
The Beginning (part 2)

At the same time that the ball of light disappeared, it reappeared in a dark space, it glowed white light as it slowly got smaller, and that white light integrated into a mass of what seemed to be flesh.

A year later, that mass of flesh is slightly larger and the ball of light was still glowing.

Seven years later, the ball of the flesh is now in the shape of a human baby that's curled up and is rhythmically breathing in a sticky liquid and some blue-colored energy. If anyone knowledgeable is present to see that, they'll know that this energy is Innate Energy, something that every being breathes during their time in the womb. The more innate energy is absorbed, the healthier one will be after birth, and if a certain amount is absorbed, one can be much stronger than peers of the same age.

During the 8th year of being in the womb, the ball of energy is no longer in a dark space nor is it glowing but exists in a gray space the size of small pond, that space is filled with a liquid-like energy; the ball of energy is now gray and noticeably smaller floating on top of the pond.

At that moment, the being opens its eyes, and a trace of confusion and slight pain can be seen as it looks around with curiosity while hearing sounds it cannot understand.

At this moment, at the center of a universe, there exists a giant white sun-like ball of energy, it is at least 100,000 light years in diameter. In the middle of this star, there is a core that constantly absorbs energy from outside the universe and sends said energy in every direction toward the universe. Closest to this star, about 100 light years away, there exists a beautiful planet made up of all types of colors, said planet is more than 1,000 light-years across.

On this planet, many continents exist, some as large as 100 light years, and some as small as 10 light years. Anything smaller can only be called an island. In the middle of the largest continent, there is a large and tall golden and purple palace floating in the air. The doors are glowing golden in color and decorated with purple-colored dragons and phoenixes, with soldiers exuding powerful aura guarding every entrances and exits.

A beautiful woman can be seen seated in a large room.

Said woman is so beautiful that most men would not be able to resist themselves, albeit with most men's strength, they'll die the second they get too close.

Her name is Elena.

Elena Magnus. She is the Mistress of the Magnus Family, Wife of the Patriarch, Cypher Magnus.

The Magnus family is the most powerful family in this universe and beyond. it exists in the universe for several universal epochs*.

Every time the universe is about to end, beings from the Magnus family outsides the universe collects and protects 100,000 recently pregnant women from the Magnus family and then place them in the new universe to continue the Magnus family.

Beings of a certain strength cannot stay in a universe and beings from a different universe, or a past universe cannot become stronger in a new universe because every universe, even if it's the rebirth of a previous universe, has different rules.

Elena suddenly opened her eye. Her eyes are light blue, and it seems like a small blue galaxy is spinning constantly in her eyes; her hair is a slightly darker shade of blue and hangs like the most beautiful silk down her back. Wearing her white gown, the color of her blue skin shines with the most beautiful blue.

She frowns as she notices an aggressive movement from her belly, "Husband" she shouts.

Immediately, a man seven feet tall with a domineering aura, wearing a gold and purple outfit, suddenly appeared. His yellow skin glows nicely with the outfit, as his black hair and black eyes create a beautiful contrast with the rest of his being. This is Cypher Magnus, one of the most powerful beings in this universe.

"The baby's being a little aggressive today," says Elena as she smiles at Cypher.

"Ohh, let me see, let me see"

Cypher runs towards Elena, like a weak mortal with excitement. As he touches her stomach, he feels the baby kicking and moving.

"HAHAHA That's how a son of the Magnus family should be, strong and aggressive"

"Who says it's a son, we could be having a beautiful daughter"

"Moving around like this it has to be a son"

"Mhmm we'll see in a year who's right," Elena said looking annoyed at her husband.

Cypher ignores her look and kisses her.

"We'll see"

Cypher disappeared, as he appeared in a throne room and sat on a golden throne with beautiful purple carvings.

"Gather," he says and the sound waves flew out of the palace to the whole planet but only a select few heard it and instantly appear and sat down in smaller thrones in front of Cypher, each super powerful beings that controls the universe.

"My child will be born in one year, prepare the planet so we can hold a big welcome ceremony"

chatter instantly started in the throne room.

"It's already time"

"Finally a young master"

"Might be a young mistress"

"It's about to be nine years so soon"

"Quiet," said Cypher "This year I'll be with my wife, handle anything that happens in my absence thoughtfully"

He disappeared

Universal Epoch: the lifespan limit of any universe, 1.269 trillion years.


1 solar year = 100,000 years

1 cosmic year = 10,000 solar year

1 Universal epoch(U.Epoch) = 1,269 cosmic years

There exists a higher level measure of time, some were mentioned in the previous chapter, but I will keep every on a universal level for now and explain more as mc grows stronger.

TheDarkTruthcreators' thoughts
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