
Dimensional divergence

A extremely horny, hopefully funny,gender bender, improvised fanfic. This fanfic was made to spite a friend of mine and I thought it would be funny to try and plan as little as possible Schedule:1-2 chaps weakly(lately my health is getting worse so maybe less) Horny:yes Funny: hopefully Good: probably

Iampettylmao · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Ch:2cockblock demon

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Corry pov

I'd be happy if I wasn't falling from 50 feet in the air with a group of maniacs "hey Dave what did you get with rewards"said john

"I got a sick ass gun with infinite ammo sadly I used all my rewards for it he said it was quasi silver tho"said Dave

"Wait we could've gotten a gun I just got a shield

That absorbs these things called abilities"pouted John

I hate my life *BOOM* and gravity was the last thing I could think of before I got knocked out

{Hehe papa correy is weak} come here you little shit anyways after I woke up " god-damned you Dave"I screamed

"Raj help" screeched Dave as he ran for his life

"Fuck no Uncle Dave I got my own maniac to deal with please I won't peak at the girls anymore I didn't look at aina anyway"screeched raj running from Leonel

"ITS THE FECKING P-R-I-N-C-I-P-L-E" yelled Leonel

{Mom's a simp} correct actually I said those exact words "how's It feel to watch you nephew to be killed by a full time simp" I will skip to the next day to maintain my dignity but it doesn't feel good to have a simp shove a boulder up you ass {your a pussy}your just like me

"What did you learn"said Leonel very scarily

"It doesn't matter what how good you are at fighting if there is a boulder up your ass and 20 people trying to shove more"I cried

"No it's that I'm not a simp"corrected Leonel

"Where are the rest of the ass demons"

"Their outside"

Skip to out side __________________________________

Past correy pov

My ass hurts why is the simp so fucking spite full

At least he didn't do it in front of the women of the platoon oh yeah they were passed out drunk for the whole zone and apparently there first thought for their rewards was "instant body cleaner" and infinite spitefulness except my beautiful Freya she is my childhood friend from the organization days the only thing that kept me going back on the S,C,U(savant control unit

I fucking hated that prison "wake up you hypocritical simp" said Freya

"Why? You horny?" I asked jokingly

"Not since you shot a woman's tits off and don't pull that I missed bullshit on me now stand your sadistic ass up and introduce yourself to the rest of the fuckers" said Freya in a tone so snarky I had to listen "alright I'm correy orrosta and I'm the world's best fighter and commander and we are cool as long as you aren't royal btw I have a nuke-"


"WELL I used a different nuke I happened to have to nuke a country and broke a few records so I used the rewards to get a nuke, a book about magic and um well some thing I'm not to sure about what but it is creepy and has a lot of cool drawings on it" I say pulling out a book,a cage with a book with a eye that moves to watch us in it,and a nuke obviously they made me put the nuke away

" Can you open the cage" Asked Freya "yeah but I most definitely won't until I have to now fuck off so I can read the safe book" i say walking away I can't wait to read this new book I say flipping open the book



That said if you have no other information that you can access this book is for you chapters 1-19

Are for those with no knowledge in force at all chapter 20-30 beginning and you probably get it

Chapter 1 beginning guidelines for force




Don't do something and not know why

Do your research

Do Make sure you check your body for problems

The way you do that is to absorb force and move it throughout your body this also makes it easier to control force in the future


Montez pov

Shit I gave him the wrong technique that one is to powerful for someone with a mind below the 8th dimension he will simply die wait maybe SHE can help hehehe yeah hell no I'm not gonna give that horny goddess anyway to help THEM again well he did look kinda nice I'll just weaken it a little maybe once he gets a little stronger btw what is he doing


Past correy pov

I was right about the shop (

Currently buyable: Shop points:50,000,000

(System note: 10 5th dimensional beings souls =1 system point

Congratulations on passing your first zone you now get one free body skill

Heavenly body of the world tree :the power of your body is as stable as the roots of the world tree and as strong as it's trunk and as sharp as it's leaves

20x growth rate for all physical abilities

All skills related to your body are 10x stronger

10x all physical stats

Immune to poison and curses 100,000 points )

After 20 minutes of deciding I picked one next is the skills I will buy

Buy zone creation

(Completed would you like to see system recommendations?)

