
Chapter 62: Konohagakure Notice

~Third POV~

Konohagakure is the hidden village of the Land of Fire.

As the village of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, Konohagakure has a Kage as its leader known as the Hokage, of which there have been seven in its history. Konoha resides deep within a forest at the base of a mountain known as the Hokage Rock, which has the faces of all those who have taken the office of Hokage engraved on it.

It is surrounded by enormous walls. While generally seen as the most powerful of the ninja villages, Konoha has enjoyed many years of relative peace and stability.

The standard attire for Konoha shinobi consists of blue or black shirts which may or may not have swirl patterns on the shoulders, along with matching-colored pants under a green flak jacket which also has a red swirl on the back, and pockets on the chest area.

They also tend to wrap bandages around their legs. Many Konohagakure ninja uses Fire Release techniques.

Within the village, there are many powerful and well-respected clans. Of these, four clans are regarded as noble clans. These are the: Aburame, Akimichi, Hyūga, and former Uchiha clans — the latter of which was regarded as the most powerful clan in the village.

The Hyūga Clan is one of the four noble clans of Konohagakure, as well as the strongest in the village. All members born into this clan possess the Byakugan, a kekkei Genkai that gives them extended fields of vision and the ability to see through solid objects and even the chakra circulatory system, amongst other things.

Members of this clan also possess an innate ability that allows them to expel chakra from any of the tenketsu in their bodies.

The clan is separated into two parts: the main house and the branch house, a system that protects the secrets of the Byakugan from outsiders. The main house runs the family while the branch house protects it.

The members of the branch house are branded with a cursed seal upon the third birthday of the heir to the main house.

This seal gives the main house members absolute control over the branch members because they can destroy the branch members' brain cells with a simple hand seal or cause them great pain to punish them.

Currently, inside the Hyuga Clan, Main Branch office room was the leader of the clan Hiashi Hyuga standing in front him his daughter Hinata. And Hinata's younger sister Hanabi Hyuga the current heir standing beside her father keeping a neutral expression.

When Hiashi began to speak to his daughter in a calm tone he asked with clear confusion in his voice as he spoke, "Ah… Tell once again Hinata you want me to ask the Hokage to give you knowledge of the forbidden Jutsu of the [Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu] and our advanced form of [Gentle Fist]? The reason for this to become even more powerful do I have this correct Hinata Hyuga?"

Hinata stood there unnerved by her father's words as she nodded her head being respectful with a bow as she began to speak, "Yes father. I wish to finally grow up after I decline so foolishly following a boy that won't ever accept my love, I will admit in my weakness I was depressed."

Taking a sip of his tea he began to question his daughter with some mild curiosity of the difficulty of the request as he wants to know what the change to her daughter was, "Hmm… I can see what I can ask the Hokage but I would like to know what's with the sudden change? From over the Hidden Leaf Village rumors about you Hinata Hyuga they say you have changed I wish to know exactly why? Speak my daughter."

What he said was true ever since the rumors of her being depressed the kunoichi weren't exactly a big fan of Naruto for being a dick to Hinata's rejection.

Since then, he got the stink eye from the female community but got over it but when they heard the change in Hinata for the past few weeks they were very surprised by her attitude.

Bolder and less shy around people anymore.

Whatever happened in those few days seems to have changed her look on life something very questioning from her mood changed. Even her teammates found her new attitude was surprising but are very supportive of her.

Then it was when Hinata suddenly used an unknown before fighting style she called the new Taijutsu [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist] one day after she got over it and how impressive it was to her own [Gentle Fist].

However, Hiashi wasn't at all dissatisfied with the change he welcome it seeing Hinata become better after the rejection from her crush Naruto.

But everyone that knew Hinata when she was 12 years old was shy and nervous around people even scared of her dad but now things were different. Whatever happened after the rejection seems to be made Hinata more determined.

That was when her younger sister Hanabi asked in a polite and respectful tone, "I agree onee-chan. Why do you seek to gain strength further?"

