1 The End of Wang Jin

Wang Jin looked at a text as he began to cross the street, though it seems he would not reach the other side this time.

A truck struck Wang Jin causing him to meet his untimely end at the age of 23. No lover, no air, and nobody to take on his passions.

Wang Jin looked down upon his body as he slowly rose into the sky saddened and overwelmed with regret over his foolish demise.

He thought

"What would Lin Wu think"

"What would Aunt Shi Na think"

"What would happen to my prized novels and figures"

Tears fall from Wang Jin's fading face as he becomes more and more obscure, until he dissolves into nothing. Suddenly enveloped in a calm emptiness that leaves you lonely like a vast plain made by him for him, for him alone.

A white light washed over Wang Jin as he began to take form once more and regain his senses. Wang Jin finds himself in a large mass of people wearing all sorts of clothes approaching the monstrously sized arches with a massive desk in front of each arch.

Wang Jin felt a nearly undeniable desire to approach the center desk, but as it would seem his utter lack of a sense of direction led him to approach the left arch. As he arrived at this desk visibly fewer people were there compared to the center arch, but as if divined by the gods he slipped by the desk as the judge was busy with another person.

The moment Wang Jin passed through the gate at the end of the arch a warm breeze brought the freshest air he ever breathed into his longs as if to greet him for making the right decision. He is then assaulted by hunger and thirst like never before in his life.

Wang Jin lacked funds, so finding sustenance would prove to be a somewhat difficult task. Lacking in knowledge of this area was proving to be rather troublesome as he was lost in alley after alley until he reached a place that smelled of grilled fish and meat, a town square.

A rather ornate and beautiful white tile arena in the center of it all, with participants practicing what seems to be martial arts and sword techniques that would only exist in fantasies and books. The combatant on the left wore a white robe with gold and blue embroidery and held a jian while the combatant on the opposite end of the arena wore a black robe with red embroidery holding a scimitar.

The battle begins with a gust of air slashing out from the black robed warriors blade, but swiftly dodged by the white robed warrior. Blades clash and it appears the black robed warrior is over powering the white robe but in a scene staight out of a martial arts novel white robe uses a wave of cirular energy with a palm strike to knock back the black robed warrior in a fibal charge the white warrior engulfed in bluish green energy slashes at the black robe removing the black robe from the arena.

The aftermath of the battle left the arena perfectly intact and not a single person besides Wang Jin was fazed by this bout. The blue robed man sheathed his blade and bowed, after which he said " thank you Minh Ji Ho for the sparring match". In response Minh Ji Ho said " the gratitude is all mine Tian Jiahao" they they parted ways with Minh leaving through the crowd while Tian left the arena and walked toward a stall selling skewers.

Wang Jin approached the skewers stall aswell hoping to see if the had any food they had no intent to sell such as burnt food or overseasoned. Tian saw Wang Jin and was completely taken aback by him. Tian went up to Wang Jin, he then bowed and begged to be taken under his tutelage.

Confused Wang Jin explained " I am no great master, I am far weaker than you'

Tian Jiahao continued to beg saying " If you were not a great master with divine Qi, I would be able to sense your power as I am a Initiate 3rd stage spiritual cultivator"

After Tian Jiahao spoke armed guards arrived stating they are looking for someone who broke into this realm, holding wanted posters for Wang Jin with a bounty of 6 small spirit stones.