Yes please

(Current points: 119,875

System recommended

Access to system evaluation: highest form of inspection skill currently available 5000 points

Multi shadow clone jutsu (soul version): summons multiple shadow clones that can be adjusted via soul energy 2000 points

System admin: allows communication between system admin and user 3000 points

Life steal: adds life steal to all attacks 500 points

Libido:infinite stamina when having sex and all women gain 500 favor points with you and you can gain strength through having sex free

Domain creation: gain the ability to create domains based off whatever you want DISCOUNT was 25,000 is now 250

Ability index:

Force manipulation(allows the manipulation of all force and things that use force in any way you can only manipulate force in ways not listed below if the force is of the same dimension as you and your affinity is high enough, high stamina cost):

1 strengthening: strengthens the force that the user uses

At low mastery it adds a certain percentage based of mastery

At medium mastery it multiplies it

At max mastery it adds an exponent/power

2 copy: copy the force other people use can not use that force at a higher level than the person they copied it from but they can fuse it into a different force and still maintain the same properties can't copy things you don't have a affinity with

3 fusion: you can fuse forces you have affinities for. Cannot fuse forces to a higher dimensional level than you ,only add attributes, cannot fuse fusions

4 alteration:

allows the changing of certain forces the more you change a force the weaker the individual power of the attributes gets

(5 for savants only ) Creation:allows you to create force of all kinds no limits all previous abilities apply (no limits)


Damn that's op and changes a lot of my plans


Name:Correy orrosta (runic meaning:chosen of war or chosen of death effect:double stats when fighting to the death or in war )

Titles: world killer(destroy a 5th dimensional world

Reward: gain that world's world spirit)(because you gained the world spirit of a zone it's powers are not set in stone so change to meet your power and it's now called a zone spirit)

(author note:because of the nuke I'm going to say that since DD is in the Future there nukes probably evolved for at least a few hundred years compared to the very few years we've had them )

Deaths chosen one (kill over 1 billion people 2 dimensions stronger than you reward: you gain the power of death )

(author note: in 1200-1300 when the crusades we're happening there was 500 million people alive and I believe magic would probably double it and when Leonel was at the Camelot zone they were probably 4th dimensional strength and mc's zone is 3 levels stronger than that so it's simply incomparible not to mention it's meant for tier three 5TH DIMENSIONAL PEOPLE 8 OF THEM and unlike the ranking of zones the system thinks of it as completely different if you do it by your self with others watching verses helping )

black death(Gained by killing 100,000 people 2x damage against humans)

Typhus plague(kill 50 thousand people 1.5x damage against humans)

War criminal:(kill 1k people with every type of weapon including spears,knifes, swords,guns,axes,every part of your body,etc double damage with all weapons)



Hp:20 (peek of normal human {1})

Force:50 (10=Leonel after he gets all of his force nodes)

1=peak of normal human ↓




Charisma (how well you manipulate someone)=100

Defense(reduction of damage)=30


20 free stat points


telekinesis {uses 2 force to move 10 kilos

teleport uses 2 force per meter

All mighty skills: skills don't change depending on dimension

Zone maker: allows the creation of zones

Access to system evaluation: highest form of inspection skill currently available

Multi shadow clone jutsu (force version): summons multiple shadow clones that can be adjusted via force energy

System admin: allows communication between system admin and user

Life steal: adds life steal to all attacks gain health equal to 50% of all damage

Libido:infinite stamina when having sex and all women gain 500 favor points permanently with you and you can gain strength through having sex

Domain creation: gain the ability to create domains based off whatever you want

Zone spirit:gains the ability to have your own personal zone)

Use 15 stat points on intelligence and 5 on hp

(Intelligence: 24


My thinking speed is simply incomparable

It seems my thinking speed is 10x as fast and 20x as deep it's so fast everything else is in slow motion based off my calculations it's about 1/100 the speed and it seems I can artificially speed it up to normal too

For the Hp part it is kind of overwhelming to test it out I used the shape changing weapon I got from montez

