
Chapter 13. Limitless 11

Zelcherz pov 8 am may 3, 2013

"oy! Alex get up" a voice call me the the person approached me to shake my shoulder then I embraced her.

"kyaaa Alex stop it, this will be that last day that you will see us in a long time, so we wanted to make you a party so get up and prepared" she was making so much sense I let her go and get up the bed.

"Sorry Scarlett I didn't sleep much yesterday" I said

"yeah I know I was there when you were taking Taylor and the other girls and me" Scarlett told me snorting.

Ten years have passed after my entry to the Limitless world and many things change since the victoria secret fashion show of 2003 the first one been how I introduce and alternative to cheap food the caloric bar that I synthesize with the help of a machine that could be described as magical after all it decomposed the unprocessed food in the different nutrients it has, then depending the config synthesize a bar with the nutrients decomposed those nutrients after making the machine cost, the energy consume and the food cost after many trials and error encountered I reduced the cost to less than a dollar to make and after that I put the bar on sale at 2-3 dollars depending where you bought it.

At first the United States wanted to make it so that the bars where put as military secret after all cheap food that can give all the nutrients need a person and that doesn't use to much space and the shelf time was more that 5 years in normal conditions without opening the packing and more if they are refrigerated.

May it very tempting to the military but after some of the worse secrets of the government were revealed and many heads rolled they stopped sure they put many tax on my products but I counter it by raising the prices and making the finances public for that part of my business as the majority of the profits went the many organizations that my girls founded to help the people around the world those taxes became the end to some politically.

Over the time I began a Revolution in the entertainment industry by introducing several movies, song, novel, games,etc that didn't appear in this world. I made a place to relax when I'm not in ditra and some place for my women to be if they're not fit to be a ditraver after all I could enter once a month without paying, for a year or less and the time here won't advance unless I decided to enter enter at that time(I after leaving the world is put in stasis but if I decided to enter 2 months later to months would have passed).

I made this world my personal state after all this world won't reset for myself unless I give my rewards so why should I.

Tomorrow I would leave and the girls decide to throw a party after all they knew about ditra I told after all I have been honest with them if this was before completing the mission I would have hesitate but without that I decide to be more honest after all they were alive they weren't some npc that you encounter on videogames, so I told them my real name and about ditra space at first they didn't believe me but after seen me use the dimesional ring they began that their live was a lie but I denied with certainty I told if they feel that they felt they were real that's the true and after some of them became pregnant with my children that solidify that idea. after all how could I get them pregnant if they weren't real.

That's also the reason they accepted to wait in this world after all if I took someone out ditra would consider it a new ditraver, and I couldn't do that to my children and the girls didn't want to leave some of their sister.


8pm my room

The party was good the children play while the girls try to spend time with me after all they new that for me the time between seen them again would be at least one month. Now I was in bed with Alessandra and Gisele the first women I told everything.

"So how long will take you to take us out" Gisele ask

"If I am correct ditra space after a mission doesn't monitor the worlds ditravers choose so if I can clear a world that could help in cultivation or other kind of power boost then I only needed to obtain a item that could bypass ditra space and take you to that world that way I could advance sometime and ready the kids and you to enter ditra space so I would need at least three worlds if I hurry" I told her

"Don't do that, try to establish a solid ground even if you have to take more time don't worry we understand that it'll take time; so Alex the girls,Gisele and me talked and agree that if you encounter someone that could help you advance your goal you can take them out before us" Alessandra said

"I truly blessed to have you" I said to them

"Well I think that I won't wait to tomorrow after all I already say goodbye to the others" I said

"Sure but be careful""Take care dear" Gisele and Alessandra said

"see you later"after that I will to get out of limitless.


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