
Cap. 1: The Last Hope

In a very dark corridor, lit only by some blue candles hanging on a brick wall, a tall man with white hair, and skin tone as light as snow, with a profile of a 25-year-old man, and a woman with purple, straight, long hair, both wearing a brown cloak, with a hood covering their faces, in the man's arms there was a baby, who also has purple hair, covered with a light yellow cloth, and in a very deep sleep.

The couple seems very agitated and in a hurry, as if they were being pursued, or didn't want anyone to know where they were or what they were doing.

"Zakugin, I didn't want to have to do this, are you sure that Gosori, our dear son, is really necessary for this task?" Says the woman.

"Gosori is not just necessary, he is essential, he is our last hope, you know that very well." Says Zakugin with a nervous smile on his face.

Both stop running, as they have reached the end of the corridor, which was a bridge to absolute emptiness, where only small shining points could be seen, which looked like stars.

Zakugin, who was holding him in his lap, begins to say his last words to his dear son. "Son, we don't know when we will see each other again, or if we will, we will send you to a safe place with the kindest person I know. He will prepare you to live your life, which we know will not be easy. I... I'm sorry I can't see you grow up, you won't even remember me, but I will always love you."

"Be positive, of course, we will see each other again, at a good time that he will create himself." Says the woman, shedding a tear.

After saying this, she kisses the baby's forehead, takes him from Zakugin's arms and creates a kind of light circle, surrounding him. Still, he wouldn't wake up for anything.

The couple embraces and says goodbye to their son, throwing the light circle where Gosori was, into absolute emptiness. He was sucked away so quickly that in seconds it was no longer possible to see him.

============= Ten years have passed since this event. =============

In the dimension called Paradise, where there are various floating islands in an infinite sky, each containing different things, buildings, temples, training areas, lakes where the water drips down, falling into the vast blue-green sky, forests where some peculiar animals lived, including flying cows, plantation areas, etc.

In one of these islands, there was a young angel, 10 years old, his wings were still small, medium and purple hair, bright yellow eyes, a black long-sleeved shirt under a light yellow one with blue details, on it there was a symbol of 2 downward triangles and one above them, a brown rope tied around the waist, and black leather boots with blue details, Gosori was in a simple, all white cottage, with a large red rug on the floor, a sword on the wall, and shelves filled with books. His grandfather of consideration, was about to tell a story for the hundredth time.

Gosori: Grandpa please tell that story again!!

An apparently very old man, with long white hair, a big beard, completely white eyes, wearing a brown mantle, holding a staff, says:

A long time ago, the universe was ruled by 7 Guardians, who lived in peace and harmony, helping each other, however the knowledge of the eternal source souls spread and the thirst for power corrupted them, each of them stole a different soul to increase their powers and reach the peak of their abilities. Because of this, the Universe became destabilized and the direct connection with the dimensions was broken. Making the souls of the dead have nowhere to go, and disappear. Since then each Guardian governs a different dimension following their respective goal.

Legend has it that one day the light will fall upon the Guardians destroying all the remaining chaos, and recreating a new world.

Gosori shows happiness for the story.

"I don't remember a moment in my life when I wasn't training and exceeding myself every day to become stronger and ready to face the Guardians. Karomi made me go through all possible training, without taking it easy, both physical and mental. In my whole life, the only living beings I've seen in person were him, Kinox, these flying animals that live here, and just. Karomi said that only when I turn 15 will I go to the next dimension, I'm eager for that, it's already boring being here."

=========== Four more years passed. ===========

Four years have passed and Gosori's wings were much larger, his clothes were identical, but had adapted to his current size, and just from his gaze, anyone would notice the huge leap in power he had taken, he had a huge smile on his face, unable to contain his excitement, because the long-awaited moment had come early.

Karomi: The time has come, you will have to go now. Remember all your training, defeating each of the Guardians and collecting their souls will not be an easy task. Hide your wings, it will make you use only 5% of your total power, you know very well the consequences if you use them, so only use them in case of life or death.

Seek out a Kiboru base, no one can discover who you really are. Take the Sacred Sword with you, it will help you a lot on your journey.