(Shape changing weapon


Shape change:just the name

Ability absorb: can absorb the ability of other weapons by breaking them)

After some testing it can turn into all kinds of weapons even a bow and arrow

When you shoot the bow it makes a arrow that you can also control the arrow takes some time to Regen and the previous arrow explodes

Anyways I turn it into a gun and shot my hand

-12 Hp

+6 Hp

6 damage from a gun shot actually it makes sense with my op defense stat system admin what would the damage be with out my defense stat

(360 the way it's calculated is overall damage divided by defense stat in this case 360 divided by 30 equals 12 and the way we calculate the life steal is the same but divided by 2 so 360÷30=12

12÷2=6) so it's damage dealt with defense reduction (correct) is the damage the same for all weapons (no) what are the limits of domain creation and zone creation

(Domain creation can only be used at the cost of certain amounts of force

And zone creation is determined my me based off your skill level so no 1000 dimensional zones with no clear requirements for you)

Damn it

the force guide book said that all being have a ability what is mine

((Ability index:

Force manipulation(allows the manipulation of all force and things that use force in any way you can only manipulate force in ways not listed below if the force is of the same dimension as you and your affinity is high enough.):

1 strengthening: strengthens the force that the user uses

At low mastery it adds a certain percentage based off mastery

At medium mastery it multiplies it

At max mastery it adds an exponent/power currently 50% extra force on all things

2 copy: copy the force other people use can not use that force at a higher level than the person they copied it from but they can fuse it into a different force and still maintain the same properties can't copy things you don't have a affinity with currently:can copy 2 forces

3 fusion: you can fuse forces you have affinities for. Cannot fuse forces to a higher dimensional level than you ,only add attributes, cannot fuse fusions currently:2 forces can be in each fusion

4 alteration:

allows the changing of certain forces the more you change a force the weaker the individual power of the attributes gets currently: can change 1 part of the force

(5 for savants only ) Creation:allows you to create force of all kinds no limits all previous abilities apply (no limits) ))

What is a savant

( People blessed by the regulator to have no limits on there abilities btw the regulator is like the universe admin)

Who is stronger you or them?

(Me by far)

What is the favor ability (it's apart of the the system)

Can you open it?


Relationship tab

System admin:560[inseparable company almost crush]

Freya:1,489 [yandere]

Leonel:550 [respected]

Aina:525[someone she trusts and backup boyfriend]

) Why is my relationship with aina so high

(Your skill libidos effect to permanently gain 500 relationship points even if you were to kill Leonel she wouldn't go below 500 which is why I had you get it it's a ultimate political skill against women and 50% of all of you enemies wouldn't go for the kill instead just ignore you)

That's so op (yeah it's better than you think because aina's relationship points for Leonel is [3k super yandere]

HOT DAMN that's op! What is my relationship with the regulator?

[501their favorite/respected] why is the relationship so high (the regulator is woman otherwise she would hate you) I have a idea is there a gender changing skills (your so smart master


119,875 points. Filter : genderbend skill

Combat pervert:after you beat someone in battle

You can change reality to turn them into a woman it even changes the past points 10,000

) Why is it so damn high

(Extra fuck you points)

you ass [+1 relationship points for talking with the system admin]

(The system betrayed me)

Correction masochistic ass btw can I see a pic of you (sure)

Next thing I saw is a blushing silver haired woman with hair down to her knees in a white crop top which some how covers her e cup breasts with a six pack and hands covered by bandages and red eyes with a body covered in scars with black leggings so tight you can see she has no panties on you can see the lips of her nevermind

As I think her blush gets redder and redder covering more of her body it's almost as if she can read my mind "BECAUSE I CAN!" She says doing a cute little hop making her boo- wait what

"You fucking pervert this is what your brain thought of I have no body"

How much is a skill to give you one

"Um 10k should be good for just a body" she says looking at herself

Use all my points to get you the best body you can with skills and affinities and a ability, oh and have it be able to be changed later.

