2 #1

An elongated silhouette could be perceived when walking through those streets between mud and the twilight just at nightfall, in that monumental city, I returned from his part-time job in a commercial clothing store, where every working day I attended, like that Tuesday.

This figure approached the sidewalk, the dense atmosphere by the rain that had been unleashed that afternoon with a fresh touch that accompanied a breeze that ran through anyone's body when leaving a place as warm as that heated place.

It was a Girl with Platinum Blonde Hair, eyes of intense green like a pair of emeralds that could penetrate fixedly to those who saw her directly towards them; This body was adorned and covered by a very extensive coat that covered perfectly each part of itself, carved by that slender and almost perfect figure if it was not for that bulging belly that had been hanging for almost 9 months already, which made the something more tedious because of the weight that this implied

That girl whose name was Muss and was just 30 years old and looked a little over 25, but what she did not know is that in a few hours death would wait for her in the delivery room.

Arriving at an apartment not far from there was a female figure not older than 53 who was Darmenia Her neighbor who had known for years when she was young and deceased husband Dell still lived.

Dell his sad and melancholy memory of the young woman, who made her cry every night, until dawn, in a corner of her apartment, because she was not one more, she was not soulless anymore of her kind, remembering it generated her a lump in his throat so huge that he could not get rid of it, a sour taste in his mouth that was hard to get rid of

As the moment passed Cesar seemed to the point of stop frantically almost freezing that moment. She watched the building that prostrated before her, was very extensive, light blue color that in the light of the night was clearer than ever, with gigantic glass panels on the sides, which could reflect the city next to it in a surprising and spectacular way , giving way to a slightly more attractive touch to who saw it at that time of day.

A slow and thick sigh that sketched seemed to erase that moment, leaving it aside and as if nothing were happening. She went inside the place and if she gave a word she took a firm and straight step, going through the great and fresh lobby; stopping abruptly to an elevator where he entered; the elevator was covered where you looked at it from large, gleaming mirrors that reflected the powerful white light somewhat yellowish.

He went to his apartment and opened the door of an apartment, it was neither too big nor too small, nor so humble, it was a bit comfortable; and its design was not so bad, the colors were of a clear range so that the light will contrast well, and it would be difficult that there was more natural light inside.

She worked with small strong feelings of tiredness, she had the expression on her face that expressed a bit of sadness and her eyes felt heavy, they showed tiredness of a work day and because of her conditions she got tired faster and more frequently.

She went to a black chair, where she leaned a bit, she felt that this would be her last minute when she started to leave a liquid inside her, which would colloquially say "the fountain broke" to give birth.

She hurried out of the house and touched the door of an apartment that was right next to her, she began to emit desperate moans, to woman of the third age came to his aid, finding the one who touched, on the floor, about Fainting .

Darmenia placed one of the arms of the girl leaning on his shoulder, to be able to take her into his apartment. They entered and with a tired expression he finally could place the body, laid him carefully in the gray armchair of his room, closed the curtains in the room; The moans began, they continued to incessant sobs that made her more and more nervous.

Darmenia calmly prepared to help her, began to prepare everything necessary, Muss watched her terrified from a very uncomfortable position.

The birth occurred, Muss charged the little one, looked at him almost without food, named him Dell, Dell Jem, smiled at the sight of him and seconds later the lifeless body fell, Darmenia knew it was happening.

Darmenia became the loyal company of the little one without a mother.

Hello. Im the  author of the History, I hope you liked it this part and do not forget to comment and give a lot of love if you want a new part