When you cross this portal, things will not be easy, there are many cruel beings that will try to destroy you, kill you, affect you in some way, always focus on your goal, never give up, the universe is corrupted by evil, prove that your soul is stronger than all of this and win your mission! I will be cheering for you from up here...

Gosori: Thank you for everything, grandpa, I'm ready to face any challenge now, I'll come back with a huge smile and with my task completed, until the day we meet again!

He is so strong now... I did my best, maybe he can really save the universe. - Says Karomi with a tone of pride.

A portal to another dimension in the form of a circle appears in the air.

Gosori stands still for a moment looking at it, holding back his emotions, and runs with all his might into it.

--============= NENRA DIMENSION =============--

The portal opens in the dark blue sky, covered by clouds, and a bright full moon. Seconds after Gosori passes through, the portal closes forever. He was 11 thousand meters away from the ground, so while he was falling, he could only see clouds, which he was already used to seeing.

Gosori falls on the peak of a huge mountain, where he could see for kilometers away, a forest with very tall trees, a giant sea, where the end was not visible, a large volcano emitting smoke from inside, and due to Gosori's good vision, he managed to see a castle protected by walls with a river around it, it was as if everything in heaven was small, based on what he was seeing at the moment, and everything his master told him about this dimension.

Gosori: Wow, so this is the Nenra Dimension, it's much more beautiful than I expected... the little voice told me to look for some Kiboru base, I hope I don't take too long to find it.

The young angel, now without wings, with only 5% of his potential, begins to walk in search of his goal, feeling how weak his body is at the moment due to having to hide his true form, thinks - Over time I should get used to it, I'll imagine it as a kind of training, even though things are serious now.

As Gosori walked through the forest, which he had seen from the top of the mountain, he felt a strong wind pass through his body, heard the sound of branches moving, and felt several presences approaching him with a bad intention. So he leans on his Sacred Sword, which was stored in a scabbard on his back, ready to draw it and attack whoever threatened him.

There were over 100 monsters, goblins, giant bats, flying goblins, red wolves, goblins riding on wolves, generally small but hungry and light creatures.


Suddenly, someone appeared in the blink of an eye and killed 99% of the creatures that were about to attack Gosori, leaving only one of them to escape.

A samurai appeared, apparently almost 2 meters tall, who was giant compared to Gosori, with his 1.57cm, dressed in a gray overcoat, a torn greenish scarf around his neck, wide gray pants, with a peculiar belt, there were compartments, kind of bags, at his waist a katana scabbard, well long by the way. And with his right arm bandaged. Enraged, he speaks out loud - F0ck! I missed one... forget it.

-"What you looking at kid, did you lose something on my face?" - the man says, staring at the young man as if he was going to kill him at any response that didn't please him. And finding it strange, because he felt a very strong aura coming from the forest, so he came running, but was disappointed to kill monsters that were so weak.

-"How could you let one escape?" - Gosori says with his hand on his chin, and almost with his whole neck bent looking up into the man's eyes.

-Hmm? Is that how you thank me for saving you? If I were you, I'd leave this place now, it's a dangerous forest only recommended for Rank B Kiboru.

Gosori: You said Kiboru??? Tell me where the nearest base of theirs is please!!

-By your luck, I'm going there to take some now, but... who are you? What do you want to do there? Are you one of us by any chance?

Gosori had the answer on the tip of his tongue, as Karomi had taught him everything to answer questions like this.

Gosori: I came from one of the southern colonies, my master said I was ready to become a Kiboru and sent me on a mission to find a base to get a job. By the way, my name is Gosori, and yours?

-Ok, makes sense, now that I noticed the symbol of the Kiboru on your clothes, I've never been to the South, I only know that things are tough down there, to have come out of there alive and without any scars, you must be strong, even being a kid. By the way, my name is Shinro, and today is your lucky day, I am part of the Denserus, I am one of the seven Kiborus Rank S, number six to be more exact, but soon I will be number one, trust me." Shinro said, pointing his thumb at himself with a smile on his face.

Gosori thinks, "What could be in the South? The voice didn't tell me much about this world, after all, there are things he doesn't know" But he responds - "Nice to meet you, I really got lucky, so... can we go to the base?"

"What could this kid be? He was about to draw his sword and face all those monsters alone, without hesitation, that made me very curious, that's why I'm taking him to the base, he may be of great help in the future." Shinro thinks.