"You will go into debt"

How much

"10k if you give me a hug none of you give me a kiss" how old are you "well that's I'm 500k"

Your legal so I'd rather do more but a kiss will do as I have never kissed anything but my pillow "shut the fuck up and kiss me" bet I pull her into a kiss by her arm and I won't stop until I can't breathe "there's no need to breathe here dumb ass" she said through my mind then I guess we'll be here forever since we'll be here for a while is there some time difference between here and there "time is stopped here"

Time skip 10,000 years

truly the horny of man knows no bounds

She finally got tired of the kiss we were kissing for so long I gained a skill

(Master of romance: for every kiss you share with someone there relationship permanently goes up ) funny thing is you don't have to end the kiss it just re does the skill if you hold the kiss for more than a hour so I am the proud new owner of

(System admin[995,126,405,062 (true fanatic)]

"Please no more I get it you love me" she said having been wet for 10,000 years honestly it's funny after you kiss woman for long enough they get horny and since the affection points go up it gets easier to get them to the point now every time I breath I get like a billion points

(+10,000,000 you breath made her horny)

Turn off notifications for system admin and make it so her relationship points don't show up

Hey do you have a name "I've always liked the name Yuri" Alright Yuri orrosta welcome to the Family " w-what I'm apart of your family" obviously I wouldn't kiss you for ten thousand years otherwise now can we go or what

" Yeah I can't wait to try out my new body"

Btw can I see your body's status

( Yuri orrosta

Race:true goddess locked pinnacle human


Perfect wife:have the skills of your husband and vise versa

Infinite force: have unlimited force limits can only access as much as your force stat allows

Basically just no force drain

Time stop: you and whoever you want are immune to the effects of time but you can't hurt others

Ability index: support

1.heal how much you can heal is dependent on the severity of the wound and how long you heal them for. Currently: instantly broken bones and over time diseases and poison of the 5th dimension

2. Buff you can buff people by a certain percentage of there total you can buff any thing anyway no limits currently: 50% increase

3.debuff. You can debuff people by a certain percentage of there total you can debuff anything anyway no limits currently: 50% decrease

4.area control: prevent people from going in certain areas no matter there power currently:100 meters

5.skill grant:able to grant certain powers to others)

In my index it says that only savants get the 5th ability (oh I just used 1,000 points to trap the regulator in my body for a 1,000 years and five hundred to stop her from stopping the kiss so yeah

Regulator/frigga (9999[soulmate]

Hey I hear something outside I say to Yuri walking outside "we should just kill them"screamed aina

"No their still people"screamed leonel "they tried to kill us" replied aina

Can you check my relationship with aina

(Aina brazinger[9999999 soulmate] I did the same thing as with the regulator but made her think it was a dream as you are currently under her charm your affection is matching her's and both of yours is permanent)

Wow I think I have a plan to get back at Leonel for shoving a boulder up my ass (I'm already buying them [buying two time time travel and one time long range teleport ]

Time skip to 2 years before aina Meets Leonel

And I'm making it so royal blue is a college

"Hello this is Sergeant Major Of The Marine Corps correy orrosta may I please enter your home" I say knocking on her red wood door

Now you might be saying how do you know where she is well as Sergeant Major I have to know where everyone important lives and a family of 5 start medics is important

"Yeah give me a minute " says aina from behind the door after a minute and a half

She opens the door with lazily put on cargo pants and a bra seems she likes to walk around naked I can take advantage of that I quickly use all my force to teleport into a pond right next to her house and back instantly "excuse me can I come in" I say making sure she can see my 9.5 Inch dick through my pants she says yes looks down and blushes "do you mind if I take off my clothes they're kinda wet " I say

"Yeah sure just put them in the basket I front of the TV"she says tracing my body with hers eyes

She seems oddly fine with this (your Charisma is 100 and her love is maxed so she would listen even if you told her to kill everyone she loves because her 3rd dimensional mind can't handle it it's basically mind control btw she's currently horny as hell so go get her tiger )

