
All for That?

Magnus waited for Trista beside the school's gate. They met up and went directly to Trista's place which wasn't very far from the street where Magnus was living. On the way, it was obviously awkward. No one has said anything ever since meeting up at the school's gate.

With the silence bugging him, Magnus decided to speak to her first. "Hey, the thing that happened yesterday... who was that guy? I know he's not just a friend of yours." Magnus cautiously asked Trista, hoping that the question wouldn't make her angry.

"There's a reason behind this, you'll know when we get home," Trista said in reply to Magnus.

The two arrived at Trista's home, and she invited Maginus in. "My parents won't be back before tomorrow. We can talk here, come in."

Magnus went inside, but as soon as he stepped in, a strange stench suddenly filled his nose.

"It's been years since I last went here, didn't I? How nostalgic... but what's that smell though? It smells like a dead rat in here, but worse. It definitely ruins the mood—if we had one," Magnus said to himself as he looked around.

Trista saw that Magnus was curiously looking around and seemed that he was looking for something. "Please ignore the smell, we still haven't taken out the trash," Trista laughed as she said intending for Magnus ease his thoughts.

"So that's where the smell was coming from, I won't mind it then!" Magnus thoughtlessly replied. He was just happy to be back in this place that was full of memories, and he didn't want to think much.

After entering the house, the two went to Trista's room.

'I really am back inside her room, and this place is just like how I remember. It hasn't changed much. Still simple yet beautiful—just like her.' Magnus thought while looking elated.

'But this isn't what's important, I came here for a reason and it needs an answer now!'

Magnus was finally done reminiscing as he asked what he needed to know. "Now that we're here, you have to tell me what happened yesterday. Please tell me who that old man was, he's definitely not your friend, is he?... Please tell me that you didn't do the thing I'm thinking."

"You keep asking who is this and did you do this. Don't you want to know the reason why I did a thing like that? You're right, that person isn't my friend and yes, we've done the deed, but I don't possess any feelings for him if that's what you wanted to know." Trista explained to Magnus.

Devastated after hearing Tris say those words, he had several things that going on his mind. 'I can't believe that these words are coming straight from her mouth.'

Marcus hasn't imagined that things like this would happen. Yet here they were. Magnus thought to himself before he finally replied. "What made you do it then? If you had financial issues you could've told me, you know I care for you a lot, right?"

"The reason? I did it for you obviously..." Trista calmly replied.

"Huh?? For me? What do you mean?" Magnus looked very bemused.

"Yes, it was all for you. I knew what you felt about me... and I felt the same way. I knew that if I didn't have money, I would be a burden after seeing your current situation, and I didn't want to trouble you." Trista dejectedly told Magnus.

"What?! All because of that? Oh lord, please no..." Magnus was vexed by the sudden revelation. It was obvious that Trista was spouting nonsense at this point, but Magnus was in an entirely different state of mind. He knew of this, yet he decided to be a fool.

"Please don't take it lightly, Magnus. I did it all just so I won't be a burden to you. Don't leave me please, I love you..." Tears filled Trista's eyes, and it slowly dripped onto her face.

"I didn't mean it like that, Don't cry please." Magnus couldn't bear to see Tris cry because it hurted him very much. He was moved by her words and the sudden tears that shed from her eyes, which used to be filled with cheerfulness before—made his heart ache.

He just wanted to console and relieve Tris of her pain and suffering. As he was thinking of this, Magnus couldn't hold himself back anymore and he suddenly placed his hand on the back of Trista's neck. Magnus caressed her hair and assured Tris that she did nothing wrong and that everything is going to be alright.

Just like that and Tris was forgiven. All the things she did were just like a bad dream that never happened. It was also at that time that Trista looked straight into his eyes and things got a bit much intimate

Magnus was taken aback by this, clearly he didn't expect that the situation would escalate to where he was now and unfortunately... he hadn't brought any protection with him neither did Tris, but he didn't want to spoil the chance so Magnus just let it happen.

It was late into midnight and only then their actions came to a stop. After the long process of copulation, Magnus became extremely tired, but he felt like he was on cloud nine.

It's been a long time since he felt this happy and satisfied and so he told Tris, "At least I won't die a virgin now will I?" Magnus looked at Tris affectionately and laughed as he closed his eyes to sleep.

Before he could fully lose consciousness, a sinister voice suddenly whispered it was silent, but it echoed through Magnus' ears, it seemed that she was saying something.

"That's right and so your pitiful life should end here now," It said.

Because of this Magnus opened his eyes sluggishly, but the only thing he could see was a glint of light coming from a dagger that was rushing down to his neck. He couldn't do anything and before Magnus knew it, the knife was already plunged deep into his neck and he was losing too much blood. He tried to stop the blood from gushing out, but he was already too weak to do so.

"That's three" The voice said in a low and solemn tone.

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