"Okay, since you're in such a hurry, let's go running, I'm drooling thinking about that delicious penguin." Shinro said, almost drooling.

After saying that, Shinro ran towards the base, gradually increasing speed to test if the young man could keep up, Gosori followed him calmly, without even realizing that he was going faster and faster.

In just under forty minutes they arrived, besides being fast, the base wasn't far from the forest they were in.

"Alright, we're here!" Shinro suddenly stopped and said. "The boy ran for forty minutes and isn't even a little winded... what kind of training do they do in the South?"

Gosori almost skidded to a stop because where Shinro had stopped, there was absolutely nothing, just a large open field. "Okay, but where's the base?"

Shinro extends his hand and says loudly, "Jobles, it's me! Open this damn base, there's a new member with me!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, my name is Bobles?" A voice from beyond shouted furiously.

Then a golden door appeared, Shinro opens it, and there it is, the Kiboru base, they both enter, and Gosori is left speechless at how beautiful it is inside.

As soon as they entered, it was impossible not to notice the seven frames hanging on the wall, one next to the other horizontally, they were the Denserus, known to be the strongest Kiboru and the most expensive to hire, in order of each one's numbering.

Many tables and chairs scattered throughout the place, there were some people sitting at them, among them, a girl with disheveled red hair, with a sad face, that stood out in Gosori's vision, who had never seen a woman before.

A huge board on the wall, where two beings were observing the papers stuck on it, were missions, wanted posters, and more.

Several closed doors scattered throughout the base, and a long corridor.

A billiards area, where a group was playing, a bar with stools around it, and many drinks, a conversation area with several armchairs that were extremely comfortable, there was a red skinned man in them, who seemed to be much larger than Shinro, full of scars scattered across his body, along with a small boy with pointed ears and green-water hair.

As they entered, most of the beings in the area start staring at them.

"Wow, you're pretty popular around here, everyone is staring at you." Gosori says.

Would be strange if they didn't look at me, after all I am extremely cool, number six, and future number one, but I believe it wasn't just for me that their eyes were stuck, they must be just curious about you, after all it's not every day that a newcomer in plebeian clothes and a sword that appears to be quite expensive shows up here.

Gosori becomes a little worried about this, as he doesn't want to draw too much attention.

Shinro goes straight to the bar benches, Gosori follows and does the same.

The owner of the bar, and the base, is called Bobles, and he already serves Shinro with a small glass, putting the strongest drink in it.

This is what Daddy likes, nothing better than this after a long day of work, order whatever you want here, boy, this time I'll pay, to celebrate your accomplishment of being the newest member of the Kiboru. - Shinro says while the bartender serves him.

Hmmmm, I want that orange drink over there - Gosori says, pointing.

I'll give you that drink, but without alcohol for you my boy, an orange juice - the bartender says, already serving him.

Boy, this is a question I usually ask new members of our base, why did you decide to join us? - Shinro asks Gosori.

To help people... and a little bit for the money too. - It was something that the young angel's master advised him to say if they made such questions, but Gosori doesn't care about money, after all, there was nothing like that in paradise.

Shinro laughs and slaps the boy's back lightly, saying that these were the exact same reasons he joined the Kiboru, as cliché as it may be.

I like you, since my team is in another base far away, I'll do a couple of missions with you, just to give you a bit of an idea of how we work. Even though Gosori already knew how absolutely everything worked, he went along with it, after all, it was necessary to gather as much information as possible to find out Sumax's whereabouts, the Guardian of the dimension.

What are the standout missions of the day? Preferably one that is nearby! - Shinro asks the bartender.

Well, I believe the most interesting one for you would be this, it's from a boy from the Mokura village, he says the reward is only said at the time, and he also doesn't say anything about what the task will be, just to meet him. - Bobles says, showing the mission details with a kind of device that projects a blue hologram, with the image of a young man with big hair, covering one eye, dressed in a hoodie.

It's been a long time since I've gone on a surprise mission, but they're always extremely easy, most people do it because they're embarrassed to say the task, it's so stupid. - Shinro says, already getting up from the bench, ready to start the mission.

Let's go Gosori, it's time to start this new incredible phase of your life, become a Kiboru!

To be continued...

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