
Dimensional Groupchat Cafe Owner

Aiko Yamato is a pretty well off 16-year-old cafe owner with rich parents, who happened to be reincarnated with memories of her past life. She currently studies at Shuchi’in Academy whilst watching the battle of love between Shirogane and Kaguya, when suddenly, she gets an invitation to a Dimensional Groupchat! Note: I don’t own anything, I’m a noob writer, basically: don’t any have expectations.

Susu56 · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Groupchat’s First Meeting!

When I woke up the following morning, a notification popped up from the Dimensional Group Chat app's system. There were also 99+ missed messages.

After breakfast, I headed to my cafe to open it up. On the way, I checked the app to see a quest!

[Quest: Meet up with each other]

[Requirement: All members must participate]

[Quest Detail: All members of the group chat need to meet each other in one of the member's worlds. There will be no fees and time limit for travel. Time will freeze in your world when you enter a different world. Press confirm before selecting a world to travel to.]


{[Admin] Aiko Yamato is online}

{Kobayashi: Yamato-san, is your place suitable for us to meet up? Glenn-san, Luffy-san and Blank-san(s) said they didn't care about where we met up, so they've already clicked confirm.}

{[Admin] Aiko Yamato: I own a cafe; the cafe is a nice place to meet up. How about it?}

{Kobayashi: Sounds good.}

{Kakashi Hatake: Sure.}

{Rimuru Tempest: Alright!}


I clicked on [Confirm], and a bright light blinded me immediately afterwards. Luckily, I was in the storage room of the cafe, so nobody noticed the light. After the light faded, I saw everyone in front of me.

"This… is real?" Kobayashi asked, looking at her hands. Kakashi immediately drew out his Kunai in a defensive position. Rimuru, in his human form, was deep in thought whilst looking around.

Glenn and Luffy looked around the room curiously, whilst Shiro and Sora were on the ground, hugging each other.

Noticing no threats, Kakashi temporarily withdrew his Kunai and looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Are you Yamato-san?" Rimuru asked, looking closely at me. I nodded at his question and replied, "Rimuru Tempest?"

Rimuru nodded back at me. We began to introduce each other whilst remaining a little bit cautious. Kakashi was the most on-guard, whilst Kobayashi and Luffy was the most chill.

Everyone adapted to the situation quickly and began asking a lot of questions, which overwhelmed me. When in bad social situations, I activate my secret skill: ignoring everything and stare into blank space!

"Um, hello? Yamato-san?" A hand tapped me on the shoulder, snapping me out of my daze. I looked back to see Sora and Shiro inspecting my work uniform.

"I see, I see... a very nice waitress uniform indeed. She also has the Ojou-sama vibes. Do you think so too, dear sister?" Sora said whilst analysing me. Shiro stared at me for a second before pulling up my skirt to reveal white panties. "Nice." Both Sora and Shiro muttered.

I continued to stare into blank space, not knowing what the hell I should do. I quickly snapped out of my trance when the bell on the door ringed. I zoomed out of the storage room to serve the customer that just came in, acting as if my panties weren't seen by anyone at all.

Whilst I was serving the customer, everyone left the storage room and sat themselves down at a table. The atmosphere was quite awkward since nobody really knew how to start a conversation.

After a few minutes, the mood gradually warmed up, with Luffy starting a full-blown essay about pirates and pirate kings. I also joined them when I wasn't serving customers. A lot of customers were surprised to see me talk for the first time. The excitement of interacting with my favourite characters was greater than my social awkwardness.

In my current world, there were no mangas or light novels about the group chat members, so I didn't have proof to say that they were fictional characters. I couldn't tell them about their futures for now, or else they would send me to a psychiatric ward.

From what I have gathered, Rimuru has just founded the Goblin village and established a friendship with the wolves, so Dwargon should be next. Glenn started being a teacher today, so the time is the start of the show. Nami has just joined Luffy's Strawhat crew, so they were still in the East Blues. Kobayashi has yet to meet Kanna, so it was still early in the show. Sora and Shiro have already arrived in the game world due to Tet, and they just met Stephanie, so they weren't rulers yet. Kakashi has yet to meet Naruto and team-7, so Naruto is still in the academy.

We chatted with each other until I eventually closed the cafe, and waved goodbye to everyone. There was a massive improvement in the relationship between everyone, especially Kakashi, who went all out after he verified that we were all not hostile and the legitimacy of the group chat.

I swept up the cafe after everyone left. Once I finished, I followed Sebas into a car to return home. On the way back, Sebas asked me a question.

"I'm sorry for asking this rude question, Ojou-sama, but who were those people you were talking to today?"

I just told him that they were friends I met online before everything returned back to silence. I chatted a little bit on the group chat on the way back home.


3rd POV

"She actually spoke with strangers?!"

A middle-aged man shouted, full of shock. The woman next to the man was also in shock, with her mouth wide open. Not a second later, a young man busted into the room, also with a shocked expression.

"Father, did I just hear you correctly?" The young man asked. The middle-aged man nodded at the young man whilst the woman covered her mouth with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"To think she has evolved so far…" The woman shook her head whilst sobbing.

The middle-aged man immediately ordered a background check on everyone his daughter spoke with. The young man also wrote down a note of every male his sister interacted with.

"I can finally be an uncle…" The young man muttered with watering eyes.

The middle-aged man, on the other hand, had a much different reaction compared to everyone else.

"I need to find out if they are worthy! If any one of them try to court my daughter, they must defeat me along with 50 members of my gang first!"

The middle-aged man shouted at the top of his lung, grabbing a nearby decorative sword and swinging it at the wall. The butler sighed at the scene before pulling out his phone for another repair for the walls.