At that Hinata calmly responds in a sisterly tone of voice to Hanabi as she replied to them with the truth to them being blunt, "You want the truth? Simply because I'm weak and pathetic. Since I lost my reason to continue being a shinobi because of chasing a pipe dream known as Naruto I lost my path. With some soul searching and reflecting I have begun to think I should follow my path, not a stalker but as my person…."

Closing her eyes and being reminded of a familiar figure of a certain boy in her mind along with the pressure he produces she begins to open her eyes to them as she shocks them for what she says next with confidence in her voice, "For that, I need strength to walk this path and possibly become the first Hokage level for our Clan because I never want to be kidnaped ever again and to those that do… they WOULDN'T like it when I catch them. I never want to be weak EVER again."

Now that got their attention because of the boldness of her words and gull of confidence in the words and tone she used.

Sure, the Hyuga Clan might have the potential to birth a Hokage level ninja but never have one been before despite being one of the noble clans as Hinata began to entice her father to the idea of starting to have one, "Besides Father how are we supposed to be one of the strongest clans if no one in our whole clans' existence hasn't even been a Hokage Level ninja from the Hyuga Clan? How about we make it a start with me to get stronger father, so we have bite than bark being the strongest clans already."

When she said that to Hiashi he had half a mind to slap his daughter for basically calling them weak shinobi, but he couldn't exactly refute those claims either considering they were the truth as his daughter seems to have gotten bolder with not only her manners but her mouth as well even to him.


Considering the deal that was given and her daughter's new outlook and attitude he glared at her as he released his chakra pressure at her stunning Hanabi as he spoke, "Hinata! You forget your place – "


That was before a fist was already near aimed at his heart seeing how true, bold, and determined her will was as she spoke to father in a childish tone, "Hmph! Father if you would disagree then I wouldn't need to ask and don't forget as shinobi we can always ask other ninjas what they know. After all, collecting I did this out of curiosity if you would or not?"

Now it was Hiashi's turn to be practically stunned as Hinata would even dare to attack aim at his heart as he saw his little girl already at the pinpoint but more so how unfazed his pressure was to her as if it didn't exist to her.

How would her father know that she experienced a stronger pressure to strengthen her will from her time with the group chat with the ability of [Conqueror Haki] making others submit as she withstood from it?

Coming from her father the chakra pressure was practically wasn't much to her compared to Tatsumi [Conqueror Haki] pressure.

Seeing that Hinata was very serious Hiashi relented as he turned off his chakra pressure as he sat down agreeing to Hinata terms, "Sigh… very well Hinata I will see to your goals. Seeing that you changed this much can't help but feel proud of who you become and for the Hyuga Clan."

Hinata smiles at this as she bows her head as she began to speak to him in a respectful tone to her father, "Thank you again Clan Leader and Father for listening and indulging in my idea and path. I hope not to dishonor the Hyuga Clan."

Hanabi was certainly surprised by the whole ordeal as she couldn't see where Hinata aimed to strike and how serious she was as a pleasant smile escaped her face as she thinks, 'Whoa! When did my Onee-chan start to get this… wild with father… best big sister ever!'

With that everything went as Hinata wanted as she continues to further her path to power and freedom she can achieve.

Hinata bows her head as thanks to her father as she thinks to herself seriously about her situation in the Hyuga Clan, 'I have to make sure I make myself into a powerful position in the Hidden Leaf or else I'll just be used as a bargaining chip for a political marriage. I don't want that and the only way is through pure force of power to become stronger to show them I'm not someone that won't simply follow the clans' rules and think twice before they decide for me.'


A/N: Alright after two quests, some talking with members, and finally a new outlook and bolder attempts at life Hinata is finally using her head to get stronger using her family influence to learn some more forbidden techniques like the shadow clone jutsu. She got this idea after talking with Saeko about its training uses and even impressing her little sister in the process and no fear talking to dear old dad after being tasted of Tatsumi [Conqueror Haki].

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