either eaten or slain by the swords of bandits or worse.
As for the east, little is known about the lands of tundra and death. For all those that enter, never truly return.
Where the sun rises and darkness falls on a desolate land.
On the twilight of night, on the edges of Droll, a new darkness would fall on the people of the Vayreban manor.
The scrambling of feet rustled through the snagging bushes. Gripping onto the dress of something small, running from the monsters behind, falling into the earth below, enveloped by its cold embrace, where death should have been certain, the sacrifice of another would roll the ball of fate once more.
The end of the beginning...
The tale of "The Lost", two souls entwined. One born into the light and shadow, the other born from the darkness, forsaking all.
For the brightest of souls, hold the darkest of hearts.
"You can run away from the light. Hide from it, block it out, and ignore it. Something else will always lurk within, always eternal; before the trickling of time. You can't run from it; you can't hide, and when you close your eyes, it will always be with you. You can burn everything around you, your home, your lands, even your people, even... your soul. You will still be left with nothing, yet you will be surrounded by everything. What am I?"