
Supervisor Nat

The dinner lasted for another two hour until everyone was tired. When the group left the restaurant to go home they realize there Car was wreck. The tires were burst windows broken and scraps everywhere.

All five had a frown on their face.

"Let walk a night walk would feel good right" Chris said in which the other agreed.

Walking home the street was not that populated so it was a peaceful walk with the gentle night breeze but all that stop.

Near one of the lonely alley 15 men walk out of the shadow with knife and gun aiming at Chris group. With their tattoo and rough clothing you could tell they are just normal criminal so the girl didn't become frighten.

"Girls remember Raven is not a close combatant so help me keep them away from her." As Chris said that he crack his knuckles as he became a blurred. In four minute he had efficiently knock each out and tried them up. Further breaking each gun and knife.

He yawn as he stop fighting while the four muttered to them self "Show off"

They soon reach home and slept.

The next day something strange happen. Yeah the group stayed in bed until 10 was OK but when they woke up some one knock on the door a black guy with black eye patch stood there.

Chris who was the one to open the door ignore Fury and close back the door in his face.

This shock Captain America and Natasha who was hiding somewhere.

"Chris Waals I am Director of..." Before Fury could finish Fury could finish Chris voice came from the door.

"I know who you are and what you want. It a No so it doesn't make sense for you to go further but if you want then all three of you can come out in the open Natasha and Caps how are you."

Fury was shock by what he said. He signal for Nat and Cap to come out and atand beside while the door open again. Chris lead into the living.

"So director of SHEILD although I have an idea just tell me why are you here" Chris sat on the sofa as he stare at the three.

"Well we are her to recruit the five of you into SHEILD."

"Don't want to" Chris said instantly.

Natasha confused at Chris response ask.

"Don't you have to ask the other four their opinion."

Chris look up and realize the girls were coming down so he smiled and said.

"Not really but to convince you ask them yourself."

Natasha wonder what he meant until she saw the four beauty come down stairs.

Fury introduce himself and describe the SHEILD organization to them but he realize they show little to no interest in what he was saying.

"You do know if you don't join us we will be force to apprehend you guys as a threat."

Chris smiled as he look at them.

"Don't you guys have enough problem already with HYDRA having spies all over your base.Why bother five power mutant that can cause world chaos if we desire."

Captain America froze when he heard HYDRA.

"Wait what do you mean by HYDRA they are already gone."

Chris stared at Cap for awhile until he look at Fury "So you didn't tell him huh." He shrugged his shoulders while he went into the kitchen began to drink orange juice.

Fury turn to the four girls "Are you sure you don't want to join SHEILD."

They look at each other and Wonder woman in behalf of all of them answer.

"No we are not interested in SHEILD plus we plan to stay with Chris. Since he not going why reason is they to go."

Fury sigh at their response and left the house while explaining to Cap the situation about HYDRA.


"Sir are we just going to leave them like that" Natasha ask.

Fury listen to here and wonder what to do. They were right base on their power if they work together they are big threat SHEILD might not be able to handle but we can't leave them unsupervised.Plus we need to prevent information on them reaching HYDRA.

"Natasha stay here and find a way to be dried with them.These people are like Gods that came to earth I would rather be friends with go than enemies." Fury said as the three enter a black van.


Super girl and Chris who heard their conversation chuckle slightly at the thought of leaving Natasha to watch them.

After explaining it to the rest of the girl they behave like they didn't care and Chris began to prepare breakfast.

Next chapter