Directions to You Zyrus Kiel Gatip seems distant and aloof to everyone. She even built a thick wall from the pain of yesterday. Not until she met a man, Zyren Gochiaco who suddenly pull her and introduce as a girlfriend to his family. She never knew how persistent the man, until she noticed that the mask, concealing her feelings began to fall, the wall she created brings chaos and destruction. The guy keeps making time to paint a colorful one in her colorless life, demanding to crave the love she wanted in heart and providing warmth that can’t change the world but can give comfort to her. This novel gives enlightenment about generality principle on how a single guy hurt you but not all guys will do the same, isn’t it?
- Z Y R U S -
What's new in the world? Obviously nothing, bunch of bullshit jerk here, fucking slut there and a damn couple in my front.
"Hey! What's with that face?" Julian asked me after he sits across me and put down the food in the table.
I didn’t even bother answering him and continue chewing my food. I hate how this school keeps tolerating couple who’s so much intimate to each other especially the couple in my right side. Bitch!
"What’s wrong?”
He’s trying so hard to put us in a serious conversation. He even sips his hot coffee.
But again, I ignored him and just clean my trash. I immediately drink the water and went to trash can to put the Styrofoam.
"Already leaving?" He worriedly asked. I don’t know get it why he needs someone who’ll accompany him for his lunch. Like dude why can’t he eat alone? That was freaking peaceful.
I nod my head, I can even hear him being irritated and accusing me of being rude for not waiting him until he finish his food. Some maybe asking questions but he is my cousin who is clingy. I also don’t get it how he keeps hanging out with me despite of how cold I treat him.
I went back to my room because my class will start soon. And to my surprise there is someone waiting for me. A person whom I want to hate but I can’t and I end up just hating myself more because she’s my twin. And that I still love her even she steal my man.
"Kiel" She said while smiling. It’s quite funny how a year passed yet she didn’t talk to me nor ask my whereabouts. Like they are the victim but the truth is me. They are the one who took Andrei from me. They are the one cut ties with me, treating me like an invisible and that I never exist in their family. And here we are, my twin who’s smiling ear to ear like idiot ike nothing happened and that we are okay. What the fuck is wrong with her?
"It's Zyrus." I corrected her. I am not the Kiel who’s craving to be acknowledged by her parents, trying so hard to be fit in the family she belongs and definitely not the Kiel who’s weak. I am Zyrus, a person who’s opposite for her.
I saw her holding my love letters where I can’t even recall when I wrote it.
“You still love him? You still love Andrei after he chose me over you? You’re a legend!”
I snatched it from her hand.
And I am sure that was when we are together and there’s nothing bad about keeping it. I’m not even holding on or expecting something, just a remembrance.
"God Kiel! Do you know what’s trending nowadays? Move on!"
"Do you know what’s also trending? It’s about finding another guy. In 7.6 billion people in this world, you really love to recycle what I throw away. I admire you for loving the nature. Keep it up.”
I feel how she’s pissed right now. I can even see how her nose flaring with smoke for so much anger. Anytime, I know she’ll freak out.
"I hate you!" She shouted at the top of her lungs and walk away while pushing the table and chair away for her way. That’s when I notice how some of my classmates are busy watching our show.