Yes ma'am "you can strip too it's fine with me since you let me " she immediately started to get naked "thanks they were so restrictive" as she pulled her pants down a line of her juice connected her pussy and her pants "do need help with anything since you let me in"I said walking over and grabbing her tit "mmHg yeah I need help with my homework but why are you grabbing my tits?"she said moaning and I started fingering her pussy slapped her ass "because I want to should I stop?"I say I just want to make sure my revenge on Leonel doesn't jeopardize her feelings "yes please I need to do work maybe after I study enough to get into royal blue college "she said walking to her bedroom "alright I'll help you with your homework "I say watching her ass shake as she walks up the stairs and opens a door that says {aina's room fuck off} "just get on the bed I'll grab my laptop"

She walked to a desk in the corner of her room and bent over showing off her tight pink pussy

"Ah here it is "she said doing a little butt wiggle out of happiness then she jumped up making he boobs bounce and hit her six pack of abs are all the women so ripped (yes)

"Okay I've always been struggling with this science concept"she said pointing to a part of the screen "ah yes that the answer is that when the gravitational pull of something meets a black hole the black hole"

Time skip

"You know I can just accept you into royal blue considering I own it's parent company and your already smart enough to get in by yourself" I say thanking past me for buying coca cola "thanks that would help a lot now I said that I would continue after I'm done and I'm ready" she said swinging her body onto me sending her laptop crashing into the wall "I'll buy you a better one don't worry " I said kissing her that's her first kiss gone "can you clean up my dick before I fuck you with it" I say messaging her pussy she wordlessly grabbed my Dick and started giving be her first hand job before leaning down kissing my dick and taking the whole thing in her mouth after bobbing her her head on my now erect dick for 20 or so minutes "hey I'm about to cum" she just keeps bobbing her head "aaaah" I let out a satisfied sigh and cum in her mouth hey yori can you buy a skill that makes it so I can control the pleasure she feels( I already did when I bought the time travel ) ramp it up to the max she can take while she's having sex with me and make it so if she has sex with anyone else she will feel absolutely terrible (okay my sadist)

"MMHG"moaned aina moving to get onto my still fully erect dick while swallowing my cum

(+10 to all stats for both you and aina because of the skill libido)

"I feel stronger" said aina trying to fit my dick inside of her

"It's because I'm using a pill developed by every scientist in the world so you can get stronger

It's my thanks for taking my first time " I say spouting as much bullshit as possible slowly thrusting into aina as not to hurt her "thank MMHG you MMHG so much" she said kissing me

Time skip because I'm uncomfortable writing sex scenes for to long don't worry my fellow degenerates there will be more btw I'm doing this to block a comment i saw on one of dimensional descent's comments that they were going to make a fanfic so I cock blocked them and I think I'm going to have a harem of

1.yori I'm changing her name because I just realized that aina's bodyguard Yuri has the same name

2.aina no I don't hate Leonel I actually love his character it's just with Correy's personality he would do it and I'm just writing his character

As I think would be most loyal a total perv

3.yuri she honestly is just over protective and I think I'd be easy to help her be less

4. Gender bent Leonel surprise the he was a she the whole time this is just because I don't want to cock block my man to hard

back to correy pov

I woke up with a beautiful brunette laying on me

"Damn she's hot I think I fell in love "I say to no one "I think I did to" she's awake fuck"I thought you were asleep "I say to her

"Hey I have to leave I'm going to be gone for awhile"I say "why?" She says looking at me with tears in her eyes "I would stay if I could but the slayer legion is currently attacking my hometown I'll come see you again until then I need you to take this pill so you can forget about me and don't worry once you see me again you'll instantly remember goodbye my lovely" I say kissing her forehead and teleport to the roof

Yori can you use 50% of all points I obtain from now on to allow me to control her mind

(Master I know you love her so please don't do this just teleport back ) do it now(I see [buying absolute hypnosis:you can alter the minds of others in any way you see fit if there favorablity is above 550]

Alter aina so she will forget all the sexual parts until she sees me when I come back and make so Leonel's favor points with me is 9,999,999,999,999 I'm sorry for him(correction her)wait what (that he is a she I used the gender bender skill when you first got it and SHE'S bi so as long as you convince her to join your harem your good same with aina's friends just fuck them and your good) what is their favor points at (Yuri [560 close friends] Savannah [580crush] )

why is it so high (your charisma stat for Savannah and because of aina's relationship with you for Yuri) bring me back to the future (okay)